The development of knowledge regarding the characteristics of the proteose peptone fraction of milk: Techno-functional and biological properties. A review
[en] The total proteose-peptone fraction (TPP) is defined as a heat-stable soluble fraction of milk, representing about 10% of the whey protein. TPP is divided into two classes according to its origin. The first class consists of proteolysis fragments of the β-casein from the N-terminal region. These are non-hydrophobic fractions, which are the highly soluble β-CN-5P (f1-105/107); β-CN-4P (f1-28) and β-CN-1P (f29-105/107) respectively called PP5 (14.3 kDa), PP8S (9.9 kDa), and PP8F (4 kDa). The second class includes the hydrophobic fractions of glycoproteins, whose major constituents are a glycoprotein LP28, the highly hydrophobic glycoprotein LP18 and a hydrophobic peptide with apparent Mr, respectively 28 kDa, 18 kDa and 11 kDa. TPP has numerous interesting characteristics such as techno-functional properties (emulsifying and foaming actions) and biological properties (lipolysis inhibition and antimicrobial activities), making TPP usable as a potential functional ingredient for industry. In addition, these functional properties are partly governed by the major components including glycoproteins, such as LP28, due to their hydrophobic nature.
Blecker, Christophe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Chimie et bio-industries > Science des alim. et formul.
Language :
Title :
The development of knowledge regarding the characteristics of the proteose peptone fraction of milk: Techno-functional and biological properties. A review
Alternative titles :
[fr] Évolution des connaissances sur les fonctionnalités de la fraction protéose-peptone du lait: Propriétés techno-fonctionnelles et biologiques (synthèse bibliographique)
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Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement
Publisher :
Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux, Gembloux, Belgium
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