
Ciraolo Florence

Main Referenced Co-authors
Flore, Nathan  (2)
Parotte, Céline  (2)
Charlier, Robert  (1)
Faniel, Hippolyte  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
PEP serious game (2); serious game (2); AFCN/FANC (1); Bel V (1); Belgium (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre de recherches Spiral (1)
Centre de recherches Spiral, UR Cité (1)
Cité - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Political science, public administration & international relations (2)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 2)

The most downloaded
Parotte, C., Ciraolo, F., & Flore, N. (08 October 2021). Make it Our Shared Wicked Problems! The "Pathways Evolution Process" Serious Game as Challenger for RWM strategies [Paper presentation]. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) "Good Relations. Practices and Methods in an Unequal and Uncertain Worlds", Toronto (online Conference), Canada.

Parotte, C.* , Flore, N.* , Faniel, H. (Other coll.), Ciraolo, F. (Other coll.), & Charlier, R. (Other coll.). (2022). Expérimenter le Pathway Evolution Process (PEP) Serious Game à l'ULiège. Evaluation de la méthode prospective. Liège, Belgium: Université de Liège.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Parotte, C., Ciraolo, F., & Flore, N. (08 October 2021). Make it Our Shared Wicked Problems! The "Pathways Evolution Process" Serious Game as Challenger for RWM strategies [Paper presentation]. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) "Good Relations. Practices and Methods in an Unequal and Uncertain Worlds", Toronto (online Conference), Canada.

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