
Dissaux Thomas

Département d'Architecture


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Jancart, Sylvie  (7)
Stals, Adeline  (2)
de Boissieu, Aurélie  (1)
Safin, Stéphane  (1)
Vrouwe, Ivo (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Cognition (4); Education (4); Parametric design (4); Architecture (3); Optimisation (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
LNA (1)
Laboratoire Numérique d'architecture (1)
URA - Unité de Recherches de la Faculté d'Architecture - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Architecture (12)
Education & instruction (2)

Publications (total 12)

The most downloaded
Dissaux, T. (2018). Optimisation en conception architecturale: les alternatives aux algorithmes génétiques [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

2 citations (Scopus®)

Vrouwe, I., Dissaux, T., Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (2020). Concept Learning Through Parametric Design; A Learning Situation Design for Parametric Design in Architectural Studio Education. In Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age. eCAADe.

Dissaux, T., & Safin, S. (In press). Recherche d’information en conception architecturale et modélisation paramétrique. In S. Safin, Activités cognitives de conception. France: ISTE.
Editorial reviewed

Dissaux, T. (2024). The Impact of Information Retrieval In Architectural Design: Cognitive Strategies for navigating Parametric Design Environments [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (2023). The Impact of procedural knowledge retrieval on the architectural design process in parametric design environments. In Design Computing and Cognition’22. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-20418-0_40
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T. (21 October 2022). L’impact de l’information externe en conception architecturale [Poster presentation]. 10È SÉMINAIRE DE CONCEPTION ARCHITECTURALE NUMÉRIQUE (SCAN'22), Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (2022). Architecture students’ search behavior in parametric design. In Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design. eCAADe.
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (2022). Impact of cognitive load associated with learning and using parametric tools in architectural design. In MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS LÍNEAS La gráfica y sus usos. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. doi:10.31428/10317/11415
Peer reviewed

de Boissieu, A., Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (18 October 2021). Penser la transformation numérique par l’expérimentation [Paper presentation]. Les pratiques "par le faire" dans l'enseignement de l'architecture en Belgique, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Dissaux, T. (11 March 2021). Students at home : Cognitive load associated with learning and using parametric tools [Paper presentation]. Matters Of Abstraction.

Vrouwe, I., Dissaux, T., Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (2020). Concept Learning Through Parametric Design; A Learning Situation Design for Parametric Design in Architectural Studio Education. In Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age. eCAADe.
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (26 October 2019). Computationally enhanced Ideation [Paper presentation]. 5th ARENA Annual Conference, Graz, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T. (2018). Optimisation en conception architecturale: les alternatives aux algorithmes génétiques [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Dissaux, T., Stals, A., & Jancart, S. (January 2018). Optimisation en conception architecturale [Paper presentation]. Disegno.

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