
D'Haenens Manon

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Verbeeck, Muriel  (4)
Strivay, David  (3)
Beerkens, Lydia (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Conservation (7); Conservation-restauration (5); contemporary art (3); Nicolas Schöffer (3); art contemporain (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
AAP - Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Art & art history (10)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)

Publications (total 14)

The most downloaded
D'Haenens, M. (2013). La pénétration des adhésifs de doublage : Méthode d’évaluation et recherche des facteurs d’influence. CeROArt: Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art.

D'Haenens, M. (2019). The role of conservators: an international survey on conservation within contemporary art collections. ICAR, International Journal of Young Conservators and Restorers of Works of Art, 3, 33-45.
Peer reviewed

D'Haenens, M. (December 2018). Entre authenticité et extrapolation : l’interprétation des œuvres de Nicolas Schöffer. CeROArt: Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art, HS. doi:10.4000/ceroart.6137

D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2018). Nicolas Schöffer’s collection: from the artist’s studio to the museum. In R. Rivenc & R. Bek (Eds.), Keep it moving ? Conserving kinetic art: Proceedings from the meeting organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, the ICOM-CC Modern Materials and Contemporary Art Working Group, and Museo del Novecento (pp. 113-119). The Getty Conservation Institute.
Peer reviewed

Beerkens, L., & D'Haenens, M. (2017). Study days on Nicolas Schöffer: Conserving/restoring works of a technological nature (review). Modern Materials - Contemporary art. Official Newsletter.

D'Haenens, M. (02 February 2017). Introduction: discussion interdisciplinaire entre objectifs, vocabulaire et reconnaissance [Paper presentation]. Autour de Nicolas Schöffer : Conserver/restaurer des oeuvres à caractère technologique, Paris, France.

D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2017). Development of an antigraffiti treatment for an outdoor rubber sculpture. In T. Bechthold (Ed.), FUTURE TALKS 015 Processes. The Making of Design and Modern Art. Materials, technologies and conservation strategies (pp. 212-219).
Peer reviewed

D'Haenens, M. (2016). The Cybernetic Tower by Nicolas Schöffer: the conservator’s role between continuity and historicity of the production. In R. F. Hermens, E (Ed.), Authenticity in Transition, Changing practices in art making and conservation, Proceedings of the NeCCAR Conference, Glasgow december 2014 (pp. 46-53). London, United Kingdom: Archetype.
Peer reviewed

D'Haenens, M. (2015). La Tour Cybernétique de Nicolas Schöffer [Paper presentation]. Modernisme à Liège : années 1960, Liège, Belgium.

D'Haenens, M., & Verbeeck, M. (November 2014). Restaurer la Lumière? Les effets luminodynamiques de la Tour Cybernétique de Liège [Paper presentation]. Lumière et Patrimoine 2014, Belgium.

D'Haenens, M. (2014). V. Van Saaze, Installation Art and the Museum : Presentation and Conservation of Changing Artworks. CeROArt: Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art, (9).
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D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2014). In situ conservation-restoration in contemporary art collections [Poster presentation]. ENCoRE "Teaching Conservation-Restoration" conference in Liège - ESA Saint-Luc.

D'Haenens, M. (2014). The Cybernetic Tower of Nicolas Schöffer [Paper presentation]. SBMK-Dag - Thema Licht - EYE institute, Netherlands.

D'Haenens, M. (2013). La pénétration des adhésifs de doublage : Méthode d’évaluation et recherche des facteurs d’influence. CeROArt: Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

D'Haenens, M. (2013). Spécificités de la documentation en art contemporain. Bulletin de l'APROA, (3), 11-16.

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