Leopoldamys neilli; Murine rodent; Microsatellite; Multiplex; Genetic structure; Southeast Asia
Abstract :
[en] Leopoldamys neilli is a threatened murine rodent species endemic to limestone karsts of Thailand. Twelve microsatellite loci were identified using the method of microsatellite-enriched libraries. Polymorphism was assessed in samples (N=62) from four geographically distinct populations in Thailand. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 9 to 15 (average 11.6). Observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.28 to 1.0 and from 0.44 to 0.91, respectively. There was no evidence for linkage disequilibrium, however, four loci showed evidence of departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in one population. Presence of null alleles was not detected in all the 12 loci. These first microsatellites primers developed for L. neilli will provide information on the fine-scale genetic structure of this threatened species and will help in the development of future conservation policies.
Disciplines :
Zoology Genetics & genetic processes
Author, co-author :
Latinne, Alice ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la vie > Génétique
Waengsothorn, Surachit; Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), Bangkok, Thailand
Risterucci, Ange Marie; Cirad, UMR DAP, France
Michaux, Johan ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la vie > Génétique
Language :
Title :
Isolation, characterization and PCR multiplexing of polymorphic microsatellite markers in the threatened murine rodent, Leopoldamys neilli
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