Jancart Sylvie

Département d'Architecture


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Stals, Adeline  (20)
Elsen, Catherine  (11)
Lemaitre, Anne (11)
Dautremont, Charlotte  (10)
Pourbaix, D. (10)
Main Referenced Keywords
BIM (9); Education (4); Parametric design (4); astrometry (3); parametric modeling (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
LNA (3)
GIP de Besançon (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Architecture (44)
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (18)
Mathematics (15)
Education & instruction (4)

Publications (total 79)

The most downloaded
Jancart, S. (2013). Syllabus d'exercices de Mathématique 1 : première bachelier en Architecture. (Faculté d'Architecture, ULg, ARCH0111-1 Mathématique 1). https://hdl.handle.net/2268/154508

The most cited

117 citations (Scopus®)

Casertano, S., Lattanzi, M. G., Sozzetti, A., Spagna, A., Jancart, S., Morbidelli, R., Pannunzio, R., Pourbaix, D., & Queloz, D. (01 May 2008). Double-blind test program for astrometric planet detection with Gaia. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 482, 699-729. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20078997 https://hdl.handle.net/2268/144951

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (2023). The Impact of procedural knowledge retrieval on the architectural design process in parametric design environments. In Design Computing and Cognition’22. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-20418-0_40
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (2022). Architecture students’ search behavior in parametric design. In Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design. eCAADe.
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (2022). Impact of cognitive load associated with learning and using parametric tools in architectural design. In MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS LÍNEAS La gráfica y sus usos. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. doi:10.31428/10317/11415
Peer reviewed

Stals, A., Elsen, C., & Jancart, S. (2022). Integration of Parametric Modeling Tools in Small Architectural Offices – Between Constraints and Organizational Strategies. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. doi:10.1080/17452007.2022.2050347
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Dautremont, C., Halbach, A., & Jancart, S. (2022). Pratiques BIM et usages du réemploi : inventorier, anticiper tracer et valoriser les éléments de construction. In Design global et continuum informationnel. Paris, France: ISTE Science Publishing.
Peer reviewed

de Boissieu, A., Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (18 October 2021). Penser la transformation numérique par l’expérimentation [Paper presentation]. Les pratiques "par le faire" dans l'enseignement de l'architecture en Belgique, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Stals, A., Jancart, S., & Elsen, C. (2021). La complexité dans la pratique architecturale numérique : le cas des bureaux belges de petite et moyenne taille. In D. Clayes, (anti)crise architecturale ? analyse d’une discipline immergée dans un monde numérique (pp. 143-156). Presses universitaires de Louvain.
Peer reviewed

Stals, A., Jancart, S., & Elsen, C. (2021). Parametric modeling tools in small architectural offices - Towards an adapted design process model. Design Studies, 72 (C), 1-32. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2020.100978
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Maes, A., Branders, A., Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (November 2020). Apports de la modélisation paramétrique dans le processus de conception architectural en agence [Paper presentation]. Scan 20 culture numérique et conception architecturale : retour vers le futur.

Dautremont, C., Martin, V., & Jancart, S. (2020). Multidisciplinarité en conception architecturale : retour sur deux décennies en agence. In Actes du Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20208201001
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., Boutemadja, A., & Dautremont, C. (2020). BIM Game : Jouer à construire le 21ème siècle. In 6e édition EDUBIM : journées de l'enseignement et de la recherche sur la maquette numérique et le BIM en France.
Peer reviewed

Dautremont, C., & Jancart, S. (2020). Expérimentation d’intégration des concepts de circularité en architecture grâce au BIM : modèle d’apprentissage par le jeu de rôle. In Actes de colloque - EduBIM.
Peer reviewed

Vrouwe, I., Dissaux, T., Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (2020). Concept Learning Through Parametric Design; A Learning Situation Design for Parametric Design in Architectural Studio Education. In Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age. eCAADe.
Peer reviewed

Halbach, A., Dautremont, C., & Jancart, S. (2020). Pratiques et outils BIM soutenant l’économie circulaire : retour d’enquêtes [Poster presentation]. Scan 20 culture numérique et conception architecturale : retour vers le futur.
Editorial reviewed

Gantjimirov, H., Leblanc, P., Schyns, M., & Jancart, S. (November 2019). The contribution of augmented reality in architectural education [Paper presentation]. Matters of Abstraction.

Halbach, A., & Jancart, S. (2019). BUILDING FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY THROUGH BIM Interviews with practicing architects. In Areti Markoupoulou, Chiara Farinea, ... Mathilde Marengo, RESPONSIVE CITIES: DISRUPTING THROUGH CIRCULAR DESIGN SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS 2019. Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya.
Peer reviewed

Dissaux, T., & Jancart, S. (26 October 2019). Computationally enhanced Ideation [Paper presentation]. 5th ARENA Annual Conference, Graz, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Dautremont, C., Mouton, C., Martin, V., & Jancart, S. (25 October 2019). A collaborative eco-design process using parametric tools with BIM [Paper presentation]. 5th ARENA Annual Conference --- DR_SoM Session 7, Graz, Austria.

Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (2019). A pedagogical introduction to parametric modeling as a formal research tool. In Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology.
Peer reviewed

Halbach, A., & Jancart, S. (June 2019). BIM as built : tool for demolition or deconstruction [Paper presentation]. BIM et réemploi des matériaux de construction, Besançon, France.

Dautremont, C., Jancart, S., Dagnelie, C., & Stals, A. (2019). Parametric design and BIM, systemic tools for circular architecture. In Building as material banks. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012071
Peer reviewed

Halbach, A., & Jancart, S. (November 2018). Circularity in architecture [Paper presentation]. Réunion BIM Game ToB3.

Stals, A., Elsen, C., & Jancart, S. (2018). L’immersion pour l’appréhension des outils de modélisation paramétrique en conception architecturale. In SCAN18 : Imersion / Emersion.
Peer reviewed

Dautremont, C., Dagnelie, C., & Jancart, S. (2018). Le BIM6D comme levier pour une architecture circulaire. In Actes du Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20184701005
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (14 September 2018). Parametric modelling as a tool and a medium to control and create form by investigating its geometrical theories [Paper presentation]. Matters of Abstraction.

Stals, A., Elsen, C., & Jancart, S. (2018). Génération de formes complexes par la paramétrisation dans les PME. In Colloque 01Design.11 : Concevoir à l'ère post-numérique.
Peer reviewed

Dautremont, C., & Jancart, S. (March 2018). BIM 6D, Best Tool for Circular Architecture ? [Paper presentation]. Meeting BIM GAME - Erasmus +.

Stals, A., Elsen, C., & Jancart, S. (19 January 2018). Les outils paramétriques comme outil de réconciliation : état des pratiques numériques dans les petits et moyens bureaux d’architecture [Paper presentation]. DISEGNO 2018.

Jancart, S., Silvestre, A., Seijkens, N., & Leduc, L. (2018). Devices to Counter the Lack of Practice in Mathematics in a First Year Architecture Programme. In Proceedings of the Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2017, Issue 4.
Peer reviewed

Dautremont, C., Dagnelie, C., & Jancart, S. (2018). BIM6D : un levier pour une architecture circulaire ? [Paper presentation]. Colloque 01Design.11 : Concevoir à l'ère post-numérique.

Dissaux, T., Stals, A., & Jancart, S. (January 2018). Optimisation en conception architecturale [Paper presentation]. Disegno.

Stals, A., Jancart, S., & Elsen, C. (2018). Influence of parametric tools on the complexity of architectural design in everyday work os SME's. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 12 (3), 206-227. doi:10.26687/archnet-ijar.v12i3.1665
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., Seijkens, N., & Silvestre, A. (September 2017). Pedagogical and Didactic Adaptations of a Mathematics Course to a Student-Centred Education in an Architecture Programme [Paper presentation]. Matters of abstraction, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Jancart, S., & Stals, A. (September 2017). Parametric Architecture to BIM [Paper presentation]. Meeting BIM GAME - Erasmus +, Liège, Belgium.

Stals, A., Elsen, C., & Jancart, S. (2017). Practical Trajectories of Parametric Tools in Small and Medium Architectural Firms. In Future trajectories for computation in design.
Peer reviewed

Stals, A., Jancart, S., & Elsen, C. (2016). How do small and medium architectural firms deal with architectural complexity? A look into digital practices. In H.-L. Hentila, A. Herneoja, H. Pihlajaniemi, ... T. Osterlund, Proceedings of te 34th eCAADe annual conference: Complexity and Simplicity (pp. 10).
Peer reviewed

Stals, A., & Jancart, S. (2016). Pourquoi intégrer le paramétrique en architecture ? [Paper presentation]. Liège Créative.

Jancart, S., Stals, A., & Gallas, M.-A. (2016). Mathématique et culture numérique : supports aux nouvelles formes d’expression architecturale. In F. B. Goulette, Jean-Pierre, Actes du Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique. Presses Universitaires de Nancy.
Peer reviewed

Stals, A., Elsen, C., & Jancart, S. (2016). Ruptures et démesures de l'architecture non standard à l'ère du numérique: la paramétrisation comme outil de réconciliation. In J.-P. Goulette & B. Ferries, Actes du Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique (Presses Universitaires de Nancy).
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S. (2015). Syllabus de théorie et d'exercices- Mathématique 2.

Stals, A., Elsen, C., Jancart, S., & Delvaux, F. (2015). Challenges in teaching architectural morphogenesis. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers (pp. 16).
Peer reviewed

Gallas, M. A., Jacquot, K., Jancart, S., & Delvaux, F. (2015). Parametric Modeling: An Advanced Design Process for Architectural Education. In ECAADe 33.
Peer reviewed

Delvaux, F., Bianchi, R., & Jancart, S. (2014). De la matière à l'espace: une voie d'intégration numérique et matérielle. In S. Kubicki, G. Halin, ... J.-C. Bignon (Eds.), Scan 14 séminaire de conception architecturale numérique : Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques. Nancy, France: PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine.
Peer reviewed

Boutemadja, A., Driesmans, C., & Jancart, S. (2014). Le B.I.M et la maquette virtuelle comme moyen pédagogique permettant le rapprochement entre les cours d'informatique et l'enseignement du projet d'architecture. In J.-C. Bignon, S. Kubicki, ... G. Halin (Eds.), Scan 14 sémainaire de conception architecturale numérique : Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques. Nancy, France: PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine.
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S. (2013). Syllabus d'exercices de Mathématique 1 : première bachelier en Architecture. (Faculté d'Architecture, ULg, ARCH0111-1 Mathématique 1).

Delvaux, F., Bianchi, R., Defawes, G., & Jancart, S. (2013). Changing Architecture's materiality and meaning through digital culture. In Proceedings of the international conference Changing cities : spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions.
Peer reviewed

Casertano, S., Lattanzi, M. G., Sozzetti, A., Spagna, A., Jancart, S., Morbidelli, R., Pannunzio, R., Pourbaix, D., & Queloz, D. (01 May 2008). Double-blind test program for astrometric planet detection with Gaia. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 482, 699-729. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20078997
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Jancart, S. (2008). Vers plus d'autonomie. Dynamique des apprentissages : le transfert. (UNamur - Université de Namur, Département Education et Technologie).

Deber, B., Jancart, S., & Goossens, C. (2008). 4 syllabi de didactique des mathématiques - première et deuxième années du normal primaire (Géométrie, numération). (ENCBW, Didactique des mathématiques).

Frankowski, A., Jancart, S., & Jorissen, A. (01 March 2007). Proper-motion binaries in the Hipparcos catalogue. Comparison with radial velocity data. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 464, 377-392. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20065526
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Jancart, S., Jorissen, A., Babusiaux, C., & Pourbaix, D. (01 October 2005). Astrometric orbits of SB^9 stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 442, 365-380. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20053003
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Jancart, S. (2005). Sedna, nouvelle planète de notre système solaire ? [Paper presentation]. 6e Nuit des étoiles.

Fekel, F. C., Barlow, D. J., Scarfe, C. D., Jancart, S., & Pourbaix, D. (01 February 2005). HD 166181 = V815 Herculis, a Single-lined Spectroscopic Multiple System. Astronomical Journal, 129, 1001-1007. doi:10.1086/426753
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Jancart, S., & Pourbaix, D. (2005). Orbit Determination for Gaia Spectroscopic Binaries. In K. S. O'Flaherty & M. A. C. Perryman (Eds.), The Three-Dimensional Universe with Gaia (pp. 579).
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., Jorissen, A., & Pourbaix, D. (2005). Hipparcos Astrometric Binaries in the Ninth Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits: A Testbench for the Detection of Astrometric Binaries with Gaia. In K. S. O'Flaherty & M. A. C. Perryman (Eds.), The Three-Dimensional Universe with Gaia (pp. 583).
Peer reviewed

Lattanzi, M. G., Casertano, S., Jancart, S., Morbidelli, R., Pourbaix, D., Pannunzio, R., Sozzetti, A., Spagna, A., O'Flaherty, & Perryman. (2005). Detection and Characterization of Extra-Solar Planets with Gaia. In K. S. O'Flaherty & M. A. C. Perryman (Eds.), The Three-Dimensional Universe with Gaia (pp. 251).
Peer reviewed

Pourbaix, D., Jancart, S., & Jorissen, A. (2004). Binaries in the Hipparcos data: keep digging II. Modeling the IAD of known spectroscopic systems. In H. Hensberge, K. Pavlovski, ... R. W. Hilditch (Eds.), Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of the Close Binary Stars (pp. 144-147).
Peer reviewed

Jorissen, A., Jancart, S., & Pourbaix, D. (2004). Binaries in the Hipparcos data: Keep digging, I. Search for binaries without `a priori' knowledge of their orbital elements: Application to barium stars. In H. Hensberge, K. Pavlovski, ... R. W. Hilditch (Eds.), Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of the Close Binary Stars (pp. 141-143).
Peer reviewed

Pourbaix, D., Jancart, S., & Boffin, H. M. J. (2004). What can the S [B9] database do for you? In Allen & Scarfe (Eds.), The environments and evolution of double and multiple stars (pp. 265-266).
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., Lemaitre, A., & Letocart, V. (01 August 2003). The Role of the Inclination in the Captures in External Resonances in the Three Body Problem. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 86, 363-383. doi:10.1023/A:1024500207283
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Jancart, S. (01 August 2003). La ceinture de Kuiper fête ses 10 ans. Ciel et Terre, 119, 101-104.

Jancart, S., & Lemaitre, A. (01 June 2003). Tridimensional Dissipative Semi-Numerical Model. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 92, 63-71. doi:10.1023/B:MOON.0000031925.96102.be
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Pourbaix, D., & Jancart, S. (2003). GAIA and the spectroscopic binaries: what to expect in terms of orbit determination? In GAIA Spectroscopy: Science and Technology (pp. 345).
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., Lemaitre, A., & Istace, A. (01 October 2002). Second Fundamental Model of Resonance with Asymmetric Equilibria. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 84, 197-221. doi:10.1023/A:1019973222514
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Jancart, S. (2002). Résonances et dissipations [Doctoral thesis, UNamur - Université de Namur]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/145013

Jancart, S., & Lemaitre, A. (2002). Dissipative Forces and External Resonances. In D. Richardson, K. Seidelmann, ... E. Wnuk (Eds.), Dynamics of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies (pp. 75-80).
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S., & Lemaitre, A. (2001). Dissipative forces and external resonances. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 81, 75-80. doi:10.1023/A:1013311204539
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Poulet, F., & Jancart, S. (2000). On the dynamic stability of Saturn's F ring. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society (pp. 863).
Peer reviewed

Beauge, C., Lemaitre, A., & Jancart, S. (01 May 1999). A second-order theory for resonance capture in corotation centers. Planetary and Space Science, 47, 643-652. doi:10.1016/S0032-0633(98)00139-1
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Beaugé, C., Lemaitre, A., & Jancart, S. (01 January 1999). On the Motion of Trapped Particles in the Vicinity of Corotation Centers. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 73, 97-105. doi:10.1023/a:1008334711060
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Champenois, S., Henrard, J., & Jancart, S. (1999). Capture for coorbital moons [Poster presentation]. ACM 99 : Asteroids, Comets , Meteors, Cornell, Ithaca, United States.

Beaugé, C., Lemaitre, A., & Jancart, S. (1999). On the motion of trapped particles in the vicinity of corotation centers. In S. Ferraz-Mello (Ed.), Impact of Modern Dynamics in Astronomy (pp. 97).
Peer reviewed

Tichy, M., Galad, A., Pravda, A., Korlevic, K., Matkovic, D., Zhu, J., Ma, C. M., Chen, Y. J., Asami, A., Seki, T., Kobayashi, T., Garradd, G. J., Pravec, P., Sarounova, L., Wolf, M., Lecacheux, J., Jorda, L., Colas, F., Cabot, H., ... Marsden, B. G. (1996). Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake). Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, 03.
Peer reviewed

Lemaitre, A., & Jancart, S. (1996). Dynamical problems for dust particles [Paper presentation]. Colloque Astéroïdes- Comètes- Météores, Versailles, France.

Jancart, S., Lemaitre, A., & Sicardy, B. (1996). A symplectic mapping for the F-ring of Saturn. FUNDP. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/147196

Jancart, S., Sicardy, B., & Lemaitre, A. (1996). A symplectic mapping for the F-ring of Saturne [Paper presentation]. Colloque Ast éroï des-Com ètes-M ét éores, Versailles, France.

Sicardy, B., Beuzit, J.-L., Colas, F., Debatz, B., Domergue-Schmidt, N., Dumas, C., Hamilton, D. P., Herbst, T., Jancart, S., Lecacheux, J., Pau, S., Owen, T., Poulet, F., Sánchez-Lavega, A., & Tiphène, D. (1995). The Saturn Ring Plane Crossings: May and August 1995. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society (pp. 1132).
Peer reviewed

Jancart, S. (1995). Etudes observationnelle et dynamique des anneaux de Saturne [Specialised master, Observatoire de Paris]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/145046

Jancart, S. (1994). Capture en résonance dans une nébuleuse protosolaire [Master’s dissertation, UNamur - Université de Namur]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/145045

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