
Lejeune Benjamin

Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Laboratoire d'Écologie et de Conservation des Amphibiens


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Denoël, Mathieu  (18)
Lepoint, Gilles  (17)
Sturaro, Nicolas  (8)
Kopp, Dorothée (6)
Mehault, Sonia (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Congress (9); Stable isotope analysis (9); Amphibians (5); Food web (5); Trophic ecology (5);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège (14)
AFFISH-RC - Applied and Fundamental FISH Research Center - ULiège (4)
SPHERES - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Aquatic sciences & oceanology (24)
Environmental sciences & ecology (23)
Zoology (13)
Entomology & pest control (1)
Genetics & genetic processes (1)

Publications (total 36)

The most downloaded
Lejeune, B., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (March 2018). Facultative paedomorphosis as a mechanism promoting intraspecific niche differentiation. Oikos, 127 (3), 427-439. doi:10.1111/oik.04714

The most cited

382 citations (OpenAlex)

Flot, J.-F., Hespeels, B., Li, X., Noel, B., Arkhipova, I., Danchin, E. G. J., Hejnol, A., Henrissat, B., Koszul, R., Aury, J.-M., Barbe, V., Barthelemy, R.-M., Bast, J., Bazykin, G. A., Chabrol, O., Couloux, A., Da Rocha, M., Da Silva, C., Gladyshev, E., ... Van Doninck, K. (2013). Genomic evidence for ameiotic evolution in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga. Nature, 500 (7463), 453-7. doi:10.1038/nature12326

Kozel, P., Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Drag, L., Cizek, L., & Sebek, P. (In press). Stable isotopes of saproxylic beetles reveal low differences among trophic guilds and suggest a high dependence on fungi. Ecological Monographs.
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Boët, P., Kopp, D., Méhault, S., Morfin, M., Bonin, A., & Lejeune, B. (2024). Gut content metabarcoding of six crustaceans provides detailed diet description and insights into their roles as predators and scavengers. Journal of Sea Research, 102509. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2024.102509
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Raskin, A.* , Kaisin, O.* , Michel, L., Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Amaral, R. G., Sabino, G. P., Araújo, M. S., Rezende, G. C., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (2024). Stable Isotopes Analysis of Black Lion Tamarins Reveals Increasing Arthropod Consumption When Fruit Productivity Decreases in Forest Fragments. American Journal of Primatology, 87 (1), 23698. doi:10.1002/ajp.23698
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (2024). Food web collapse and regime shift following goldfish introduction in permanent ponds. Global Change Biology, 30 (7), 17435. doi:10.1111/gcb.17435
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Lejeune, B., Vafeiadou, A.-M., Soto, D., Stroobandt, Y., Moens, T., & Bouillon, S. (09 June 2023). Unravelling complexities in mangrove meio- and macrofauna benthic food webs using carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen stable isotopes [Paper presentation]. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Pille, F., Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Salomon, L., Pinto, L., & Denoël, M. (31 May 2023). Relative influence of amphibian invader densities and habitat heterogeneity on the trophic structure of freshwater communities [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2023 (Benelux Congress of Zoology), Leiden, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Vafeiadou, A.-M., Soto X, D., Stroobandt, Y., Moens, T., & Bouillon, S. (21 April 2023). Unravelling complexities in mangrove meio- and macrofauna benthic food webs using carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen stable isotopes [Paper presentation]. Benelux Association for Stable Isotope Scientists (BASIS) Symposium, Gent, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Marcout, A., Kopp, D., Morandeau, F., Mehault, S., & Mouchet, M. A. (April 2023). Assessing discard consumption dynamic in shallow coastal environment using underwater video. Fisheries Research, 260, 106587. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106587
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Lejeune, B., Clément, V., Nothomb, T., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (2023). Trophic interactions between native newts and introduced mosquitofish suggest invaded ponds may act as demographic sinks. Biological Invasions, 25 (9), 2993-3007. doi:10.1007/s10530-023-03089-1
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Lejeune, B., Bissey, L., Didaskalou, E., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (23 September 2022). Testing a new hypothesis regarding the advantage of an important developmental process in evolution: Progenesis [Paper presentation]. Benelux Congress of Zoology 2022, Kortrijk, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Mouchet, M. A., Mehault, S., & Kopp, D. (July 2022). Gut content metabarcoding reveals potential importance of fisheries discards consumption in marine fauna. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 79 (7), 1064 - 1073. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2021-0267
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Lejeune, B., Kopp, D., Mehault, S., & Mouchet, M. A. (June 2022). Assessing the diet and trophic level of marine fauna in a fishing ground subject to discarding activity using stable isotopes. PLoS ONE, 17 (6), 0268758. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0268758
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Raskin, A., Kaisin, O., Lejeune, B., Michel, L., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (21 March 2022). Stable isotopes analysis determines proportions of arthropodivory and frugivory in the diet of black lion tamarins [Poster presentation]. Rencontres Ecology and Behaviour, Strasbourg, France.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Mouchet, M. A., Mehault, S., & Kopp, D. (04 March 2022). Linking inconsistencies in trophic level of marine fauna to fisheries discard consumption [Paper presentation]. Ocean Science Meeting, United States.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B. (18 October 2021). Devenir des rejets de pêche en mer: Quel impact sur le réseau trophique marin? [Paper presentation]. Seminar upon invitation, Paris, France.

Lejeune, B., Mouchet, M. A., Mehault, S., & Kopp, D. (19 May 2021). Coupling gut content DNA metabarcoding and stable isotope analysis to reveal potential importance of fisheries discards consumption in marine fauna [Paper presentation]. 11.5th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (ISOECOL), Gaming, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Bissey, L., Didaskalou, E., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (February 2021). Progenesis as an intrinsic factor of ecological opportunity in a polyphenic amphibian. Functional Ecology, 35 (2), 546-560. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13708
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Denoël, M., Ficetola, G., Lejeune, B., & Winandy, L. (08 January 2020). Conservation ecology of facultative paedomorphosis in newts in a world of introduced alien species [Paper presentation]. WCH9 - 9th World Congress of Herpetology. Symposium: Biology & Conservation of Paedomorphosis in Amphibians, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Bissey, L., Didaskalou, E. A., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (03 September 2019). Progenesis as an intrinsic factor of ecological opportunity in newts [Paper presentation]. SEH2019 -20th European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Denoël, M., Ficetola, G. F., Sillero, N., Dzukic, G., Kalezic, M. L., Vukov, T., Muhovic, I., Ikovic, V., & Lejeune, B. (May 2019). Traditionally managed landscapes do not prevent amphibian decline and the extinction of paedomorphosis. Ecological Monographs, 89 (2). doi:10.1002/ecm.1347
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Lejeune, B. (2019). Trophic ecology of paedomorphic and metamorphic newts, and the trophic impacts of fish introductions in their habitat [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (15 December 2018). Global food web alteration following goldfish introduction in palmate newt dominated pond ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 25th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Antwerp, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Denoël, M., Ficetola, G. F., Sillero, N., Muhovic, I., Ikovic, V., Kalezic, M. L., Dzukic, G., & Lejeune, B. (22 September 2018). Towards the end of facultative paedomorphosis in Balkan newts? A focus on Montenegrin populations [Paper presentation]. 2nd Balkan Herpetological Symposium - 13th Croatian Biological Congress, Poreč, Croatia.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (02 August 2018). Global foodweb alteration following goldfish introduction in palmate newt dominated pond ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol 2018), Viña del Mar, Chile.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B. (26 April 2018). Facultative paedomorphosis as an adaptive mechanism promoting niche differentiation in newts [Paper presentation]. FOCUS Young Scientists Day, Liège, Belgium.

Sturaro, N., Damseaux, F., Das, K., Dauby, P., Frederich, B., Gobert, S., Le Bourg, B., Lejeune, B., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Pinzone, M., Remy, F., & Lepoint, G. (29 March 2018). Applications of isotope ratio mass spectrometry in aquatic ecosystems at the University of Liège [Poster presentation]. XXI Meeting of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Liège, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B. (01 March 2018). Using stable isotopes to assess trophic niche differentiation in facultatively paedomorphic newts and the impact of fish introductions in their native habitats in Europe [Paper presentation]. Seminar upon invitation.

Lejeune, B., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (March 2018). Facultative paedomorphosis as a mechanism promoting intraspecific niche differentiation. Oikos, 127 (3), 427-439. doi:10.1111/oik.04714
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Lejeune, B. (01 February 2018). How to control for stable isotope baseline variation across sites? [Paper presentation]. Seminar upon invitation, Liège, Belgium.

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (22 September 2017). Complex impact of goldfish introduction on palmate newt dominated pond ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 19th European congress of herpetology, Salzburg, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Denoël, M., Kalezić, M., Džukić, G., Ivanović, A., Muhovic, I., Ikovic, V., & Lejeune, B. (03 May 2017). Montenegrin ponds and lakes under threat: multiple stressors caused large-scale amphibian decline [Paper presentation]. 7th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop (EPCN), Faro, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Didaskalou, E., Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (16 December 2016). Feeding ecology of metamorphic and paedomorphic palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus) in Larzac [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2016 (23rd Benelux Congress of Zoology), Anterwerpen, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., & Denoël, M. (05 September 2016). Facultative paedomorphosis in newts: A heterochrony promoting trophic niche differentiation at the intraspecific level [Paper presentation]. Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting 2016, Ghent, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Denoël, M. (05 April 2016). Facultative paedomorphosis, a mechanism promoting niche differentiation in newts: Evidence from stable isotope analysis [Paper presentation]. The 10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (ISOECOL 2016), Tokyo, Japan.
Peer reviewed

Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Denoël, M. (09 October 2015). Is facultative paedomorphosis driving trophic niche differentiation in the Alpine newt? [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2015 (22nd Benelux Congress of Zoology), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Flot, J.-F., Hespeels, B., Li, X., Noel, B., Arkhipova, I., Danchin, E. G. J., Hejnol, A., Henrissat, B., Koszul, R., Aury, J.-M., Barbe, V., Barthelemy, R.-M., Bast, J., Bazykin, G. A., Chabrol, O., Couloux, A., Da Rocha, M., Da Silva, C., Gladyshev, E., ... Van Doninck, K. (2013). Genomic evidence for ameiotic evolution in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga. Nature, 500 (7463), 453-7. doi:10.1038/nature12326
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