Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Pricing and sharing rules for energy communities - AMORCE project seminar
Balegamire Baraka, Remy; Gautier, Axel
2023AMORCE project seminar
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
La décroissance économique est-elle une utopie ? Une réponse aux défis climatiques ?
Artige, Lionel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The energy community and the grid
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Big Tech Acquisitions and Innovation: An Empirical Assessment
Gautier, Axel
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Inflation : stop ou encore ?
Artige, Lionel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The energy community and the grid
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Net Neutrality and Universal Service Obligations
Gautier, Axel
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Big Tech Acquisitions and Innovation: An Empirical Assessment
Gautier, Axel
2022Association Française d'Economie du Droit (AFED)
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Big Tech Acquisitions and Innovation: An Empirical Assessment.
Gautier, Axel
20229th International Meeting in Law & Economics
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The cost of quality of service improvement in electricity distribution in Burundi: a parametric shadow price approach.
Nsabimana, René; Gautier, Axel; Nsabimana, Salomon et al.
The quality of service (QoS) in the sector is of paramount importance to the industry, to customers and to the regulator. It is measured by the duration and frequency of electricity interruptions and their consequences. QoS is used in the comparison of decision-making units that use the same inputs and outputs. Improving the QoS in the electricity sector cannot be achieved without costs. In this paper, we estimate the cost of preventing losses due to electricity interruption at REGIDESO, a vertically and horizontally integrated company in Burundi.We use a parametric output distance function approach, assuming that the utility's objective is to increase the number of customers and the amount of electricity delivered. Electricity losses enter the production process as inputs, imperfect substitutes for capital, with the causes of electricity outages being related to, for example, low generation capacity. We identify the sources of inefficiency and the trade-off between poor QoS and capital. We use a dataset of 19 districts located in 5 regions under the responsibility of REGIDESO, for the period 2014 to 2017. The estimation of the multi-input and multi-output translog model shows that the cost of preventing one MWh of losses due to power interruption is US$55.37. The marginal cost of quality tends to be higher in Bujumbura than in other regions.
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Platform Duality and Network Externalities
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Individual investments in renewable energy sources and peer-to-peer trading
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Individual investments in renewable energy sources and Peer-to-Peer trading
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Individual investments in renewable energy sources and Peer-to-Peer trading
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Individual investments in renewable energy sources and Peer-to-Peer trading
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Individual investments in renewable energy sources and Peer-to-Peer trading
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Sauver l'économie ou la planète ?
Artige, Lionel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Platform Duality and Network Externalities
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Platform Duality and Network Externalities
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The political economy of financing climate policy - Evidence from the solar PV subsidy programs
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The political economy of financing climate policy - Evidence from the solar PV subsidy programs
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The political economy of financing climate policy: evidence from the solar PV subsidy programs
De Groote, Olivier; Gautier, Axel; Verboven, Frank
2020Climate Change: Economic Impact and Challenges for Central Banks and the Financial System
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Individual investments in renewable energy sources and peer-to-peer trading
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The effect of prices and pricing systems on the quantities of residential waste: Evidence from Wallonia, Belgium
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competition Between Integrated Incumbents and a Platform
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competition Between Integrated Incumbents and a Platform
Gautier, Axel
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
La créativité à l'université, une aptitude clé ?
Artige, Lionel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competition Between Integrated Incumbents and a Platform
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The prosumers, the grid and the energy communities
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Photovoltaic Power installation in Wallonia: Estimating the rebound effect
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent
2019ECINEQ Conference 2019
Editorial reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competition Between Integrated Incumbents and a Platform
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Photovoltaic Power installation in Wallonia: Estimating the rebound effect
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competition Between Integrated Incumbents and a Platform
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Algorithmic Price Discrimination & Tacit Collusion
Gautier, Axel; Ittoo, Ashwin; Petit, Nicolas
2018Workshop on Law and Economics of Big Data and AI
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Local policies to reduce residential waste:Are they effective? Evidence from Wallonia.
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
La fin de l’Internet neutre
Gautier, Axel
Le paysage de l’Internet est en train de se transformer radicalement aux États-Unis. Deux décisions récentes vont modifier en profondeur la manière dont les fournisseurs d’accès à Internet (ci-après FAI, tel que Proximus) et les fournisseurs de contenu (tel que YouTube) interagissent. Le 11 juin, le régulateur américain des télécoms (FCC) a édicté de nouvelles règles concernant la neutralité du net. Alors que l’Open Internet Order de 2015 et abrogé en décembre réaffirmait le principe de neutralité du net et limitait sévèrement les pratiques des FAI, les nouvelles règles parues le 11 juin (ou plutôt l’absence de règles) permettent aux FAI de faire plus ou moins ce qu’ils veulent sous la seule obligation de transparence. La même semaine, la justice américaine validait la fusion entre AT&T (un des plus importants FAI américain) et Time Warner (fournisseur de contenu), alors que continue la bataille entre Disney et le FAI Comcast pour le rachat de la Fox. A travers ces fusions, on assiste à une intégration des FAI et des fournisseurs de contenu. Dans ce focus, je reviens sur les implications de la neutralité du net.
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A multi-agent system approach to model the interaction between distributed generation deployment and the grid
Manuel de Villena Millan, Miguel; Gautier, Axel; Fonteneau, Raphaël et al.
2018In Proc. of CIRED Workshop 2018
This paper introduces a multi-agent dynamical system of the interaction between electricity consumers, the electricity distribution system operator, and the technological (generation, storage) and regulatory (tariff design, incentive schemes) environments. For any type of environment, our dynamical system simulates the evolution of the deployment of distributed electricity generation, as well as the evolution of the cost of distribution. The system relies on the assumption that individual electricity consumers behave statistically as rational agents, who may invest in optimised distributed renewable energy installations, if they are cost-efficient compared to the retail electricity tariff. The deployment of these installations induces a change in the aggregated net consumption and generation of the users of a distribution network. By modelling the cost recovery mechanism of the distribution system operator, the system simulates the evolution of the retail electricity tariff in response to such a change in the aggregated consumption and production.
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality
Artige, Lionel
2018CEPR Growth and Inequality: Long-Term Effects of Short-Term Policies
Editorial reviewed
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Transition énergétique: Repenser le rôle des consommateurs et du réseau
Gautier, Axel
La transition énergétique amène de nouvelles manières de produire, consommer, stocker et échanger l’énergie. Ces nouvelles habitudes modifient fondamentalement le rôle du réseau. Le réseau de distribution est amené à fournir de nouveaux services aux acteurs du marché. La présentation fera le point sur les nouveaux comportements observés dans le cadre de la transition énergétique (auto consommation, production décentralisée, économies d’énergie, etc.) et sur les moyens de les encourager. Elle se poursuivra avec une réflexion sur la tarification des réseaux et la présentation d’un simulateur tarifaire.
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Exploring Regulation Policies in Distribution Networks through a Multi-Agent Simulator
Manuel de Villena Millan, Miguel; Fonteneau, Raphaël; Gautier, Axel et al.
2018In Proceedings of YRS2018
This paper presents a multi-agent simulator that describes the interactions between the agents of a distribution network (DN), and an environment. The agents are the users of the DN and the electricity distribution system operator. The environment is the set of rules (tariff design, technology costs, or incentive schemes) that impacts the agents interactions. For a given environment, we can simulate the evolution of the agents and the environment itself. We assume the electricity consumers are rational agents that may deploy distributed renewable energy installations if they are cost-efficient compared to the retail electricity tariff. The deployment of such installations may alter the cost recovery scheme of the distribution system operator, by inducing a change in the way the user use of the grid. By modelling the cost recovery mechanism of the distribution system operator, the system simulates the evolution of the retail electricity tariff in response to such a change in the aggregated consumption and production.
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Energy transition Integrating renewables into the grid
Gautier, Axel
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Déploiement économique wallon: sommes-nous prêts ?
Artige, Lionel
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Une nouvelle tarification des réseaux pour la transition énergétique
Gautier, Axel
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Deliveroo perd elle les pédales
Gautier, Axel; Neysen, Nicolas
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
PV adoption in Wallonia: The role of distribution tariffs under net metering
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Quels accès à quels actifs pour une libéralisation effective du secteur ferroviaire?
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Local policies to reduce residential waste: Are they effective ? Evidence from Wallonia.
Salem, Iman; Gautier, Axel
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
La neutralité du net est-elle vraiment neutre ?
Gautier, Axel
Le 14 décembre, la Commission fédérale de réglementation des communications (FCC) a voté la fin de la neutralité du net aux États-Unis, malgré les nombreux appels au maintien d’un Internet neutre des pionniers de l’Internet et des entreprises de la sillicon valley. L’« Open Internet Order » de mars 2015 » a vécu et l’organisation de l’Internet risque de changer, peut-être radicalement.
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'économie collaborative
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Prioritization vs zero-rating: Quality and financial discrimination on the net
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Creativity and Innovation
Artige, Lionel
2017ENTRENOVA 2017
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Smallest salable patent practicing unit (SSPPU) and component licensing: Why $1 is not $1?
Gautier, Axel
2017European Association of Law and Economics (EALE)
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Net neutrality: Paid prioritization vs Zero-rating
Gautier, Axel
2017PET 2017, Public Economic Theory Conference
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Hardware vs. software: How to make the energy system smarter?
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Net neutrality: Paid prioritization vs Zero-rating
Gautier, Axel
2017VIII Institutions, Individual Behavior, and Economic Outcomes
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Smallest salable patent practicing unit (SSPPU) and component licensing: Why $1 is not $1?
Gautier, Axel
20174th International meeting in Law & Economics
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Smallest salable patent practicing unit (SSPPU) and component licensing: Why $1 is not $1?
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The prosumers and the grid
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The prosumers and the grid
Gautier, Axel
201715th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Targeted advertising and consumer information
Broos, Sébastien
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les Joint-Ventures – Aspects de droit de la concurrence
Petit, Nicolas; Neyrinck, Norman
2017Les Joint-Ventures
Obligations et formalités imposées par les droits belge et européen ; Mesures correctives spécifiques aux JV ; La frontière entre JV de plein exercice et JV coopérative.
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
SSPPU: Why 1$ is not 1$
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Hardware vs. software platforms: How to make the energy grid smarter?
Gautier, Axel; Jacqmin, Julien
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Cartels in the EU: who appeals and who wins?
Gautier, Axel
2016Association française d'économie du droit
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Défi climatique: l'état et le marché
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Measurement of Innovation: Where Do We Stand?
Artige, Lionel
2016ENTRENOVA 2016
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Merger incentives under yardstick competition: A theoretical model
Teusch, Jonas
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The prosumers and the grid
Gautier, Axel
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Le Brexit et "l'arme nucléaire" de l'UE, l'article 7
Vandenbosch, Sofia; Petit, Nicolas
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Merger incentives under yardstick competition: Theory and evidence from Norway
Teusch, Jonas; Agrell, Per
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent
20162016 Taipei International Conference on Growth, Trade, and Dynamics
Editorial reviewed
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Le secteur de la construction en Belgique
Artige, Lionel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Cartels in the EU: who appeals and who wins?
Gautier, Axel
2016Journées de Microéconomie appliquée
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The Origins of Dominance in EU Competition Law: An Introductory Note
Marcos Ramos, Jorge
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: the Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Google, Google Shopping and Amazon: the importance of competing business models and two-sided intermediaries in defining relevant markets.
Marcos Ramos, Jorge
20162nd Annual BECCLE Competition Policy Conference
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Yardstick competition, unobserved heterogeneity and merger incentives
Teusch, Jonas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Will Big Data Deliver Its Promised Productivity Growth?
Artige, Lionel
2016IAES Conference
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Big Data Regulation in the Platform Economy
Marcos Ramos, Jorge
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Macroeconomics of PAYG Pension Schemes in an Ageing Society
Artige, Lionel
2016BEL-Ageing Meeting
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Une nouvelle tarification des réseaux énergétiques
Gautier, Axel
La transition énergétique est en marche. Nos manières de produire et de consommer de l'énergie sont en train de changer. Un des éléments les plus visible de cette transition est sans doute la production décentralisée d'électricité au moyen de panneaux photovoltaïques. Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Partager sur Google+ Partager sur LinkedIn Envoyer par e-mail 132Fois partagé Axel Gautier Axel Gautier Professeur à l'Université de Liège Opinion 22/02/16 à 10:02 - Mise à jour à 10:08 Une nouvelle tarification des réseaux énergétiques La transition énergétique est en marche. Nos manières de produire et de consommer de l'énergie sont en train de changer. Un des éléments les plus visible de cette transition est sans doute la production décentralisée d'électricité au moyen de panneaux photovoltaïques. Nous pensons que la transition énergétique doit s'accompagner d'une transition tarifaire et que les relations financières entre consommateurs et réseaux doivent être repensées.
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'économie du partage
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Public Education Expenditures, Growth and Income Inequality
Artige, Lionel
2016Economics Seminar
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Targeted advertising and consumer information
Broos, Sébastien
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Targeted advertising and consumer information
Broos, Sébastien
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Targeted advertising and consumer information
Broos, Sébastien
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Targeted advertising and consumer information
Broos, Sébastien
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Targeted advertising and consumer information
Broos, Sébastien
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Cartels in the EU: Who Appeal and Who Wins?
Broos, Sébastien; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The exclusion of competing one-way essential complements: implications for net neutrality
Broos, Sébastien; Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competing Business Models And Two-Sidedness: An Application To The Google Shopping Case
Broos, Sébastien; Marcos Ramos, Jorge
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Competing Business Models And Two-Sidedness: An Application To The Google Shopping Case
Broos, Sébastien; Marcos Ramos, Jorge
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Switching Costs in Two-sided Markets
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
La croissance : stop ou encore ?
Artige, Lionel
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les relations entre universités et entreprises comme vecteurs d'innovation
Artige, Lionel
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Why Facebook is flying up high and Twitter can't fly away
Artige, Lionel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Will Big Data Deliver its Promised Productivity Growth?
Artige, Lionel
2015ENTRENOVA 2015
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competing one-way essential complements: the forgotten side of net neutrality
Gautier, Axel
201542nd EARIE Annual Conference
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Status and Coordination in Organizations
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Public education, PAYG pension and economic growth in an a geing s ociety
Artige, Lionel; Pestieau, Pierre
2015BEL - Ageing Workshop: Labor market, pensions, and debt in Europe: live long, retire late or die poor?
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competing one-way essential complements: the forgotten side of net neutrality
Gautier, Axel
201532ème Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée 2015
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Antitrust and The challenge of policing « moligopolists »
Petit, Nicolas
2015CLEEN Annual Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Pensions, education and growth with declining fertility and increasing longevity
Artige, Lionel; Pestieau, Pierre
2015Human Capital & Aging Workshop
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competing One-Way Essential Complements: The Forgotten Side of Net Neutrality
Broos, Sébastien; Gautier, Axel
20156th Workshop on the Economics of ICTs
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Faut-il payer le train plus cher à l'heure de pointe ?
Gautier, Axel
La semaine dernière, la presse faisait écho du projet de la SNCB d'introduire des tarifs plus élevés pour les voyages effectués à l'heure de pointe. Concrètement, celui qui prendrait le train dans les tranches 6h-9h et 15h-18h paierait un supplément. La SNCB motive son projet par le fait que le prix actuel est un des plus faible d'Europe. La proposition a –comme on s'en doute- reçu un accueil glacial de la part des usagers du rail. Dans ce focus de Regards économiques, Axel Gautier livre les réflexions d'un économiste (qui est aussi navetteur) à propos de ce projet de la SNCB.
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Investir et gérer le transport public urbain ?
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les fonctions de la procédure en droit de la concurrence
Petit, Nicolas; Neyrinck, Norman
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
“Problem Practices” in EU Competition Law
Petit, Nicolas
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Le coût de l’énergie verte en Wallonie, 2003-2012
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The prosumer and the grid
Gautier, Axel
20154th BAEE Research Workshop on Energy Economics
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Article 102 TFEU and the Test Debate
Petit, Nicolas
2015IBC Conference
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les entreprises sociales belges en neuf questions
Reginster, Alexandre
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Attack-Prevention and Damage-Control Investments in Cybersecurity
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Competition in the Market for Flexible Resources: an application to cloud computing
Lam, Wing Man Wynne
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les services publics: Organisation et performance
Gautier, Axel
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Liège. Où s’amorce le nouveau modèle économique wallon ? Où s’échoue le vieux modèle politique wallon ?
Artige, Lionel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competing One-Way Essential Complements: The Forgotten Side of Net Neutrality
Broos, Sébastien; Gautier, Axel
2014Jornadas de economia industrial
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
201441st Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE)
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competing One-Way Essential Complements : the Forgotten Side of the Net Neutrality Story
Broos, Sébastien; Gautier, Axel
201418th Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy (CCRP) Workshop
We examine the incentives of an internet service provider (ISP) to break net neutrality by excluding internet applications competing with its own products, a typical example being the exclusion of VoIP applications by a telecom company offering internet and voice services. We show that exclusion is not a concern when the ISP is a monopoly because it can extract the additional surplus created by the application through price rebalancing. By contrast, when ISP’s compete, in an attempt to differentiate, only one ISP will offer the app. Applying a no-exclusion rule in this case can lead to monopoly.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
2014CRESSE 2014, 9th International Conference on Competition and Regulation
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competing One-Way Essential Complements : the Forgotten Side of the Net Neutrality Story}
Broos, Sébastien; Gautier, Axel
2014Connected Life 2014
We examine the incentives of an internet service provider (ISP) to break net neutrality by excluding internet applications competing with its own products, a typical example being the exclusion of VoIP applications by a telecom company offering internet and voice services. We show that exclusion is not a concern when the ISP is a monopoly because it can extract the additional surplus created by the application through price rebalancing. By contrast, when ISP’s compete, in an attempt to differentiate, only one ISP will offer the app. Applying a no-exclusion rule in this case can lead to monopoly.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
2014Commitments in EU Competition Policy
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Regulation in Practice: Choice among regulatory Tools
Bougnouch, Mehdi; Gautier, Axel
201411th International Conference on the European Energy Market
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Optimal Enforcement of Competition Policy: The Commitments Procedure under Uncertainty
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Macroeconomics of PAYG Pension Schemes in an Aging Society
Artige, Lionel
2014BEL-Ageing Meeting
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Liquidity Constraints and Global Imbalances
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent
2014International Atlantic Economic Society
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
La collecte des déchets en Wallonie : organisation et performances
Gautier, Axel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The Principles of Equivalence and Effectiveness as a Limit to National Procedural Autonomy
Petit, Nicolas
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Report for Belgium 2012 LIDC Report for Belgium - SMEs and Competition Law: Should small and middle size undertakings be subject to other or specific competition rules
Neyrinck, Norman
2014In Neyrinck, Norman (Ed.) ntitrust for Small and Middle Size Undertakings and Image Protection from Non-Competitors
This article examines whether small and middle-sized businesses could or should be subject to specific competition rules under Belgian competition Law. These businesses account for 99% of the enterprises in Europe. The paper considers both the public and private enforcement rules.
Peer reviewed
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les entreprises en forte croissance: Leur part dans la croissance de l'économie wallonne et leur durabilité dans le temps
Reginster, Alexandre
Quelle croissance en termes de valeur ajoutée et d'emploi resterait-il à l'économie non financière wallonne sans une poignée d'entreprises en plein essor? Quelle durabilité une entreprise peut-elle espérer dans le temps pour son état de forte croissance? Comment évoluent les entreprises au sortir d'une période de plein essor? Enfin, comment les entreprises qui ont connu une forte croissance se sont-elles relevées de la crise économique de 2009, par comparaison avec le reste de l'économie?
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Current challenges in the economic regulation of utilities in Belgium
Gautier, Axel; Bouckaert, Jan; de Streel, Alexandre
Regulation covers all the ways in which, in our markets-based economies, the public sector influences, constrains, dictates or coordinates private activities for the common good. This session will deal with the question of institutional design and the role of politics in determining regulatory performance in Belgium. These themes will be explored through concrete examples of regulatory failures and successes, with an eye towards generating general principles and guidelines for improving regulatory designs.
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Perspectives économiques internationales et conjoncture belge : quels défis pour la Wallonie ?
Artige, Lionel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Reforming the Postal Universal Service
Gautier, Axel; Poudou, Jean-Christophe
The postal sector has undergone dramatic changes over the recent years under the double effect of ongoing liberalization and increased competition with alternative communication channels (e-substitution). As a result, the mail volume handled by the historical operator has declined sharply while the latter's ability to match the same standard of universal service may be under threat. Thus, a reform of the postal universal service is on the agenda. This paper examines possible reforming options ranging from keeping universal service within the postal sector to redefining universal service as spanning postal and electronic technologies.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Shift from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution in an Ageing Society
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile; Pestieau, Pierre
2013Beldebt meeting
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Social Security and Economic Integration
Artige, Lionel; Dedry, Antoine; Pestieau, Pierre
2013Beldebt meeting
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Reforming the Postal Universal Service
Gautier, Axel; Poudou, Jean-Christophe
2013Journées de Microéconomie appliquée
The postal sector has undergone dramatic changes over the recent years under the double effect of ongoing liberalization and increased competition with alternative communication channels (e-substitution). As a result, the mail volume handled by the historical operator has declined sharply while the latter's ability to match the same standard of universal service may be under threat. Thus, a reform of the postal universal service is on the agenda. This paper examines possible reforming options ranging from keeping universal service within the postal sector to redefining universal service as spanning postal and electronic technologies.
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
An Empirical Analysis of School Bus Lines Procurement in Wallonia
Gautier, Axel; Thiry, Benjamin
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
La dette publique dans la zone euro
Artige, Lionel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Liquidity Shocks and Global Imbalances
Artige, Lionel
2012Economics research seminar
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Debt, Pension and Demographics
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent; Pestieau, Pierre
2012Beldebt meeting
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Microsoft Corp. contre Commission T-167/08, 27 juin 2012
Petit, Nicolas
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Analyse comparée des performances des entreprises dans les provinces d’Anvers et de Liège
Artige, Lionel
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Aims and Values in EU Competition Law
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Strategic bypass deterrence
Bloch, Francis; Gautier, Axel
201239th EARIE Annual Conference
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'Europe change nos vies
Petit, Nicolas
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
La décroissance : nécessité ou utopie ?
Artige, Lionel
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Europe's antitrust chief urges Google to settle allegations
Petit, Nicolas
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Europe weighs Antitrust Case aigainst Google, urging search changes
Petit, Nicolas
Google may have abused its dominant position in Internet search by promoting its own businesses at the expense of competitors, the European Commission said. It warned the company to propose chnages 'in a matter of weeks" to its method of answering user search queries, or possibly face antitrust lawsuit.
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Vers un service universel 2.0?
Gautier, Axel
La révolution numérique a radicalement changé notre façon de communiquer. Il faut repenser le service universel des communications en intégrant les changements technologiques.
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Change of Tone could help Google in European Antitrust Case
Petit, Nicolas
For the past two years, Google has worked hard to avoid facing formal antitrust charges in Europe that could mean years of expensive litigation and encourage the authorities in other parts of the world to take comparable actions. Time is running out. The European Commission could bring charges against the U.S. company for abusing its dominance in the search and advertising market in the next few weeks.
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
US Antitrust Move has Google fighting on Two Fronts
Petit, Nicolas
Google may soon be fighting antitrust battle on two fronts. The European Commission has been looking for two years into wether the search giant abused local competition law. Now the Federal Trade Commission is starting its own antitrust inquiry.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Global imbalances, Exchange Rates and Economic Growth
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent
2012International Atlantic Economic Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Reforming the Postal Universal Service
Gautier, Axel; Poudou, Jean-Christophe
20127th Postal conference on the economics of the postal sector in a digital world
The postal sector has dramatically changed in the recent years with the ongoing liberalization process and the increased competitive pressures from alternative communication channels (e-substitution). These two effects concur to decrease the mail volume handled by the historical operator which in turn may threaten the financial viability of the universal service and may call for a reform of the universal service. This paper examines the question of reforming the postal universal service, first by considering that the universal service remains confined in the postal word and, latter, by defining a universal service that includes postal and electronic technologies.
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
A Quick Look into the past, present and future of competition Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Sector
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Strategic Bypass Deterrence
Bloch, Francis; Gautier, Axel
2012The 10th annual International Industrial Organization Conference
In liberalized network industries, entrants can either compete for service using the existing infrastructure (access) or deploy their own infrastructure capacity (bypass). In this paper, we demonstrate that, under the threat of bypass, the access price set by an unregulated and vertically integrated incumbent is compatible with productive efficiency. This means that the entrant bypasses the existing infrastructure only if it can produces the network input more efficiently. The incumbent lowers the access price compared to the ex-post efficient level to strategically deter inefficient bypass by the entrant. Accordingly, from a productive efficiency point of view, there is no need to regulate access prices when the entrant has the option to bypass. Despite that, we show that restricting the possibilities of access might be profitable for consumers.
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Budget : Après la rigueur douce, la concurrence dure?
Petit, Nicolas
L’un des maux endémiques de l’économie belge tient aux pressions concurrentielles insuffisantes sur de nombreux marchés de produits. Faute d’un cadre de surveillance effectif, les prix des biens et services demeurent – comme le décrivent maintes études – plus élevés que dans d'autres États membres, et ce spécialement dans le secteur de la vente au détail et dans les industries de réseaux (énergie, télécommunications, transport ferroviaire, etc.).
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Debt and Pension
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent; Pestieau, Pierre
2012Beldebt meeting
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Energie et environnement
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Industrial Policy and Competition Enforcement: Is There, Could There and Should There Be a Nexus?
Petit, Nicolas; Neyrinck, Norman
20122012 GCLC Annual Conference, 8-9 November 2012, Residence Palace, Brussels
This paper muses on whether there can be, there is, and there should exist a nexus between European Union (“EU”) competition law and industrial policy. A well-known, long lasting grievance in the history of EU competition law is indeed that the European Commission (“the Commission”) has allegedly enforced the competition rules dogmatically, and turned a blind eye on industrial policy considerations. Lately, this policy debate has revived. With the current economic debacle in the Western world, decades of free-market economic policies – including competition policies – inherited from the so-called “Washington consensus” are called into question. In contrast, thriving economic models like Brazil, China, or India where the State interferes with the market at the expense of free competition, are increasingly looked by the “old world” as a possible source of inspiration. Those new developments justify devoting another paper to the question whether industrial policy considerations could and should inform EU competition enforcement. To address it, we follow a four steps methodology. We first solve definitional issues by describing the various possible meanings of “industrial policy” (I). Second, we follow a legalistic approach to review whether such considerations can, as a matter of positive law, play a role (II). Third, we turn to empirical analysis, to examine if there has been some industrial policy influence in the Commission’s case-law (III). Fourth, we review consequentialist arguments to assess whether industrial policy considerations should play a stronger role in EU competition enforcement (IV).
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Rethinking regulatory capture
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Innovation : relations entre universités et entreprises
Artige, Lionel
2011L'innovation et les relations université-entreprises
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Améliorer la régulation et la politique de concurrence
Gautier, Axel
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Strategic bypass deterrence
Gautier, Axel; Bloch, Francis
2011V Intertic Conference on Innovation, Competition and the New Economy
In liberalized network industries, entrants can either compete for service using the existing infrastructure (access) or deploy their own infrastructure capacity (bypass). In this paper, we demonstrate that, under the threat of bypass, the access price set by an unregulated and vertically integrated incumbent is compatible with productive efficiency. This means that the entrant bypasses the existing infrastructure only if it can produces the network input more efficiently. The incumbent lowers the access price compared to the ex-post efficient level to strategically deter inefficient bypass by the entrant. Accordingly, from a productive efficiency point of view, there is no need to regulate access prices when the entrant has the option to bypass. Despite that, we show that restricting the possibilities of access might be profitable for consumers.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Soft Capture
Agrell, Per; Gautier, Axel
2011XXVI Jornadas de Economia Industrial
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A Growth Model of Global Imbalances
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent
2011European Economic Association
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'UE devrait enquêter sur l'irrationalité des agences de notation
Petit, Nicolas
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les vertus oubliées d'une politique de concurrence efficace
Petit, Nicolas
La Commission européenne a remis en cause le système belge d’indexation automatique des salaires. L’inflation s’accélère et est nettement supérieure à celle de la zone euro. Il y a pourtant un remède « gagnant/gagnant » au panier percé de l’indexation automatique. Il faut revoir la politique belge de la concurrence.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Enquête sur l’innovation en Province de Liège : premiers résultats
Artige, Lionel; Dubois, David
2011Workshop: "Économie et innovation en province de Liège: passé, présent et avenir"
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Postal Sector as a Vector of Financial Inclusion
Gautier, Axel; d'Alcantara, Gonzales
201119th conference on Postal and Delivery Economics
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Soft Capture
Agrell, Per; Gautier, Axel
2011IIOC conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A Growth Model of Global Imbalances
Artige, Lionel; Cavenaile, Laurent
2011International Atlantic Economic Conference
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Soft Capture
Gautier, Axel
Capture of regulatory agencies by firms or other stakeholders has given rise to a rich literature, much of which is dominated by models in which the motivation for the welfare-reducing behavior is found in side-contracting (bribes, corruption), threats (blackmail, political support) or corresponding mechanisms for repeated games (reputation, career concerns, signaling for promotion). Notwithstanding, the empirical support for monetary corruption and 'revolving doors' is scarce and inconclusive. We propose an alternative and more intuitive model for regulatory capture that is based on information transmission and asymmetric information. In a three-tier model, a regulator is charged by a political principal to provide a signal for the type of a regulated firm. Only the firm can observe his type and the production of a correlated signal with a given accuracy is costly for the regulator. The firm can costlessly provide an alternative signal of lower accuracy that is presented to the regulator. In a self-enforcing equilibrium, the regulator transmits the firm-produced signal, internalizes its own savings in information cost and the firm enjoys higher information rents. The main feature of soft capture is that it is not based on a reciprocity of favors but on a congruence of interests between the firm and the regulator.
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Il faut criminaliser les cartels
Neyrinck, Norman
This article supports the view according to which cartels should be criminalized in EU. Despite their impressive amounts, administrative fines fail to deter collusion. In order to tackle "agency issues", managers should be held responsible for their involvement in cartels.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Price Competition under Universal Service Obligations
Gautier, Axel
201037th EARIE Conference
In industries like telecom, postal services or energy provision, universal service obligations (uniform price and universal coverage) are often imposed on one market participant. Universal service obligations are likely to alter firms' strategic behavior in such competitive markets. In this paper we show that, depending on the entrant's market coverage and the degree of product differentiation, the Nash equilibrium in prices involves either pure or mixed strategies. We show that the pure strategy market sharing equilibrium, as identified by Valletti et al. (2002) defines a lower bound on the level of equilibrium prices.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Contract renewal as an incentive device: An application to the French urban transport sector
Gautier, Axel
20101st International conference on Economics and Management of Public Utilities
In the French urban public transport industry, operations are often delegated and periodically putted out forto tender. Thus, operators’ incentives to reduce costs come from both profit maximization during the current contract and from the perspective of contract renewal. We have constructed a dynamic incentive regulation model that captures these features and we show that both the level of cost-reducing effort and its repartition during the contracting period depend on the contract type (cost-plus, gross cost or net cost contract). We then estimated a cost frontier model for an eight-year panel of French bus companies (677 company-year observations) to test our predictions.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Scoring-rule and the choice of a contractor by a financially constrained government
Gautier, Axel
2010International conference on "contracts, procurement and public-private agreements'
Governments and public authorities are increasingly relying on Public-Private Partnerships for the provision of public goods and services. It is often argued that the use of a public private partnership can relieve the government from a strained budget constraint and, in this paper, we analyze the choice of a contractual solution for designing, constructing and managing a project, with observable externalities, by a budget-constrained government. We show that the quality of the project and the designed contractor are affected by the extent of the budget constraint and we show that the use of a PPP may partially overcome the resulting inefficiencies.
Poster (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Efficient access pricing and endogenous market structure
Gautier, Axel
2010Workshop on effective competition in network industries
We investigate how a regulatory mechanism can influence the nature of competition in a network industry. In the downstream market, the seller of a differentiated retail product competes with an incumbent firm. The incumbent firm is also the owner of the essential input. The regulator may or may not observe the cost of the entrant. To maximize social welfare the regulator specifies the access charge that the entrant must pay to the incumbent, and the retail prices. The optimal access charge is a uniform price that respects the criteria of transparency and non-discrimination that are imposed by the competition and regulation directives in most countries. We derive new formulas for retail and access prices adhering to the traditional Ramsey rule. Since the competing firm takes the decision to enter following the choice of the regulatory regime, the nature of the retail market competition is endogenous
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Universal service financing in competitive postal markets: One size does not fit all
Gautier, Axel; Paolini, Dimitri
20106th conference on 'Regulation, Competition and Universal Service in the Postal Sector'
In the postal sector, the financial burden of the universal service depends on its content, the postal market characteristics and the country’s geographical configuration. These three groups of factors affect both the direct cost of providing the service and the extent of competition on the market. In this paper, we consider countries with different geographical characteristics and we show that the choice of an appropriate mechanism to share the burden of universal service between market participants depends on the country configuration. Thus, for universal service financing, one size does not fit all.
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
The Past Clouds the Future of Europe’s New Antitrust Enforcer
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance – A Fresh Look at the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law
Petit, Nicolas; Neyrinck, Norman
2010The Vienna Competition 2010
Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Enquêtes sectorielles: complément ou substitut de l'action des autorités de concurrence? Le "couteau suisse" du droit européen de la concurrence?
Petit, Nicolas; Lousberg, Charlotte
2010In Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (2), p. 19-28
La présente étude s’intéresse à la question de savoir si les enquêtes sectorielles sont susceptibles de constituer un substitut ou un complément de la mise en oeuvre des règles de concurrence par la Commission européenne. Les résultats atteints donnent à penser que, ni substitut, ni complément, l’enquête sectorielle est, ou pourrait être, le “couteau suisse” du droit européen de la concurrence, c’est-à-dire un instrument multifonctionnel, agissant comme (i) un mécanisme de réduction du seuil procédural d’intervention de la Commission ; (ii) un dispositif d’extension du champ matériel d’investigation de la Commission ; et (iii) un outil de correction spontanée des restrictions de concurrence. A la lumière de ces propos, l’étude formule quelques propositions de “bonnes pratiques” en matière d’enquêtes sectorielles à destination de la Commission (mais aussi d’autres autorités de contrôle disposant de pouvoirs d’enquêtes analogues)
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Annual congress of the international league for competition law.
Petit, Nicolas
2009Congrès annuel international de la ligue pour le droit de la concurence
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Lisbonne, et après?
Defossez, Alexandre; Petit, Nicolas
Le référendum irlandais est un révélateur des déficiences congénitales de la communication autour de l’Europe. Bref, loin d'être un sujet de réjouissance, le "oui" irlandais démontre, jusqu'à la caricature, la pauvreté du débat européen.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Firm-Level Evidence on Innovation in Spain
Artige, Lionel
2009Globelics 2009
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
International report on Competition Authorities Discretion
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
OCCP Seminar on Dominant Positions and New Technologies
Petit, Nicolas
2009OCCP Seminar
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Actualité des droits communautaire et belge de la concurrence
Petit, Nicolas
2009Commission juridique de la FEB
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Towards an optimal enforcement of Competition rules in Europe
Petit, Nicolas
2009Annual Conference of the GCLC
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Le droit de la distribution
Petit, Nicolas
2009Séminaire de recyclage
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les fédérations d’entreprises et les règles de concurrence
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Actualités du droit de la concurence
Petit, Nicolas
2009Conférence du jeune Barreau de Bruxelles
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Concurrence difficile
Petit, Nicolas
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Ne dites plus Constitution
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises en Europe
Petit, Nicolas
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Trois questions à Nicolas Petit
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
L'effet de la décision de justice
Petit, Nicolas
2008Séminaire de recyclage
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les effets des arrêts de la CJCE et du TPICE
Petit, Nicolas; Defossez, Alexandre
2008CUP L'effet de la décision de Justice: contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Fidelity Discounts and Rebates not Justified by Costs
Petit, Nicolas
2008Association Belge d'Etude de la Concurrence
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Le Traité de Lisbonne: Traité simplifié ou constitution cachée?
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
L'actualité du droit des ententes 2007
Petit, Nicolas
2008Colloque annuel de l'association Française d'étude de la concurence
Other (Diverse speeches and writings)
Le français devrait-il servir de référence juridique?
Petit, Nicolas
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Memory in Contracts: The Experience of the EBRD (1991-2003)
Artige, Lionel
2006European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM)
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
2006, l'Europe sans boussole
Defossez, Alexandre; Petit, Nicolas; Candela, Mercedes
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Memory in contracts. The experience of the EBRD (1991-2003)
Artige, Lionel; Nicolini, Rosella
200514th World Congress
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
On Dictatorship, Economic Development and Stability
Artige, Lionel
2004Macroeconomics Seminar
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Competition Rules in the Euromed Countries with a Special Emphasis on Network Industries
Petit, Nicolas; Geradin, Damien
2003ABCDE World Bank Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
On dictatorship, economic development and stability
Artige, Lionel
2003Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Endogenous growth and regional dynamics in an OLG model with land
Artige, Lionel
20015th Annual EUNIP Conference
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Endogenous Growth and Regional Dynamics in an OLG Model with Land
Artige, Lionel
2000Society for Economic Dynamics Meeting