[en] The advantages of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), such as low power requirement, miniaturized sizes and costs reduction, have already made significant impact in many technological fields. MEMS are now widely used as accelerometers, pressure sensors, and
resonators etc. However, the determination of the mechanical properties of MEMS devices with high accuracy is still a challenging task due to their small dimensions and often anisotropic behaviour. This paper focuses on the modelling and simulation of the fracture of a key MEMS component, which is a polycrystalline silicon beam, by discontinuous Galerkin (DG) formulation combined with an extrinsic cohesive law (ECL) to describe the fracture process. As the beam
is modelled by plane-stress 2D elements, an analytical equation to compute the effective fracture strength and the effective critical strain energy release rate in terms of the through-the-thickness fracture mode and of the orientation of the facet with respect to the crystal is also
developed. At the end, a model is simulated, and the results are verified as per the physics of the problem and experiments.
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