Watson, G. J., White, S., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Richir, J. (12 October 2024). Trace element contamination biomonitoring: a comparative study between the polychaetes Alitta virens and Hediste diversicolor. Environmental Pollution, 363, 125116. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125116 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lejeune, B., Bissey, L., Didaskalou, E., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (23 September 2022). Testing a new hypothesis regarding the advantage of an important developmental process in evolution: Progenesis [Paper presentation]. Benelux Congress of Zoology 2022, Kortrijk, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Lejeune, B., Bissey, L., Didaskalou, E., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (February 2021). Progenesis as an intrinsic factor of ecological opportunity in a polyphenic amphibian. Functional Ecology, 35 (2), 546-560. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13708 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, Y. E., Chen, Q., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (2021). Trophic plasticity of mixotrophic corals under contrasting environments. Functional Ecology, 35, 2841-2855. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13924 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Godefroid, M., Todinanahary, G., Dubois, P., Eeckhaut, I., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Terrana, L. (2021). Perspectives on working underwater with black coral nubbins (Cnidaria: Antipatharia): The case of Cirrhipathes anguina (Dana, 1846). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 545. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151645 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Benabdellah, N., Bouras, D., Ramdani, M., & Sturaro, N. (2021). Biodiversity and structural organization of mollusk communities in the midlittoral coastal area between Bouzedjar and Arzew (Western Algeria). Annales. Series Historia Naturalis, 31, 267-284. doi:10.19233/ASHN.2021.32 Peer reviewed |
Hsu, T.-H. T., Carlu, L., Hsieh, Y. E., Lai, T.-Y. A., Wang, C.-W., Huang, C.-Y., Yang, S.-H., Wang, P.-L., Sturaro, N., & Denis, V. (2020). Stranger Things: Organismal Traits of Two Octocorals Associated With Singular Symbiodiniaceae in a High-Latitude Coral Community From Northern Taiwan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 606601. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.606601 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, Y. E., Chen, Q., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (2020). Toward a standardised protocol for the stable isotope analysis of scleractinian corals. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34, 8663. doi:10.1002/rcm.8663 Peer reviewed |
Lejeune, B., Bissey, L., Didaskalou, E. A., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (03 September 2019). Progenesis as an intrinsic factor of ecological opportunity in newts [Paper presentation]. SEH2019 -20th European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy. Peer reviewed |
Caut, S., Francois, V., Bacques, M., Guiral, D., Lemaire, J., Lepoint, G., Marquis, O., & Sturaro, N. (24 June 2019). The dark side of the black caiman: Shedding light on species dietary ecology and movement in Agami Pond, French Guiana. PLoS ONE, 14 (6), 0217239. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0217239 Peer reviewed |
Chen, C.-T., Robitzch, V., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Berumen, M. L., & Frederich, B. (17 April 2019). ‘Homemade’: the phenotypic diversity of coral reef damselfish populations is driven by the local environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 127, 361-376. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blz049 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, Y. L. E., Liu, L.-W., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (13 March 2019). Can reef-building corals face environmental changes through trophic plasticity? [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2019, Bredene, Belgium. |
Cabrera, P. M., Terrana, L., Lepoint, G., Frederich, B., Gress, E., Eeckhaut, I., Dubois, P., Todinanahary, G., & Sturaro, N. (13 March 2019). Revealing the trophic ecology of black corals through stable isotope analysis [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2019, Bredene, Belgium. |
Olivier, D., Lepoint, G., Aguilar-Medrano, R., Díaz, A. H. R., Sánchez-González, A., & Sturaro, N. (2019). Ecomorphology, trophic niche, and distribution divergences of two common damselfishes in the Gulf of California. Comptes Rendus Biologies. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2019.11.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Badry, A., Palma, L., Beja, P., Ciesielski, T., Dias, A., Lierhagen, S., Jenssen, B., Sturaro, N., Eulaers, I., & Jaspers, V. (2019). Using an apex predator for large-scale monitoring of trace element contamination: Associations with environmental, anthropogenic and dietary proxies. Science of the Total Environment, 676, 746-755. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.217 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Denis, V., Soto, D., De Palmas, S., Lin, Y. T. V., Benayahu, Y., Huang, Y. M., Liu, S.-L., Chen, J.-W., Chen, Q., Sturaro, N., Ho, M.-J., Su, Y., Dai, C. F., & Chen, C. A. (2019). Taiwan. In Y. Loya, K. Puglise, ... T. Bridge, Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (pp. 249-264). Springer. Peer reviewed |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, Y. L. E., Liu, L.-W., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (15 December 2018). Trophic plasticity of scleractinian corals under contrasted environmental conditions: evidence from stable isotope analysis [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2018 - The 25th Benelux congress of Zoology: “Zoology in the Anthropocene”, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, Y. L. E., Liu, L.-W., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (07 December 2018). Trophic strategies of reef-building corals under contrasted environmental conditions of East Asian Seas [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers’ Overseas Day, Brussels, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, Y. L. E., Liu, L.-W., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (11 October 2018). Stable isotopes reveal trophic plasticity of the bushy scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata [Poster presentation]. Journée du Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine (CIBIM), Liège, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Hsieh, C. H. E., Liu, L.-W., Wang, P.-L., & Denis, V. (31 July 2018). Trophic plasticity of scleractinian corals under contrasted environmental conditions: evidence from stable isotope analysis [Poster presentation]. 11th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol 2018), Viña del Mar, Chile. |
Sturaro, N., Damseaux, F., Das, K., Dauby, P., Frederich, B., Gobert, S., Le Bourg, B., Lejeune, B., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Pinzone, M., Remy, F., & Lepoint, G. (29 March 2018). Applications of isotope ratio mass spectrometry in aquatic ecosystems at the University of Liège [Poster presentation]. XXI Meeting of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Liège, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Sturaro, N., Paillet, C., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (21 March 2018). Ecological effects of marine protected areas: the case of seagrass macrofaunal assemblages [Paper presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2018, Bredene, Belgium. |
Lejeune, B., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Denoël, M. (March 2018). Facultative paedomorphosis as a mechanism promoting intraspecific niche differentiation. Oikos, 127 (3), 427-439. doi:10.1111/oik.04714 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gajdzik, L., Parmentier, E., Michel, L., Sturaro, N., Soong, K., Lepoint, G., & Frederich, B. (19 February 2018). Similar levels of trophic and functional diversity within damselfish assemblages across Indo-Pacific coral reefs. Functional Ecology, 32, 1358-1369. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13076 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Denis, V., Chen, J.-W., Chen, Q., Hsieh, Y. E., Lin, Y. V., Wang, C.-W., Wang, H.-Y., & Sturaro, N. (2018). Biogeography of functional trait diversity in the Taiwanese reef fish fauna. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 522-532. doi:10.1002/ece3.4771 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gajdzik, L., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., Sturaro, N., Parmentier, E., Lecchini, D., & Frederich, B. (05 October 2017). Further insight into the iterative ecological radiation of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) [Paper presentation]. 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Tahiti, French Polynesia. Editorial reviewed |
Pinzone, M., Acquarone, M., Huyghebaert, L., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., Siebert, U., & Das, K. (01 August 2017). Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur isotopic fractionation in captive juvenile hooded seal (Cystophora cristata): application for diet analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 31, 1720-1728. doi:10.1002/rcm.7955 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N. (04 July 2017). Using amino acid stable isotopes to estimate trophic position [Paper presentation]. VI International Workshop on Pollutants in the Environment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
Denis, V., Sturaro, N., Yang, S.-H., & Tang, S.-L. (05 May 2017). To be plastic is fantastic: delineate coral species niches for assessing their tolerance to changes [Paper presentation]. Ocean Sciences Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Frederich, B., & Denis, V. (05 May 2017). The use of stable isotopes in marine animal trophic ecology [Paper presentation]. Ocean Sciences Conference, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. Editorial reviewed |
Chen, Q., Yang, E., Sturaro, N., Lin, Y.-J., & Denis, V. (04 May 2017). Quantifying coral colony morphology to assess their roles in ecosystem processes [Poster presentation]. Ocean Sciences Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
Latli, A., Sturaro, N., Dujardin, N., Michel, L., Otjacques, W., Lepoint, G., & Kestemont, P. (30 April 2017). Isotopic half-life and enrichment factor in two species of European freshwater fish larvae: an experimental approach. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 31 (8), 685-692. doi:10.1002/rcm.7838 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Denis, V., Sturaro, N., Yang, S.-H., & Tang, S.-L. (24 April 2017). To be plastic is fantastic: delineate coral species niches for assessing their tolerance to changes [Paper presentation]. Tara Coral Conference, Keelung, Taiwan. |
Lapeyra Martin, J., Abadie, A., Richir, J., Michel, L., Lejeune, P., Sturaro, N., & Gobert, S. (2017). From seascape level to functional ecology: A case study over P. oceanica seagrass meadows in Calvi, Corsica. In Cartographie des habitats marins benthiques : de l’acquisition à la restitution (pp. 119-122). France: Édition Ifremer‐AFB. |
Poisbleau, M., Beaulieu, M., Dehnhard, N., Demongin, L., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Eens, M. (2017). Extreme intra-clutch egg size dimorphism is not coupled with corresponding differences in antioxidant capacity and stable isotopes between eggs. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 205, 77-85. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2016.12.028 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Denis, V., Ribas-Deulofeu, L., Sturaro, N., Kuo, C.-Y., & Chen, C. A. (2017). A functional approach to the structural complexity of coral assemblages based on colony morphological features. Scientific Reports, 7, 9849. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-10334-w Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cransveld, A., Amouroux, D., Tessier, E., Koutrakis, E., Ozturk, A., Bettoso, N., Mieiro, C., Berail, S., Barre, J., Sturaro, N., Schnitzler, J., & Das, K. (2017). Mercury stable isotopes discriminate different populations of European seabass and trace potential Hg sources around Europe. Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (21), 12219-12228. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b01307 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Remy, F., Michel, L., Darchambeau, F., Mascart, T., De Troch, M., Sturaro, N., & Lepoint, G. (16 December 2016). Who would want to live in there? A history of Posidonia oceanica detritus accumulations, the associated invertebrate community, and its food web… [Paper presentation]. 23rd Congress of Zoology 2016, Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Pinzone, M., Michel, L., Gallus, A., Brundiers, K., Sturaro, N., Adreasen, H., Dähne, M., Lepoint, G., Siebert, U., Das, K., & Benke, H. (11 December 2016). Exploitation of coastal fish communities by harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena during nursing periods in German Baltic waters [Paper presentation]. Benelux Zoology Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Lapeyra, J., Abadie, A., Lejeune, P., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., Lepoint, G., Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (December 2016). Assessing edge-effects in Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows: A multidisciplinary approach [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2016, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Gajdzik, L., Parmentier, E., Sturaro, N., & Frederich, B. (December 2016). Trophic specializations of damselfishes are tightly associated with reef habitats and social behaviours. Marine Biology, 163, 249. doi:10.1007/s00227-016-3020-x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lepoint, G., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Darchambeau, F., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Remy, F., Sturaro, N., & De Troch, M. (18 October 2016). Diversity, dynamics and trophic ecology of animal communities associated to Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile macrophytodetrital accumulations: synthesis of a 10 year study [Poster presentation]. 12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Nant Gwrtheyrn, United Kingdom. |
Lepoint, G., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Darchambeau, F., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Remy, F., Sturaro, N., & De Troch, M. (17 October 2016). Diversity, dynamics and trophic ecology of animal communities associated to Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile macrophytodetrital accumulation: synthesis of a ten year study [Poster presentation]. International Seagrass Biology Workshop (ISBW 12), Nant Gwrtheyrn, United Kingdom. |
Michel, L.* , Sturaro, N.* , Heughebaert, A., & Lepoint, G. (08 September 2016). AxIOM: Amphipod crustaceans from insular Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. Biodiversity Data Journal, 4, 10109. doi:10.3897/BDJ.4.e10109 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Terrana, L., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Eeckhaut, I. (05 September 2016). Trophic niche within a black coral meadow (Hexacorallia: Anthipatharia) near the Great Reef of Toliara, Madagascar [Poster presentation]. JESIUM: JOINT EUROPEAN STABLE ISOTOPES USER group MEETING, Ghent, Belgium. |
Latli, A., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., Dejardin, N., Defour, J., Lepoint, G., & Kestemont, P. (05 September 2016). Isotopic turnover and trophic fractionation in two species of European freshwater fishes: an experimental approach [Poster presentation]. JESIUM: JOINT EUROPEAN STABLE ISOTOPES USER group MEETING, Ghent, Belgium. |
Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., & Denoël, M. (05 September 2016). Facultative paedomorphosis in newts: A heterochrony promoting trophic niche differentiation at the intraspecific level [Paper presentation]. Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting 2016, Ghent, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Michel, L., Sturaro, N., Heughebaert, A., & Lepoint, G. (2016). AxIOM: Amphipod crustaceans from insular Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. doi:10.15468/nnjtke |
Gajdzik, L., Parmentier, E., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., & Frederich, B. (20 June 2016). Relationships between habitat, social behaviour and diet: a case study on damselfishes from Moorea [Paper presentation]. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS). Editorial reviewed |
Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Denoël, M. (05 April 2016). Facultative paedomorphosis, a mechanism promoting niche differentiation in newts: Evidence from stable isotope analysis [Paper presentation]. The 10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (ISOECOL 2016), Tokyo, Japan. Peer reviewed |
Caut, S., Bacques, M., François, V., Lepoint, G., Marquis, O., & Sturaro, N. (05 April 2016). The dark side of the black caiman: spatial and temporal trophic niche variations [Poster presentation]. 10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol 2016), Tokyo, Japan. |
Remy, F., Michel, L., Sturaro, N., Mascart, T., & Lepoint, G. (12 February 2016). The secret life of a Mediterranean seagrass litter macrofauna community : a history of oxygen [Paper presentation]. Vliz 16th Marine Scientists Day, Bruges, Belgium. |
Dehnhard, N., Eens, M., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Demongin, L., Quillfeldt, P., & Poisbleau, M. (2016). Is individual consistency in body mass and reproductive decisions linked to individual specialization in foraging behavior in a long-lived seabird? Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.2213 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Pérez-Perera, A., Caut, S., Panzalis, P. A., Navone, A., & Lepoint, G. (2016). Effects of fish predation on Posidonia oceanica amphipod assemblages. Marine Biology, 163, 58. doi:10.1007/s00227-016-2830-1 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Micha, C., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (09 October 2015). Untangling natural variability of macrofaunal populations from protection effects [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Denoël, M. (09 October 2015). Is facultative paedomorphosis driving trophic niche differentiation in the Alpine newt? [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2015 (22nd Benelux Congress of Zoology), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Peer reviewed |
Gueye, N., Diop, M., Denis, A., & Sturaro, N. (08 October 2015). Landings profile of small-scale fisheries in Senegal: The case of the Kayar Marine Protected Area [Poster presentation]. Zoology Congress 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Huyghebaert, L., Acquarone, M., Pinzone, M., Jauniaux, T., Siebert, U., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., & Das, K. (08 October 2015). Stable carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotopic fractionation between diet and tissue of captive hooded seals, Cystophora cristata: implications for dietary reconstruction of wild individuals [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Sturaro, N., Borges, A., Das, K., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Remy, F., & Lepoint, G. (26 March 2015). Applications of stable isotopes in environmental studies at the University of Liege [Poster presentation]. BASIS symposium 2015, Utrecht, Netherlands. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Vermeulen, S., & Gobert, S. (2015). Multiscale variability of amphipod assemblages in Posidonia oceanica meadows. Journal of Sea Research, 95, 258-271. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2014.04.011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., & Gobert, S. (12 December 2014). Are amphipods influenced by Posidonia oceanica seagrass features? [Poster presentation]. ZOOLOGY 2014 - 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liege, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., Vermeulen, S., Pieraugusto, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (2014). Seagrass amphipod assemblages in a Mediterranean marine protected area: a multiscale approach. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 506, 175–192. doi:10.3354/meps10776 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lepoint, G., Michel, L., Schnitzler, J., & Sturaro, N. (Eds.). (2014). Abstract Book of ZOOLOGY 2014, 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology. Royal Belgian Zoological Society. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (October 2013). Protection effects or natural variability? The case of seagrass amphipods [Paper presentation]. The International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC) 3, Marseille & Corsica, France. |
Pérez-Perera, A., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Sturaro, N. (November 2012). Socio-ecological study of recreational boating in a Mediterranean marine protected area [Poster presentation]. The 2012 Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, Antalya, Turkey. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (November 2012). Multiscale variability of amphipod assemblages in Posidonia oceanica meadows: a comparison between different protection levels [Poster presentation]. The 2012 Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, Antalya, Turkey. |
Sturaro, N. (2012). Multiscale variability of amphipod assemblages in Posidonia oceanica meadows: A comparison between different protection levels [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/129454 |
Sturaro, N., & Guerra-García, J. M. (2012). A new species of Caprella (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Mediterranean Sea. Helgoland Marine Research. doi:10.1007/s10152-011-0244-5 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., & Guerra-García, J. M. (May 2011). Distribution patterns of Caprella tavolarensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area [Poster presentation]. 42° Congresso della Societá Italiana di Biologia Marina, Olbia, Italy. |
Sturaro, N., & Guerra-García, J. M. (May 2011). Discovery of a new species of Caprella (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area [Poster presentation]. 42° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Olbia, Italy. |
Vermeulen, S., Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Lepoint, G. (January 2011). Potential early indicators of anthropogenically derived nutrients : a multiscale stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 422, 9-22. doi:10.3354/meps08919 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., & Guerra-García, J. M. (2011). Distribution patterns of Caprella tavolarensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 18 (1), 290-291. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (October 2010). Top-down role of fish predators in structuring amphipod community associated to Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows [Poster presentation]. 17th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Ghent, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (September 2010). The role of fish predation in the structure of amphipod community associated with Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows [Paper presentation]. XIVth International Colloquium on Amphipoda, Seville, Spain. |
Sturaro, N., Caut, S., Gobert, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Lepoint, G. (February 2010). Trophic diversity of idoteids (Crustacea, Isopoda) inhabiting the Posidonia oceanica litter. Marine Biology, 157 (2), 237-247. doi:10.1007/s00227-009-1311-1 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Michel, L., Lepoint, G., Dauby, P., & Sturaro, N. (January 2010). Sampling methods for amphipods of Posidonia oceanica meadows: a comparative study. Crustaceana, 83 (1), 39-47. doi:10.1163/156854009X454630 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., & Gobert, S. (October 2008). Multi-scale spatial variability of amphipod assemblages from the foliar stratum of the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow [Paper presentation]. 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N. (2007). Approche préliminaire de la variabilité spatiale multiéchelle de la structure de la communauté de crustacés amphipodes associée aux herbiers à Posidonia oceanica [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/3944 |
Michel, L., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., & Dauby, P. (November 2007). Nocturnal vertical migrations by amphipods of the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile foliar stratum : Importance of the litter cover [Poster presentation]. 14th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Cox, A.-S., & Lepoint, G. (June 2006). Trophic diversity and potential role of detritivorous crustaceans in Posidonia oceanica litter [Paper presentation]. Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop 2006, Marsascala, Malta. |
Sturaro, N. (2005). Diversité trophique des Idoteidae associés à l’herbier et à la litière de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/3930 |