Resting state networks and consciousness Alterations of multiple resting state network connectivity in physiological, pharmacological and pathological consciousness states
[en] In order to better understand the functional contribution of resting state activity to conscious cognition, we aimed to review increases and decreases in fMRI functional connectivity under physiological (sleep), pharmacological (anesthesia) and pathological altered states of consciousness, such as brain death, coma, vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, and minimally conscious state. The reviewed RSNs were the DMN, left and right executive control, salience, sensorimotor, auditory and visual networks. We highlight some methodological issues concerning resting state analyses in severely injured brains mainly in terms of hypothesis-driven seed-based correlation analysis and data-driven independent components analysis approaches. Finally, we attempt to contextualize our discussion within theoretical frameworks of conscious processes. We think that this “lesion” approach allows us to better determine the necessary conditions under which normal conscious cognition takes place. At the clinical level, we acknowledge the technical merits of the resting state paradigm. Indeed, fast and easy acquisitions are preferable to activation paradigms in clinical populations. Finally, we emphasize the need to validate the diagnostic and prognostic value of fMRI resting state measurements in non-communicating brain damaged patients.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior Neurology
Author, co-author :
Heine, Lizette ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
Soddu, Andrea ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
KIRSCH, Murielle ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Anesthésie et réanimation
Laureys, Steven ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
Demertzi, Athina ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
Language :
Title :
Resting state networks and consciousness Alterations of multiple resting state network connectivity in physiological, pharmacological and pathological consciousness states
Publication date :
Journal title :
Frontiers in Psychology
Publisher :
Switzerland Frontiers Research Foundation, Pully, Switzerland
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