
Kellens Emmy

Main Referenced Co-authors
Drion, Guillaume  (1)
Jacquerie, Kathleen  (1)
Magis, Justine (1)
Sacré, Pierre  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Brain states (1); Computational neuroscience (1); Memory consolidation (1); Neuromodulation (1); Neuroscience (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 1)

The most downloaded
Jacquerie, K., Kellens, E., Magis, J., Sacré, P., & Drion, G. (November 2023). Unraveling the role of collective bursting neurons, quiet waking, and structural plasticity in memory consolidation using a computational approach [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience meeting 2023, Washington DC, United States.

Jacquerie, K., Kellens, E., Magis, J., Sacré, P., & Drion, G. (November 2023). Unraveling the role of collective bursting neurons, quiet waking, and structural plasticity in memory consolidation using a computational approach [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience meeting 2023, Washington DC, United States.
Editorial reviewed

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