
Garré Sarah

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Javaux, Mathieu (28)
Vanderborght, Jan (25)
Nguyen, Frédéric  (24)
Artru, Sidonie  (18)
Colinet, Gilles  (14)
Main Referenced Keywords
ERT (18); agriculture (8); agroforestry (8); soil moisture (8); water (7);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
TERRA Teaching and Research Centre - TERRA (17)
BIOSE - Ingénierie des Bio‐Systèmes - ULiège (4)
Agrosphere (IBG-1) (3)
AgricultureIsLife (2)
UEE - Urban and Environmental Engineering - ULiège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Agriculture & agronomy (60)
Earth sciences & physical geography (50)
Environmental sciences & ecology (28)
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (7)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (5)

Publications (total 140)

The most downloaded
Garré, S., Günther, T., Vanderborght, J., & Diels, J. (2011). Sensitivity and resolution of ERT for soil moisture monitoring in contour hedgerow intercropping systems: a methodological analysis [Paper presentation]. GELMON workshop.

The most cited

132 citations (OpenAlex)

Garré, S., Javaux, M., Vanderborght, J., Pagès, L., & Vereecken, H. (February 2011). Three-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Monitor Root Zone Water Dynamics. Vadose Zone Journal, 10 (1), 412-424. doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0079

Books published as author or co-author

Garré, S., & Huysmans, M. (2021). Het Grote Waterboek. Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo.

Jonard, F., Bogena, H., Caterina, D., Garré, S., Kloztsche, A., Monerris, A., Schwank, M., & von Hebel, C. (2018). Ground-based soil moisture determination. In: Ecohydrology. Observation and Measurement of Ecohydrological Processes. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-47871-4_2-2
Peer reviewed

Articles accepted in reviewed journal

Chtouki, M., Laaziz, F., Naciri, R., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., & Oukarroum, A. (24 April 2022). Interactive effect of soil moisture content and phosphorus fertilizer form on chickpea growth, photosynthesis, and nutrient uptake. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 6671. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-10703-0
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De Swaef, T., Pieters, O., Appeltans, S., Borra-Serrano, I., Coudron, W., Couvreur, V., Garré, S., Lootens, P., Nicolaï, B., Pols, L., Saint Cast, C., Šalagovič, J., Van Haeverbeke, M., Stock, M., & Wyffels, F. (2022). On the pivotal role of water potential to model plant physiological processes. In Silico Plants, 4 (1). doi:10.1093/insilicoplants/diab038
Peer reviewed

Zanutel, M., Garré, S., & Bielders, C. (2021). Long-term effect of biochar on soil physical properties of agricultural soils with different textures at pre-industrial charcoal kiln sites in Wallonia (Belgium). European Journal of Soil Science. doi:10.1111/ejss.13157
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von Hebel, C., Reynaert, S., Pauly, K., Janssens, P., Piccard, I., Vanderborght, J., van der Kruk, J., Vereecken, H., & Garré, S. (July 2021). Toward high-resolution agronomic soil information and management zones delineated by ground-based electromagnetic induction and aerial drone data. Vadose Zone Journal, 20 (4). doi:10.1002/vzj2.20099
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Chtouki, M., Naciri, R., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., & Oukarroum, A. (2021). Chickpea plant responses to polyphosphate fertiliser forms and drip fertigation frequencies: effect on photosynthetic performance and phenotypic traits. Functional Plant Biology: FPB. doi:10.1071/FP21035
Peer reviewed

Garré, S., Hyndman, D., Mary, B., & Werban, U. (25 May 2021). Geophysics conquering new territories: The rise of “agrogeophysics”. Vadose Zone Journal, n/a (n/a), 20115. doi:10.1002/vzj2.20115
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Roy, J., Rineau, F., Boeck, H. J. D., Nijs, I., Pütz, T., Abiven, S., Arnone, J. A., Barton, C. V. M., Beenaerts, N., Brüggemann, N., Dainese, M., Domisch, T., Eisenhauer, N., Garré, S., Gebler, A., Ghirardo, A., Jasoni, R. L., Kowalchuk, G., Landais, D., ... Milcu, A. (2021). Ecotrons: powerful and versatile ecosystem analysers for ecology, agronomy and environmental science. Global Change Biology, n/a (n/a). doi:10.1111/gcb.15471
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Ehosioke, S., Nguyen, F., Rao, S., Kremer, T., Placencia-Gomez, R. E., Huisman, J. A., Kemna, A., Javaux, M., & Garré, S. (2020). Sensing the electrical properties of roots: A review. Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.1002/vzj2.20082
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Von Hebel, C., van der Kruk, J., Huisman, J. A., Mester, A., Altdorff, D., Endres, A. L., Zimmerman, E., Garré, S., & Vereecken, H. (2019). Calibration, Conversion, and Quantitative Multi-Layer Inversion of Multi-Coil Rigid-Boom Electromagnetic Induction Data. Sensors. doi:10.3390/s19214753
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Sathyanarayan, R., Meunier, F., Ehosioke, S., Lesparre, N., Kemna, A., Nguyen, F., Garré, S., & Javaux, M. (2019). Impact of Maize Roots on Soil–Root Electrical Conductivity: A Simulation Study. Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2019.04.0037
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Chen, B., Garré, S., Liu, H., Yan, C., Liu, E., Gong, D., & Mei, X. (April 2019). Two-dimensional monitoring of soil water content in fields with plastic mulching using electrical resistivity tomography. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 159. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2019.02.028
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Koch, A., Meunier, F., Vanderborght, J., Garré, S., Pohlmeier, A., & Javaux, M. (2019). Functional-structural root system model validation using soil MRI and tracer experiment. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erz060
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Michez, A., Bauwens, S., Brostaux, Y., Hiel, M.-P., Garré, S., Lejeune, P., & Dumont, B. (13 November 2018). How far can consumer grade UAV RGB imagery describe crop production? A 3D and multi-temporal modelling approach applied to Zea mays. Remote Sensing, 10 (11), 1798. doi:10.3390/rs10111798
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Artru, S., Lassois, L., Vancutsem, F., Reubens, B., & Garré, S. (July 2018). Sugar beet development under dynamic shade environments in temperate conditions. European Journal of Agronomy, 97. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2018.04.011
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Hiel, M.-P., Barbieux, S., Pierreux, J., Olivier, C., Lobet, G., Roisin, C., Garré, S., Colinet, G., Bodson, B., & Dumont, B. (23 May 2018). Impact of crop residue management on crop production and soil chemistry after seven years of crop rotation in temperate climate, loamy soils. PeerJ, 6 (e4836). doi:10.7717/peerj.4836
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Ket, P., Garré, S., Oeurng, C., Hok, L., & Degré, A. (21 May 2018). Simulation of Crop Growth and Water-Saving Irrigation Scenarios for Lettuce: A Monsoon-Climate Case Study in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. Water, 10 (5), 666. doi:10.3390/w10050666
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Pohlmeier, A., Garré, S., & Roose, T. (February 2018). Noninvasive imaging of processes in natural porous media: From pore to field scale. Vadose Zone Journal, 17 (1). doi:10.2136/vzj2018.03.0044
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Coussement, T., MALOTEAU, S., Pardon, P., Artru, S., Ridley, S., Javaux, M., & Garré, S. (2018). A tree-bordered field as a surrogate for agroforestry in temperate regions: Where does the water go? Agricultural Water Management, 210. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2018.06.033
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Artru, S.* , Dumont, B.* , Ruget, F., Launay, M., Ripoche, D., Lassois, L., & Garré, S. (January 2018). How does STICS crop model simulate crop growth and productivity under shade conditions? Field Crops Research, 215. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.10.005
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Chen, B., Liu, E., Mei, X., Yan, C., & Garré, S. (2018). Modelling soil water dynamic in rain-fed spring maize field with plastic mulching. Agricultural Water Management. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2017.12.007
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Liu, Q., Yan, C., Ju, H., & Garré, S. (2018). Impact of climate change on potential evapotranspiration under a historical and future climate scenario in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2060-6
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Artru, S., Garré, S., Dupraz, C., Hiel, M., Blitz-Frayet, C., & Lassois, L. (08 November 2017). Impact of spatio-temporal shade dynamics on wheat growth and yield, perspectives for temperate agroforestry. European Journal of Agronomy, 82 (A), 60-70. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2016.10.004
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Chen, B., Yan, C., Garré, S., Mei, X., & Enke, L. (2017). Effects of a ‘one film for 2 years’ system on the grain yield, water use efficiency and cost-benefit balance in dryland spring maize (Zea mays L.) on the Loess Plateau, China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. doi:10.1080/03650340.2017.1393530
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Li, X., Ju, H., Garré, S., Yan, C., William, D. B., & Liu, Q. (October 2017). Spatiotemporal variation of drought characteristics in the Huang- Huai-Hai Plain, China under the climate change scenario. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16 (10), 2308-2322. doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61545-9
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Khetdan, C., Chittamart, N., Tawornpruek, S., Kongkaew, T., Onsamrarn, W., & Garré, S. (September 2017). Influence of rock fragments on hydraulic properties of Ultisols in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. Geoderma Regional, 10, 21-28. doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2017.04.001
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Beckers, E., Pichault, M., Pansak, W., Degré, A., & Garré, S. (12 August 2016). Characterization of stony soils' hydraulic conductivity using laboratory and numerical experiments. Soil, 2, 421-431. doi:10.5194/soil-2-421-2016
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Rudolph, S., Wongleecharoen, C., Lark, M., Marchant, B., Garré, S., Herbst, M., Vereecken, H., & Weihermüller, L. (01 April 2016). Soil apparent conductivity measurements for planning and analysis of agricultural experiments: A case study from Western-Thailand. Geoderma, 267, 220-229. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.12.013
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Hiel, M.-P., Chelin, M., Parvin, N., Barbieux, S., Lemtiri, A., Colinet, G., Degré, A., Bodson, B., & Garré, S. (2016). Crop residue management in arable cropping systems under a temperate climate. Part 2: Soil physical properties and crop production. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (1), 245-256.
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Hatt, S., Artru, S., Brédart, D., Lassois, L., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Garré, S., Stassart, P. M., Dufrêne, M., Monty, A., & Boeraeve, F. (2016). Towards sustainable food systems: the concept of agroecology and how it questions current research practices. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (Special issue 1), 215-224.
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Monty, A., Garré, S., Bindelle, J., Mahy, G., Deleu, M., Bodson, B., & Haubruge, E. (2016). AgricultureIsLife or how to facilitate innovation in agriculture through multi-disciplinary research. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement.
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Hussain, K., Wongleecharoen, C., Hilger, T., Vanderborght, J., Garré, S., Onsunrarn, W., Sparke, M.-A., Diels, J., Kongkaew, T., & Cadisch, G. (2015). Combining δ13C measurements and ERT imaging: improving our understanding of competition at the crop-soil-hedge interface. Plant and Soil. doi:10.1007/s11104-015-2455-z
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Ma, L., Bu, Z., Kerr, P., Garré, S., Xia, L., & Yang, L. (2014). An Integrated Quantitative Method to Simultaneously Monitor Soil Erosion and Non-Point Source Pollution in an Intensive Agricultural Area. Pedosphere. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(14)60053-9
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Garré, S., Coteur, I., Wongleecharoen, C., Kongkaew, T., Diels, J., & Vanderborght, J. (08 March 2013). Non-invasive monitoring of soil water dynamics in mixed cropping systems: A case-study in Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Vadose Zone Journal, 12 (2). doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0129
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Vansteenkiste, J., Van Loon, J., Garré, S., Pagès, L., Schrevens, E., & Diels, J. (2013). Estimating the parameters of a 3-D root distribution function from root observations with the trench profile method: case study with simulated and field-observed root data. Plant and Soil, 375 (1-2), 75-88. doi:10.1007/s11104-013-1942-3
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Garré, S., Günther, T., Diels, J., & Vanderborght, J. (2012). Evaluating experimental design of ERT for soil moisture monitoring in contour hedgerow intercropping systems. Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0186
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Garré, S., Pagès, L., Laloy, E., Javaux, M., Vanderborght, J., & Vereecken, H. (2012). Parameterizing a Dynamic Architectural Model of the Root System of Spring Barley from Minirhizotron Data. Vadose Zone Journal, 11 (4). doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0179
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Pagès, L., Bruchou, C., & Garré, S. (2012). Links between root length density profiles and models of the root system architecture. Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0152
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Garré, S., Javaux, M., Vanderborght, J., Pagès, L., & Vereecken, H. (February 2011). Three-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Monitor Root Zone Water Dynamics. Vadose Zone Journal, 10 (1), 412-424. doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0079
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Garré, S., Koestel, J., Günther, T., Javaux, M., Vanderborght, J., & Vereecken, H. (May 2010). Comparison of Heterogeneous Transport Processes Observed with Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Two Soils. Vadose Zone Journal, 9 (2), 336-349. doi:10.2136/vzj2009.0086
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Garré, S., Meeus, S., & Gulinck, H. (14 May 2009). The dual role of roads in the visual landscape: a case study in the area around Mechelen (Belgium). Landscape and Urban Planning, 92 (2), 125-135. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.04.001
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Articles accepted in journal without reviewing

Boutsen, R., Artru, S., Claessens, H., Dufrêne, M., Reubens, B., Garré, S., & Lassois, L. (2016). L'agroforesterie en Belgique : atouts et freins dans le paysage agricole moderne. Forêt.Nature, 138, 12-22.

Articles accepted in conference proceedings

Garré, S., Deswaef, T., Borra-Serrano, I., Lootens, P., & Blanchy, G. (31 August 2021). The potential of electrical imaging for field root zone phenotyping. Earthdoc, 2021 (1), 1-5. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.202120221
Peer reviewed

Manhaeghe, T., Wagner, F., Dumont, G., & Garré, S. (2018). Evaluation of the Effect of Micro-Topography of a Potato Field on ERT to Assess Soil Moisture Patterns in Sandy Soil. Earthdoc. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201802627
Peer reviewed

Artru, S., Dumont, B., Lassois, L., & Garré, S. (2016). Are crop models able to efficiently simulate crop growth under shade? In M. Gosme, 3rd European Agroforestry conference 2016 - Book of abstracts.
Peer reviewed

Artru, S., Garré, S., Hiel, M.-P., Dupraz, C., & Lassois, L. (2016). Dealing with crop rotation in agroforestry: the impact of shade on winter wheat and sugar beet growth and yield under belgium conditions. In Book of Abstract- 3rd European Agroforestry Conference 2016.
Peer reviewed

Dumont, G., Pilawski, T., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Garré, S., & Nguyen, F. (2015). ERT monitoring of water infiltration process through a landfill cover layer. In Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 112.

Hatt, S., Artru, S., Boeraeve, F., Brédart, D., Lassois, L., Garré, S., Dufrêne, M., Dendoncker, N., Stassart, P. M., & Francis, F. (2014). Incorporate agroecology within research : The on-going story of four young researchers. In Broadening Scopes on Food, Squeezing Urban Hinterlands.
Peer reviewed

Colaux-Castillo-Bocanegra, C., Colinet, G., Debouche, C., Degré, A., Garré, S., Heinesch, B., & Lebeau, F. (2013). Élaboration du référentiel de compétences du master bioingénieur en Sciences et Technologies de l'Environnement. In R. Poulin (Ed.), Séminaire CITEF 2013 La liaison formation-emploi : l'approche compétences et la formation tout au long de la vie (pp. 8). CITEF.
Peer reviewed

Garré, S., Coteur, I., Wongleecharoen, C., Hussain, K., Omsunrarn, W., Kongkaew, T., Hilger, T., Diels, J., & Vanderborght, J. (2013). Can we use electrical resistivity tomography to measure root zone competition in fields with multiple crops? Procedia Environmental Sciences.
Peer reviewed

Garré, S., Coteur, I., Wongleecharoen, C., Diels, J., & Vanderborght, J. (2012). Can we use Electrical Resistivity Tomography to measure root zone moisture dynamics in fields with multiple crops? In 2012 Scientific program.
Peer reviewed

Garré, S., Vanderborght, J., & Günther, T. (2011). Sensitivity and resolution of ERT for soil moisture monitoring in contour hedgerow intercropping systems. In Abstracts AGU.
Peer reviewed

Vanderborght, J., Schröder, N., Garré, S., Javaux, M., Haver-Pohlmeier, S., Pohlmeier, A., & Vereecken, H. (2011). The role of soil-root interface for transport processes in soils. In Abstracts AGU.
Peer reviewed

Garré, S., Vanderborght, J., Javaux, M., & Vereecken, H. (2010). The dynamic interplay between roots and soil moisture. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (pp. 2010-2082). EGU.
Peer reviewed

Garré, S., Koestel, J., Vanderborght, J., & Javaux, M. (2009). Comparison of transport in lysimeters with undisturbed loamy sand and silty soil using non invasive imaging with electrical resistivity tomography. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (pp. 2009-7887).
Peer reviewed

Koestel, J., Garré, S., Bechtold, M., Vanderborght, J., Javaux, M., Günther, T., & Vereecken, H. (2009). Benchmarking ERT-derived petrophysical parameters and solute transport characteristics using a set of numerical tracer displacement experiments in unsaturated porous media. In Eos Trans. AGU (pp. 51K-05).
Peer reviewed

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