
Strivay David

Département de physique > Spectroscopie atomique et nucléaire, archéométrie


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Chene, Grégoire  (75)
Defeyt, Catherine  (66)
Mathis, François  (63)
Calvo Del Castillo, Helena  (41)
Hocquet, François-Philippe  (39)
Main Referenced Keywords
XRF (11); PIXE (10); archaeometry (8); Painting (8); Magritte (7);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CEA - Centre Européen en Archéométrie - ULiège (72)
AAP - Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine - ULiège (49)
Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM) (6)
Atomic and Nuclear Spectroscopy, Archeometry (3)
CSL - Centre Spatial de Liège - ULiège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (152)
Physics (90)
Archaeology (66)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (62)
Art & art history (45)

Publications (total 295)

The most downloaded
Vandenabeele, P., Garcia-Moreno, R., Mathis, F., Leterme, K., Van Elslande, E., Hocquet, F.-P., Rakkaa, S., Laboury, D., Moens, L., Strivay, D., & Hartwig, M. (2009). Multi-disciplinary investigation of the tomb of Menna (TT69), Theban Necropolis, Egypt. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 73 (3), 546-552. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2008.07.028

The most cited

194 citations (OpenAlex)

Warnant, P., François, L., Strivay, D., & Gérard, J.-C. (1994). CARAIB - A global model of terrestrial biological productivity. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8 (3), 255-270. doi:10.1029/94GB00850

Van Wersch, L., Pion, C., Demelenne, M., Legeard, M., Strivay, D., & Gratuze, B. (In press). Perle après perle. Analyses archéométriques des perles en verre de Ciply pour une meilleure connaissance de la nécropole mérovingienne et des matériaux et techniques de l’artisanat perlier. In Cahiers de Mariemont. Morlanwez, Belgium: Musée Royal de Mariemont.
Peer reviewed

Derzelle, E., Strivay, D., Vandepitte, F., Stassart, H., & Defeyt, C. (28 October 2024). Discovery of a painting inspired by Ancient Egypt on the reverse of Train du Soir (1957) by Paul Delvaux. European Physical Journal - Plus, 139 (10). doi:10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05749-0
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Derzelle, E., Strivay, D., Vandepitte, F., Stassart, H., & Defeyt, C. (04 June 2024). Discovery of a painting inspired by ancient Egypt on the revers of Train du Soir (1957) by Paul Delvaux [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, Oslo, Norway.

Veymiers, R., Neri, E., Amoroso, N., & Strivay, D. (2024). Les couleurs de Sarapis. Étude d’un buste en marbre du Musée royal de Mariemont. In E. Neri (Ed.), Polychroma. The Meaning of Colours in Roman Sculptures (pp. 204-225). Milano, Italy: SilvanaEditoriale.
Peer reviewed

Morard, T., Strivay, D., Defeyt, C., Frère, G., Girard, T., Herens, E., Motta, L., Souris, M., & Wastiau, C. (24 November 2023). Le système décoratif de la Domus aux Bucranes à Ostie : études en contexte [Paper presentation]. 34e Colloque de l'Association française pour la peinture murale antique, Mariemont, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., Chene, G., & Fleury-Frenette, K. (June 2023). Set-ups for Radiation test campaigns of Materials dedicated to Space Applications [Paper presentation]. 2023 Interntional Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., Van Wersch, L., Chene, G., & Defeyt, C. (June 2023). Archaeometry and Technical Art History Using Ion Beam Analysis and Non-Invasive Techniques at the University of Liège [Paper presentation]. 2023 Internantional Conferences on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., & Strivay, D. (26 May 2023). Conclusions [Paper presentation]. 20 ans du Centre Européen d'Archéométrie, Uliege, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Defeyt, C., Legeard, M., & Strivay, D. (May 2023). Blockx oil paintings: archives and historical 238 materials [Poster presentation]. TECHNART 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Thomas, K., Marechal, D., & Strivay, D. (May 2023). Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’ pictorial praxis by a mutli-analytical approach [Paper presentation]. TECHNART 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Chene, G., Gratuze, B., Degryse, P., Strivay, D., & Van Wersch, L. (May 2023). Early medieval age glass production techniques studies : an Inter-laboratory and multi-analytical techniques intercomparison campaign [Paper presentation]. TECHNART 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Marechal, D., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2023). Rethinking Jacques-Louis David’s Marat assassiné through material evidences. Heritage Science. doi:10.1186/s40494-023-00861-3
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Martinez, P., Alfeld, M., Defeyt, C., Elleithy, H., Glanville, H., Hartwig, M., Hocquet, F.-P., Jaber, M., Martinetto, P., Strivay, D., & Walter, P. (2023). Hidden mysteries in Ancient Egyptian paintings from the Theban Necropolis observed by in-situ XRF mapping. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0287647
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Derzelle, E., Strivay, D., Defeyt, A., Klein, S.-J., Vandepitte, F., & Defeyt, C. (2023). Paul Delvaux: The Study of Nine Paintings by Non-Invasive Methods. Heritage, 6 (11), 7181-7201. doi:10.3390/heritage6110376
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Neri, E., Mulliez, M., Capus, P., Strivay, D., Dardenay, A., & Grand-Clément, A. (November 2022). The colours of the pilasters, clipei and masks of the Chiragan villa. a work in progress [Paper presentation]. 11th International Round Table on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture, Rome, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Neri, E., & Strivay, D. (November 2022). Searching for the meanings of the lost colours in Roman statues through materiality: some examples [Paper presentation]. 11th International Round Table on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture.
Peer reviewed

Souris, M., Morard, T., Strivay, D., Herens, E., & Defeyt, C. (12 September 2022). Les enduits peints de la Domus aux Bucranes à Ostie : caractérisation technique d'une première phase de IIe style [Paper presentation]. XVe Congrès International AIPMA. ANTIQVA PICTVRA : Techniques et procédés d'exécution, de conservation et de mise en valeur, Carthagène, Spain.
Editorial reviewed

Souris, M., Morard, T., Defeyt, C., Frère, G., Girard, T., Herens, E., Motta, L., & Strivay, D. (03 September 2022). Two phases of Second Style adorning the Domus dei Bucrani (Ostia Antica): the technical study [Paper presentation]. 28th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Budapest, Hungary.
Peer reviewed

Neri, E., Nasr, N., & Strivay, D. (June 2022). Ancient Restoration in Roman Polychromy: Detecting Aesthetic Changes? Heritage, 5 (2), 829 - 848. doi:10.3390/heritage5020045
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Bak, S.-I., Mekontso, E. J. N., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., & Strivay, D. (01 April 2022). Barite concrete-based cement composites for 252Cf spontaneous neutron and 60Co 192Ir shielding based on Monte Carlo computation. Materials Research Express, 9 (4), 045502. doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ac5e8d
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Mbida Mbembe, S., Tayou Kamkumo, C., Beyala Ateba, J. F., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., Simo, A., & Strivay, D. (21 January 2022). Monte Carlo optimum management of 241Am/Be disused sealed radioactive sources. Scientific Reports, 12 (1183). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05221-y
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Defeyt, C., Defeyt, A., Derzelle, E., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2022). Studio Practice of Paul Delvaux: the Early Years [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS CHEMISTRY FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE, Ravenna, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Legeard, M., & Strivay, D. (2022). Blockx: archives and historical materials [Paper presentation]. Consortium for the Research of Artists’ Materials Archives, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Langbroek, M., Van Haam-Meerr, A., Bordes, S., Gratuze, B., Hendriks, J., Strivay, D., Van Wersch, L., & Theuws, F. (2022). Bead Carnival. Chemical analyses of Merovingian beads from the cemetery of Lent-Lentseveld. Zeitschrift für Archaologie des Mittelalters, 50, 27-78.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., Chene, G., Strivay, D., & Theuws, F. (2022). Sur les traces des potiers mérovingiens. Analyses physico-chimiques de céramiques à décors identiques. In Y. Henningfeld & E. Peytremann, Un monde en mouvement : la circulation des hommes, des biens et des idées à l’époque mérovingienne (Ve-VIIIe siècle) (pp. 83-96). Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France: AFAM.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D. (2022). Les méthodes d'analyse en archéométrie. In F. Hatert, J. Maquet, ... J. Toussaint, Gemmes et Patrimoine: Histoire et Techniques (pp. 53-73). Liège, Belgium: Art Research Institute.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Defeyt, A., Derzelle, E., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2022). PAUL DELVAUX’S PRACTICE: ANALYSIS OF SEVEN PAINTINGS BY NON-INVASIVE TECHNIQUES [Poster presentation]. Understanding Munch and the Art at the turn of the Centuries - Between the Museum and the Laboratory, Oslo, Norway.
Peer reviewed

Herens, E., Defeyt, C., Motta, L., Morard, T., & Strivay, D. (2022). Le IIe style « ostien » sous enquête. Imagerie et analyses physico-chimiques des enduits peints de la Domus aux Bucranes. In G. Mainet & S. Graziano, Proceedings of the conference Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere (pp. 191-206). Leuven, Belgium: Ad Ostium Tiberis.
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., Beyala Ateba, J. F., & Strivay, D. (November 2021). 241Am/Be source optimum geometry for DSRS management-based Monte Carlo simulations. AIP Advances, 11 (11), 115024. doi:10.1063/5.0063005
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Eric Jilbert, N. M., Ousmanou, M., & Strivay, D. (November 2021). Application of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence, γ-ray spectrometry and multivariate statistical approach for the classification of soil/sand from Douala – Cameroon. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 188, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109589
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Van Wersch, L., Hocquet François, P., Defeyt, C., Strivay, D., & Gratuze, B. (03 September 2021). THE NEWLY FOUND CAROLINGIAN TESSERAE OF GERMIGNY-DES-PRÉS [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Congress of the Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre, Lisbon, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Tayou Kamkumo, C., NGUELEM MEKONGTSO, E. J., BEYALA ATEBA, J. F., NDONTCHUENG MOYO, M., Simo, A., & Strivay, D. (June 2021). Recovering and restitution of unknown, unidentified, and unlabeled samples in laboratories using EDXRF analysis. MethodsX, 08. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2021.101435
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Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., Cambier, H., & Strivay, D. (27 April 2021). A gemmological study of the reliquary crown of Namur, Belgium. European Journal of Mineralogy, 33 (2), 221-232. doi:10.5194/ejm-33-221-2021
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., NDONTCHUENG MOYO, M., NGUELEM MEKONGTSO, E. J., KUNWOO, C., & Strivay, D. (April 2021). Erratum to: Radiological protection requirements with regard to cosmic-ray exposure during air travel. European Physical Journal - Plus, 136. doi:10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01401-3
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Souris, M., Delye, E., Van Wersch, L., & Strivay, D. (2021). Early Medieval Wall Paintings from the Collegiate Church of Amay (BE). Material Studies and Comparisons with Window Glass and Mosaics from North-Western Europe. In F. Marazzi & M. Cuomo (Eds.), La pittura parietale aniconica e decorativa fra tarda antichità e alto medioevo : Territorio, tradizioni, temi e tendenze. Atti del Convegno, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, 7-8 settembre 2019 (pp. 13-31). Cerro al Volturno, Italy: Volturnia Edizioni.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., Cremer, S., Fraiture, P., Maggi, C., Strivay, D., Van Ruymbeke, M., & Weitz, A. (Eds.). (2021). Cerner le passé. Mélanges en l'honneur de Patrick Hoffsummer. (Atelier des Presses). Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Vandepitte, F., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (2021). New insights into René Magritte's early surrealist painting La salle d'armes. X-Ray Spectrometry. doi:10.1002/xrs.3277
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., & Strivay, D. (December 2020). Fukushima Accident Impact 13,000 km Away and a Lesson for Developing Countries [Paper presentation]. ICRP International Conference on Recovery After Nuclear Accidents Radiological Protection Lessons from Fukushima and Beyond, Tokyo, Japan.

Guembou Shouop, C. J., BAK, S.-I., NDONTCHUENG MOYO, M., NGUELEM, E. J., & Strivay, D. (29 October 2020). Barite concrete for 252Cf spontaneous neutron shielding based on Monte Carlo computation [Paper presentation]. NuMat2020: The Nuclear Materials Conference, Ghent (virtual), Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Bak, S.-I., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., & Strivay, D. (01 July 2020). New Cf-252 neutron source shielding design based Monte Carlo simulation using material combination. AIP Advances, 10 (7), 075203. doi:10.1063/1.5144923
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., NGUELEM, E. J., CHO, K., & Strivay, D. (01 June 2020). Radiological protection requirements with regard to cosmic ray exposure during air travel. European Physical Journal - Plus, 135 (6), 1-21. doi:10.1140/epjp/s13360-020-00468-8
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Defeyt, C., Marechal, D., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2020). Survey on Van Gogh’s early painting technique through the non-invasive and multi analytical study of Head of peasant. Heritage Science, 8, 104. doi:10.1186/s40494-020-00445-5
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Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2020). The reliquary bust of Saint Lambert from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium: Gemstone and glass beads analysis by pXRF and Raman spectroscopy. Archaeometry, 62, 297-313. doi:10.1111/arcm.12527
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Reiche, I., Trosseau, A., Muller, K., Gay, M., Strivay, D., & Cleyet-Merle, J.-J. (2020). Analyses non invasives in situ des œuvres préhistoriques de la grotte de Font-de-Gaume pour une meilleure connaissance du décor pariétal polychrome et de son organisation. Paléo, 30 (2). doi:10.4000/paleo.5707
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Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2020). An archaeometric investigation of glass beads decorating the reliquary of Saint Simètre from Lierneux, Belgium. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 32, 102451-102457. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102451
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Defeyt, C., Vandepitte, F., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (2019). Discovery and material study of the missing feet part from Magritte’s L’évidence éternelle of 1954. Heritage Science. doi:10.1186/s40494-019-0338-y
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Chene, G., Defeyt, C., Dienst, S., Herens, E., Van Wersch, L., Holsbeek, A., Bisschops, K., Strivay, D., & Morard, T. (18 September 2019). 12 MeV Proton Activation Analysis combined to IBA techniques for compositional studies of various archeological artefacts from Roman and Merovingian sites (Ostia Antica, Artena, Nevers) [Poster presentation]. EMAC 2019. European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Barcelona, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., Motapon, O., & Strivay, D. (09 September 2019). Simultaneously gamma spectrometry & energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence-based color differentiation analysis of Douala-Bassa area’s soil. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 16. doi:10.1016/j.eti.2019.100486
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Souris, M., Delye, E., Van Wersch, L., & Strivay, D. (07 September 2019). Early Medieval Wall Paintings from the Collegiate Church of Amay (BE). Material Studies and Comparisons with Window Glass and Mosaics from North-Western Europe [Paper presentation]. La pittura parietale aniconica e decorativa fra tarda antichità e alto medioevo. Territori, tradizioni, temi e tendenze, Naples, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Hespeels, F., Heuskin, A.-C., Tabarrant, T., Scifoni, E., Kraemer, M., Chene, G., Strivay, D., & Lucas, S. (12 June 2019). Backscattered electron emission after proton impact on gold nanoparticles with and without polymer shell coating. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64 (12), 125007. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ab195f
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Strivay, D., Chene, G., Dienst, S., Morard, T., & Defeyt, C. (11 June 2019). PIXE-PIGE and Proton Activation Analysis of Analysis of Roman archeological artefacts [Poster presentation]. The 2019 International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Rethymno, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., & Chene, G. (10 June 2019). Material analysis and testing using a proton therapy facility [Paper presentation]. The 2019 International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Rethymno, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Vandepitte, F., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (08 May 2019). Insight in René Magritte's reused paintings [Paper presentation]. Technart2019, Bruges, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Rigoreau, M., Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (May 2019). Characterisation and study of degradation of daylight and UV-light fluorescent pigments in modern art through non-invasive methods [Poster presentation]. Technart2019, Bruges, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Herens, E., Defeyt, C., Motta, L., Morard, T., & Strivay, D. (May 2019). Multi-analytical study of mural paintings from a Republican house from 1st BC in Ostia [Poster presentation]. Technart2019, Bruges, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., Chene, G., Dienst, S., Morard, T., Defeyt, C., & Herens, E. (March 2019). Analysis of archeological artefacts from Ostia and Arena Roman sites by PIXE-PIGE and Proton Activation Analysis [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Guembou, J. C. S., Ndontchueng, M. M., Nguelem, J. E. M., Chene, G., Motapon, O., Kayo, S. A., & Strivay, D. (2019). Determination of the natural radioactivity, elemental composition and geological provenance of sands from Douala in the littoral region of Cameroon using X-ray and γ-ray spectrometry. Applied Earth Science, 0 (0), 1-14. doi:10.1080/25726838.2019.1637656
Peer reviewed

Hespeels, F., Lucas, S., Tabarrant, T., Scifoni, E., Kraemer, M., Chene, G., Strivay, D., Tran, H. S., & Heuskin, A.-C. (2019). Experimental measurements validate the use of the binary encounter approximation model to accurately compute proton induced dose and radiolysis enhancement from gold nanoparticles. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64 (6). doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ab0516
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Van Wersch, L., Verslype, L., Strivay, D., & Theuws, F. (Eds.). (2019). Early Medieval Tesserae in Northwestern Europe. Habelt (Verlag).
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Moyo, M. N., Mekongtso, E. J. N., Motapon, O., Chene, G., Kayo, S., & Strivay, D. (2019). Elemental quantification and radioactive characterization of soil from Douala Bassa Area: littoral region of Cameroon using EDXRF and γ-spectrometry technics. Environmental Research Communications, 1 (6), 065001. doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ab1d72
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Van Wersch, L., Kronz, A., Simon, K., Hocquet, F.-P., & Strivay, D. (2019). Les matériaux des mosaïques de Germigny-des- Prés. Bulletin du Centre d'Études Médiévales d'Auxerre, Hors-série n°11. doi:10.4000/cem.16134
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Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (2019). Une copie de L’Origine du monde par René Magritte ? CeROArt: Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art, 11. doi:10.4000/ceroart.6673
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Defeyt, C., Vandepitte, F., Mazurek, J., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (2019). Investigation of speckle syndrome affecting late 1920s oil paintings by René Magritte. In K. van den Berg, I. Bonaduce, A. Burnstock, ... B. Ormsby, Conservation of Modern Oil Paintings. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19254-9_19
Peer reviewed

Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (17 October 2018). Gemmological study of the reliquary bust of Saint Lambert from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. BCS10-10th Belgian Crystallographic Symposium.
Peer reviewed

Chene, G., Dienst, S., Defeyt, C., Herens, E., Van Wersch, L., Holsbeek, A., Bisschops, K., Strivay, D., & Morard, T. (24 September 2018). Activation induite par particules chargées pour l'analyse chimique d'artefacts archéologiques des sites romains d'Ostie et d'Artena et mérovingien de Nevers à l'Université de Liège [Poster presentation]. 7e rencontre Ion Beam Applications Francophone, Nouan-Le-Fuzelier, France.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Brachot, I., & Strivay, D. (July 2018). This is not Magritte [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference - Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Barcelona, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Herens, E., Defeyt, C., Morard, T., & Strivay, D. (23 May 2018). Non-invasive analysis of mural paintings from a Republican house from 1st B.C. in Ostia [Paper presentation]. ISA2018 42nd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Merida, Mexico.
Peer reviewed

Chene, G., Dienst, S., Defeyt, C., Herens, E., Van Wersch, L., Strivay, D., & Morard, T. (20 May 2018). 12 MeV Proton Activation Analysis combined to IBA techniques for compositional studies of various archeological artefacts from Roman sites of Ostia and Artena [Poster presentation]. 42th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Mérida, Mexico.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., Defeyt, C., Vandepitte, F., Leen, F., & Herens, E. (May 2018). MAGRITTE ON PRACTICE: FINDING LOST COMPOSITIONS BY NON-INVASIVE TECHNIQUES [Paper presentation]. 7th Meeting X-ray and other techniques in investigations of the objects of cultural heritage, Krakow, Poland.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Herens, E., Leen, F., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (May 2018). Comparative study of the speckles syndrome affecting four Magritte’s oil paintings from 1927 [Poster presentation]. Conference on Modern Oil Paints, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., Motapon, O., & Strivay, D. (11 April 2018). Monte Carlo method for gamma spectrometry based on GEANT4 toolkit: Efficiency calibration of BE6530 detector. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 189, 109–119. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.03.015
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D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2018). Nicolas Schöffer’s collection: from the artist’s studio to the museum. In R. Rivenc & R. Bek (Eds.), Keep it moving ? Conserving kinetic art: Proceedings from the meeting organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, the ICOM-CC Modern Materials and Contemporary Art Working Group, and Museo del Novecento (pp. 113-119). The Getty Conservation Institute.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., Gratuze, B., Mathis, F., Bonnin, M., Strivay, D., Da Mota, H., & Sapin, C. (2018). The Glass Tiles from Saint-Sauveur (Burgundy, France). Journal of Glass Studies, 60, 163-180.
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Defeyt, C., Herens, E., Leen, F., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2018). Discovery and multi-analytical study of the last missing quarter from René Magritte’s La pose enchantée. Heritage Science, 6 (33). doi:10.1186/s40494-018-0198-x
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Van Wersch, L., Hocquet, F.-P., Strivay, D., Poux, F., Billen, R., Kronz, A., Simon, K., Camerlynck, C., & Sapin, C. (2018). Recherches récentes sur le site de Germigny-des-Prés (Loiret, France) [Paper presentation]. Journées archéologiques de la Région Centre Val-de-Loire, Tours, France.

Defeyt, C., Van Vyve, E., Leen, F., Vandepitte, F., Gilbert, B., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (2018). Revealing Gauguin’s practice: multi-analytical approach of the Portrait de Suzanne Bambridge. Heritage Science, 6 (20). doi:10.1186/s40494-018-0188-z
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Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2018). Gemmological study of the reliquary bust of Saint Lambert from the Liège cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. IMA 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
Editorial reviewed

Defeyt, C., Walter, P., Rousselière, H., Vandenabeele, P., Vekemans, B., Samain, L., & Strivay, D. (2018). New insights on the Picasso’s Blue Period painting La famille Soler through non-invasive imaging and analytical techniques. Studies in Conservation, 63 (1), 24-35. doi:10.1080/00393630.2017.1361628
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Van Wersch, L., Neri, E., Chene, G., Strivay, D., Mathis, F., & Sapin, C. (2018). De bois, de pierre, de terre…et de verre. Approche de l’approvisionnement des chantiers alto-médiévaux à travers le cas de la mosaïque du baptistère de Nevers [Paper presentation]. Saint Germain, évêque d’Auxerre (418-448) – 1600e anniversaire. De bois, de pierre et de terre, archéologie de la construction au haut Moyen Âge. XXXIXe Journées internationales d’archéologie mérovingienne de l’Association française d’archéologie mérovingienne (AFAM), Auxerre, France.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., Hocquet, F.-P., Strivay, D., Poux, F., Billen, R., Kronz, A., Simon, K., Camerlynck, C., & Sapin, C. (2018). The carolingian site of Germigny-des-Prés (Loiret, France), micro and macro-scales methods for the identification of a mosaic production [Poster presentation]. 42d Syposium of archaeometry, ISA 2018, Merida, Mexico.
Peer reviewed

El Ouahabi, M., Chene, G., Strivay, D., Vander Auwera, J., & Hubert, A. (2018). Inter-techniques comparison of PIXE and XRF for Lake sediments. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 33 (883 - 892). doi:10.1039/C8JA00019K
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Defeyt, C., Van Vyve, E., Leen, F., Vandepitte, F., Gilbert, B., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (September 2017). Answering conservation issues of Gauguin's Portrait de Suzanne Bambridge by a mutli-analytical approach [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, Trieste, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Henry, T., Bonsague, F., Dubreuil, O., Rabecki, F., Gailly, P., Lenaerts, C., Chene, G., Strivay, D., & Fleury-Frenette, K. (July 2017). Light Induced Super-Hydrophilicity in Niobium and Tantalum Oxides Thin Films [Poster presentation]. 28th International Conference on Photochemistry ICP 2017, Strasbourg, France.

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., Motapon, O., & Strivay, D. (June 2017). Geant4 code for gamma spectrometry measurement: a toolkit for Nuclear, Medical, Astronomical and High Energy Physics [Paper presentation]. Conférence des Jeunes doctorants 2017, Douala, Cameroon.

Strivay, D., Herens, E., Morard, T., & Defeyt, C. (May 2017). Non-Invasive Analysis of Mural Painting from a Late-Republican House (1st century B.C.) in Ostia [Paper presentation]. Technart 2017 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage, Bilbao, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., Morard, T., Herens, E., & Defeyt, C. (21 April 2017). Non-invasive analysis of mural paintings from a late-Republican house in Ostia [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude La peinture murale antique : méthodes et apports d’une approche technique, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Herens, E., Defeyt, C., Walter, P., & Strivay, D. (April 2017). Discovery of a woman portrait behind La Violoniste by Kees Van Dongen through hyperspectral imaging. Heritage Science, 5 (14). doi:10.1186/s40494-017-0127-4
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., Nguelem Mekontso, E. J., Motapon, O., Kayo, S. A., & Strivay, D. (16 February 2017). Assessment of natural radioactivity and associated radiation hazards in sand building material used in Douala Littoral Region of Cameroon, using gamma spectrometry. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (164). doi:10.1007/s12665-017-6474-3
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Guembou Shouop, C. J., Penabei, S., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., Nguelem Mekontso, E. J., Takoukam, S. D., Werner, V., & Strivay, D. (04 January 2017). Optimal measurement counting time and statistics in gamma spectrometry analysis: The time balance [Paper presentation]. GAMMA 2016, Germany. doi:10.1063/1.4969040

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Samafou Penabei, NDONTCHUENG MOYO, M., Chene, G., NGUELEM MEKONTSO, E. J., NGWA EBONGUE, A., MOTAPON, O., & Strivay, D. (January 2017). Precision measurement of radioactivity in Gamma-rays spectrometry using two HPGe detectors (BEGe-6530 and GC0818-7600SL models) comparison techniques: Application to the soil measurement. MethodsX, 4 (42-54), 2017. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2016.12.003
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Van Wersch, L., Biron, I., Mathis, F., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (2017). The scientific analyses of glass vessels. In F. Theuws & M. Kars (Eds.), The Saint-Servatius complex in Maastricht. The Vrijthof excavations (1969-1970) (pp. 316-325). Bonn, Germany: Habelt-Verlag.
Peer reviewed

D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2017). Development of an antigraffiti treatment for an outdoor rubber sculpture. In T. Bechthold (Ed.), FUTURE TALKS 015 Processes. The Making of Design and Modern Art. Materials, technologies and conservation strategies (pp. 212-219).
Peer reviewed

Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., Demaude, M., & Strivay, D. (2017). Les pierres du buste-reliquaire de Saint Lambert. Bloc-Notes: Bulletin Trimestriel du Trésor de Liège, 53, 2-3.
Peer reviewed

Demaude, M., Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., & Strivay, D. (2017). Etude gemmologique de la croix-reliquaire à double traverse du Trésor de la Cathédrale de Liège. Trésor de Liège: Bulletin Trimestriel, 50, 9-15.

Strivay, D., Herens, E., Morard, T., & Defeyt, C. (12 December 2016). Non-invasive Analysis of the Wall-Paintings from the Domus Dei Bucrani (60 B.C.) in Ostia [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Art & Archaeology 2016, Jerusalem, Israel.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Remon, R., & Strivay, D. (December 2016). Multianalytical Study of “Le Sorcier d’hiva Oa” by Gauguin [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Art & Archaeology, Jerusalem, Israel.

Van Wersch, L., Loisel, C., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., & Bully, S. (December 2016). Analyses of early medieval stained window glass from the monastery of Baume-les- Messieurs (Jura, France). Archaeometry, 58 (6), 930-946. doi:10.1111/arcm.12207
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Chene, G., Rossi, L., Fleury-Frenette, K., Carapelle, A., & Strivay, D. (September 2016). Modifications de matériaux sous radiations spatiales: nouveaux dispositifs au laboratoire de Liège [Paper presentation]. IBAF2016, Annecy, France.
Peer reviewed

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (13 July 2016). Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: Experimental Measurement and Monte Carlo Simulation using GEANT4 toolkit [Poster presentation]. 9th International Balkan School of Nuclear Physics 2016, Constanta, Romania.

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (11 July 2016). Counting time measurement and statistics in gamma spectrometry: the balance [Poster presentation]. GAMMA 2016: 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Heidelberg,, Germany.

Van Wersch, L., Kronz, L., Simon, K., Hocquet, F.-P., & Strivay, D. (08 July 2016). Multiscale study of the Carolingian mosaic of Germigny-des-Prés (Loiret, Fr.) [Paper presentation]. 4th International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Herens, E., Strivay, D., Walter, P., & Defeyt, C. (06 July 2016). Insight on Van Dongen’s La Violoniste by hyperspectral imaging and MA-XRF [Paper presentation]. 4th International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Chene, G., Van Wersch, L., Biron, I., & Strivay, D. (05 July 2016). PIXE-PIGE analysis of Early Medieval Glass Artefacts at IPNAS cyclotron external beam line [Poster presentation]. 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Chene, G., Rossi, L., Fleury-Frenette, K., Carapelle, A., & Strivay, D. (05 July 2016). New dedicated set-ups for the testing of materials under space radiation environment at IPNAS [Poster presentation]. 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Jyväskylä, Finland.

El Ouahabi, M., Hubert, A., Benjelloun, Y., Chene, G., Strivay, D., De Sigoyer, J., Pamir, H., Karabacak, V., & Fagel, N. (July 2016). Geochemistry and mineralogy approaches to characterize brick and its lake sediments sources: Antioch Roman City (Southern Turkey) [Poster presentation]. 8th Mid-European Clay Conference (MECC 2016), Košice, Slovakia.

Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (21 June 2016). Natural radioactivity and elemental composition of sands in the Douala region, Littoral of Cameroon Using Portable XRF and HPGe detector [Poster presentation]. EXRS2016 European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Gotheborg, Sweden.

Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (24 May 2016). Analysis of Lucerne auction paintings by mobile Raman and complementary analytical and imaging techniques [Poster presentation]. 12th Infrared & Raman Users Group, Ormylia, Greece.

Strivay, D., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., Hocquet, F.-P., & Defeyt, C. (March 2016). Development of a translation stage for in situ non-invasive analysis and high resolution imaging [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, Ghent, Belgium.

Van Wersch, L., Kronz, A., Simon, K., Hocquet, F.-P., & Strivay, D. (2016). Matériaux et techniques de la mosaïque de Germigny-des-Prés [Paper presentation]. Journées d’étude sur l’église de Germigny-des-Prés, Orléans et Germigny-des-Prés, France.

Dimitriou, P., Becker, H.-W., Bogdanović-Radović, I., Chiari, M., Goncharov, A., Jesus, A. P., Kakuee, O., Kiss, A. Z., Lagoyannis, A., Räisänen, J., Strivay, D., & Zucchiatti, A. (2016). Development of a Reference Database for Particle-Induced Gamma-ray Emission spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 371, 33-36. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.09.052
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Strivay, D., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., Hocquet, F.-P., & Defeyt, C. (2016). Development of a translation stage for in situ noninvasive analysis and high-resolution imaging. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science and Processing, 122, 950. doi:10.1007/s00339-016-0476-y
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Salomon, H., Bodu, P., Geurten, S., Lacarrière, J., Leroyer, M., & Strivay, D. (2016). On the processing of red pigment by late mousterian Neanderthals in Ormesson, Seine-et-Marne, France, 47000 years ago. ORBi-University of Liège.

Demaude, M., Bruni, Y., George, P., Strivay, D., & Hatert, F. (2016). Mineralogical investigation of a Roman enamelled plate from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. Belgian Crystallographic Symposium - BCS9.

Bruni, Y., Demaude, M., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2016). Gemmological study of a reliquary cross from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Mineralogical Conference.

Bruni, Y., Demaude, M., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2016). Gemmological study of a reliquary cross from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2016, Rimini, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Demaude, M., Bruni, Y., George, P., Strivay, D., & Hatert, F. (2016). Mineralogical investigation of a Roman enameled plate from the Liège Cathedral [Paper presentation]. 9th Belgian Crystallographic Symposium, BCS-9, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Strivay, D., Chene, G., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Herens, E., & Defeyt, C. (07 December 2015). Recent technical developments of non-invasive cultural heritage analysis at the University of Liège [Paper presentation]. Technical Meeting (F1-TM-47768) on Investigating Heritage Materials with Safer Ion and Photon Beam Experiments, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., Mathis, F., Bonnin, M., Strivay, D., & Sapin, C. (09 September 2015). Early medieval glass tiles from Saint-Sauveur (Burgundy, France) [Paper presentation]. 20th Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D. (09 July 2015). Macro-XRF scanning in archaeological and museum sites: pros and cons [Paper presentation]. Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (handheld and macro): friend or foe, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Strivay, D. (10 April 2015). Prehistoric and Renaissance art, a comparative review of analytical techniques [Paper presentation]. 4th International School Hubert Curien on Structural and Molecular Archaeology, Erice, Italy.
Peer reviewed

El Ouahabi, M., Chene, G., Beckers, A., OPITZ, S., DEVELLE, A.-L., Strivay, D., Vander Auwera, J., & Hubert, A. (25 February 2015). PIXE, XRF, and Avaatech XRF Core Scanner of lake sediments: an inter-laboratory comparison [Poster presentation]. 14th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE 2015), Cape Town, South Africa.
Peer reviewed

Truscott, T., Darbois-Texier, B., lovett, B., Brandenbourger, M., Maquet, L., pan, Z., Gilet, T., Strivay, D., & Dorbolo, S. (2015). Unraveling expressionism [Paper presentation]. 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
Peer reviewed

Van Wersch, L., Loisel, C., Veronesi, U., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., & Bully, S. (2015). Les vitraux de Baume-les-Messieurs – analyses des altérations, du verre et des peintures [Poster presentation]. 20ème Colloque d’archéométrie - GMPCA 2015, Besançon, France.

Van Wersch, L., Vrielynck, O., Pion, C., Gratuze, B., Mathis, F., & Strivay, D. (2015). We have ways of making you talk! Chemical analyses of Merovingian artifacts from Belgian sites [Paper presentation]. 22nd A&T Symposium Mortuary Archaeology methodology and theory, Merovingian Mortuary studies in an interdisciplinary perspective, Leiden, Netherlands.

Zaratin, A., Oger, C., Strivay, D., Gilbert, B., & Calvo Del Castillo, H. (05 June 2014). Pigment analysis of two manuscripts attributed to the Master of Gijsbrecht van Brederode (Utrecht, ca. 1450-1470) [Poster presentation]. Inside the Illuminations, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gay, M., Muller, K., Plassard, F., Chevet-Merle, J.-J., Arias, P., Strivay, D., Defeyt, C., & Reiche, I. (May 2014). Towards portable X-ray spectroscopic imaging of Palaeolithic cave art. Insights into used pigments and wall taphonomy at three Palaeolithic key cave sites [Poster presentation]. 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Los Angeles, United States.

Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (2014). PB15 as 20th and 21st Artists’ Pigments: Conservation Concerns. E‐Preservation Science, 11, 6-14.
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Van Wersch, L., Biron, I., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., & Sapin, C. (2014). From soda to potash glass. Early medieval window glass in France, Belgium and Netherlands [Paper presentation]. Conference Things that travelled, London, United Kingdom.

Van Wersch, L., Biron, I., Neuray, B., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Strivay, D., & Sapin, C. (2014). Les vitraux alto-médiévaux de Stavelot (Belgique). ArchéoSciences : revue d'archéométrie, 38. doi:10.4000/archeosciences.4284
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Defeyt, C., Van Pevenage, J., Learner, T., Vandenabeele, P., & Strivay, D. (2014). Distinction by micro-Raman spectroscopy and chemometrical analysis of copper phthalocyanine blue polymorphs in oil-based and acrylic samples. In K. J. Van den berg, A. Burnstock, A. de Tagle, M. de Keijzer, J. Heydenreich, J. Krueger, ... T. Learner (Eds.), Issues in Contemporary Oil Paints (pp. 105-116). Springer.
Peer reviewed

D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2014). In situ conservation-restoration in contemporary art collections [Poster presentation]. ENCoRE "Teaching Conservation-Restoration" conference in Liège - ESA Saint-Luc.

Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (2014). Étude technique et matérielle des tableaux liégeois. In J.-P. Duchesne (Ed.), L'art dégénéré selon Hitler. Liège, Belgium: Collections artistiques de l'ULg.
Peer reviewed

Defeyt, C., Vekemans, B., Vandenabeele, P., Rousselière, H., Samain, L., Walter, P., & Strivay, D. (23 September 2013). Analytical study of “La Famille Soler” by Picasso: from the Blue Period to Cubism [Poster presentation]. Analytical Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Machowski, M., Duminuco, C., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Gilbert, B., & Strivay, D. (September 2013). Tin-based pigment degradation study of the Nizet Manuscript (1740) [Poster presentation]. TECHNART 2013 - Analytical Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (September 2013). PIXE Analysis for the pigment identification in the Nizet manucript (18th century) [Poster presentation]. The 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology - ECAART 11, Namur, Belgium.

Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., Hocquet, F.-P., Mathis, F., Van Elslande, E., Strivay, D., & Vandenabeele, P. (2013). Archaeometry Research on the Wall Paintings in the Tomb Chapel of Menna. In M. Hartwig (Ed.), The Tomb Chapel of Menna (TT 69): The Art, Culture, and Science of Painting in an Egyptian Tomb. Cairo, Egypt: AMERICAN RESEARCH CENTER IN EGYPT (ARCE).
Peer reviewed

Chene, G., Bonheure, G., Delvigne, T., Delhalle, R., & Strivay, D. (June 2013). Determination of activation yields for fusion plasma escaping charged particles diagnostics [Paper presentation]. 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Seattle, United States.
Peer reviewed

Strivay, D., Bonheure, G., Delvigne, T., Delhalle, R., & Chene, G. (June 2013). Determination of activation yield curves for fusion escaping particle diagnostics [Paper presentation]. 2013 International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Samain, L., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Martinetto, P., Bordet, P., & Strivay, D. (11 April 2013). Relationship between the Synthesis of Prussian Blue Pigments, Their Color, Physical Properties, and Their Behavior in Paint Layers. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 117 (19), 9693–9712. doi:10.1021/jp3111327
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Beckers, A., Mortier, C., Beck, C., Hubert, A., Reyss, J.-L., Tripsanas, E., Sakellariou, D., De Batist, M., De Rycker, K., Bascou, P., & Strivay, D. (April 2013). High energy environment offshore deposits in the western Gulf of Corinth, Greece [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienne, Austria.

Mathis, F., Vrielynck, O., Leroy, A., Tregouet, H., & Strivay, D. (April 2013). Les perles en verre de la nécropole de Bossut–Gottechain : recettes et fabrication [Paper presentation]. Archéométrie Caen 2013 - XIXe Colloque du GMPCA, Caen, France.

Defeyt, C., Vandenabeele, P., Van Pevenage, J., Wijnberg, L., & Strivay, D. (29 March 2013). PB15’s discrimination in oil paintings by non-destructive methods [Poster presentation]. Symposium Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint, Amersfoort, Netherlands.

Defeyt, C., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Deneckere, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Vandenabeele, P., & Strivay, D. (05 March 2013). Analysis of early 20th century pigments in R. Heintz’s paintings using PIXE and mobile analytical systems [Poster presentation]. 13th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission, Gramado, Brazil.

Dupuis, T., Chene, G., Marchal, A., & Strivay, D. (March 2013). X-ray production cross-sections measurements for high-energy alpha particle beam for Si, Fe and Cu [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission, Gramado, Brazil.
Peer reviewed

Samain, L., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Martinetto, P., Bordet, P., Sanyova, J., & Strivay, D. (2013). Synthesis and fading of eighteenth-century Prussian blue pigments: a combined study by spectroscopic and diffractive techniques using laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 20 (3), 460-473. doi:10.1107/S0909049513004585
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Van Wersch, L., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., & Sapin, C. (2013). Early medieval window glass. Archaeological and archaeometric research [Paper presentation]. 6th International colloquium Abbey Museum ten Duinen 1138, Lost Luster. Innovative Interdisciplinary research on archaeologiacl windiw glass in North Western Europe (10th-18th c.), Coxyde, Belgium.

Van Pevenage, J., Defeyt, C., Moens, L., Strivay, D., & Vandenabeele, P. (2013). PB15 polymorphic distinction in paint samples by combining micro- Raman spectroscopy and chemometrical analysis [Poster presentation]. 7th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Van Wersch, L., Mathis, F., Biron, I., Neuray, B., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (2013). PIXE-PIGE analysis of early medieval window glass from the abbey of Stavelot [Poster presentation]. 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology - ECAART 11, Namur, Belgium.

Defeyt, C., Van Pevenage, J., Moens, L., Strivay, D., & Vandenabeele, P. (2013). Micro-Raman spectroscopy and chemometrical analysis for the distinction of copper phthalocyanine polymorphs in paint layers. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 115, 636-640. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2013.04.128
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Van Wersch, L., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., & Sapin, C. (2013). Le verre monumental au haut Moyen Âge dans nord de la Gaule. Premiers résultats et perspectives d’une étude archéométrique [Poster presentation]. XIXe colloque du GMPCA, Caen, France.

Bonheure, G., Van Wassenhove, G., Hult, M., González de Orduña, R., Strivay, D., Vermaercke, P., Delvigne, T., Chene, G., Delhalle, R., Huber, A., Schweer, B., Esser, G., Biel, W., & Neubauer, O. (2013). Investigation of advanced materials for fusion alpha particle diagnostics. Fusion Engineering and Design. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2013.01.029
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Samain, L., Gilbert, B., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., & Strivay, D. (2013). Redox reactions in Prussian blue containing paint layers as a result of light exposure. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. doi:10.1039/c3ja30359d
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Strivay, D., Beckers, A., Hubert, A., & Hocquet, F.-P. (11 December 2012). Comparaison de l’analyse de carottes sédimentaires par fluorescence X mobile et par PIXE [Poster presentation]. IBAF 2012, Cadarache, France.

Debande, V., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (11 December 2012). Sections efficaces de production de rayonnement gamma sur Li et F [Poster presentation]. IBAF 2012, Cadarache, France.

Strivay, D., Hocquet, F.-P., Dister, H., Calvo Del Castillo, H., & Defeyt, C. (December 2012). Automatic X-ray fluorescence scanning mobile system for 2D chemical analysis [Paper presentation]. 1st Conference on Robotics Innovation for Cultural Heritage, Venise, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Calvo Del Castillo, H., & Strivay, D. (2012). X-ray methods. In H. Edwards & P. Vandenabeele (Eds.), Analytical Archaeometry: Selected Topics (pp. 59-113). Royal Society of Chemistry.
Peer reviewed

Chene, G., Bonheure, G., Delhalle, R., & Strivay, D. (September 2012). Fusion alpha and proton diagnostics by thin layer activation [Paper presentation]. Energy2012, Madrid, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Samain, L., Sanyova, J., & Strivay, D. (09 July 2012). Study of the alteration processes of Prussian blue in laboratory-prepared and genuine paint layers [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference in Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, Istanbul, Turkey.

Samain, L., Martinetto, P., Bordet, P., & Strivay, D. (06 June 2012). Crystal Structure and Local Disorder in Modern and Ancient Prussian Blue Pigments [Poster presentation]. Conference of Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology, New York, United States - New York.

Strivay, D., Beckers, A., Hubert, A., & Hocquet, F.-P. (June 2012). Comparison of sediment core analysis by mobile scanning XRF system and by PIXE [Paper presentation]. 14th European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Vienna, Austria.

Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Dister, H., Oger, C., & Strivay, D. (June 2012). Non-destructive characterization of the Nizet Manuscript (XVIIIth century) : first results [Poster presentation]. Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage - YOCOCU 2012, Anvers, Belgium.

Dewalque, J., Cloots, R., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Strivay, D., Vertruyen, B., & Henrist, C. (10 April 2012). TiO2 templated multilayer films used as high efficiency photoelectrode in liquid or solid DSSCs [Paper presentation]. San Francisco MRS Spring Meeting 2012, San Francisco, United States.

Chene, G., Bols, S., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Mathis, F., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (February 2012). New external beam and particle detection set-up of Liège cyclotron – First applications of high energy beams to cultural heritage. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 273, 208-212. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.07.077
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Cagno, S., Badano Borondi, M., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., & Janssens, K. (2012). Study of medieval glass fragments originating from Savona (Italy) and their relation with the glass produced in Altare. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39 (7), 2191-2197. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2012.03.013
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Salomon, H., Vignaud, C., Coquinot, Y., Beck, L., Stringer, C., Strivay, D., & d'Errico, F. (2012). Selection and heating of colouring materials in Mousterian level of es-Skhul (ca. 100 000 years B.P., Mount Carmel, Israel). Archaeometry, 54 (4), 698–722.
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Defeyt, C., Vandenabeele, P., Gilbert, B., Wijnberg, L., Strivay, D., & Van Pevenage, J. (2012). Characterization of Polymorphic Modifications of Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) Used As Artistic Pigments by XRD, micro-FTIR and micro-Raman [Poster presentation]. 10th Biennial International Conference of the Infrared and Raman Users Group, Barcelona, Spain.

Defeyt, C., Vandenabeele, P., Gilbert, B., Van Pevenage, J., Cloots, R., & Strivay, D. (2012). Contribution to the identification of α-, β- and ε-copper phthalocyanine blue pigments in modern artists' paints by X-ray powder diffraction, attenuated total reflectance micro-fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 43, 1772-1780. doi:10.1002/jrs.4125
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Van Wersch, L., Borgers, K., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Strivay, D., & Vanderhoeven, A. (2012). Analysis of Window Glass from the Basilica of Tongeren [Paper presentation]. 39th international symposium on archaeometry, Leuven, Belgium.

Dupuis, T., Chene, G., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (December 2011). X-ray production cross-sections measurements for high-energy alpha particle beams: New dedicated set-up and first results with aluminum. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269 (24), 2979–2983. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.04.057
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Mathis, F., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., & Strivay, D. (13 October 2011). Un cyclotron pour l’analyse des objets du Patrimoine? L’exemple de l’Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Séminaires ARRONAX, Nantes, France.

Samain, L., Martinetto, P., Bordet, P., Religieux, L., Hodeau, J.-L., & Strivay, D. (09 September 2011). Insights into the ancient methods of preparation of Prussian blue pigments by high-resolution powder diffraction and PDF analysis [Paper presentation]. Contact Group for Synchrotron Radiation of F.R.S.-FNRS, Namur, Belgium.

Carapelle, A., Defise, J.-M., Strivay, D., & Garnir, H.-P. (June 2011). Handheld modern computer brings new features to portable X-ray fluorescence coating thickness measurement device. Computer Physics Communications, 182 (6), 1304-1306. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2011.03.008
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Samain, L., Lauricella, M., Silversmit, G., Sanyova, J., Vekemans, B., Salomon, H., Gilbert, B., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Hermann, R., Vincze, L., & Strivay, D. (11 April 2011). Caractérisation et vieillissement accéléré de pigments de bleu de Prusse synthétisés selon les méthodes de préparation anciennes et modernes [Paper presentation]. Archéométrie 2011, Colloque du GMPCA, Liège, Belgium.

Dubreuil, O., Chene, G., Dewalque, J., Mathis, F., Toussaint, C., Strivay, D., Cloots, R., & Henrist, C. (April 2011). Study of dye coloration and electrolyte impregnation in mesoporous TiO2 for DSSC fabrication [Poster presentation]. 20th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA 2011), Itapema, Brazil.

Chene, G., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Robcis, D., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (April 2011). Study of late Roman period gilded and patinated artifacts at the new external beam set-up of Liege cyclotron [Paper presentation]. 20th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Itapema, Brazil.

Van Wersch, L., Mathis, F., Vrielynck, O., & Strivay, D. (April 2011). Verre Mérovingien dans la vallée Mosane - apport de l'archéométrie à l'étude des techniques et à l'histoire économique [Paper presentation]. Archéométrie 2011, XVIIIe colloque d'Archéométrie du GMPCA, Liège, Belgium.

Samain, L., Silversmit, G., Sanyova, J., Vekemans, B., Salomon, H., Gilbert, B., Vincze, L., & Strivay, D. (04 February 2011). Fading of modern Prussian blue pigments in linseed oil medium [Poster presentation]. 5e journée scientifique META, Namur, Belgium.

Mathis, F., Hoffsummer, P., & Strivay, D. (2011). Rapport Annuel du Centre Européen d'Archéométrie 2010.

Defeyt, C., Vandenabeele, P., Lycke, S., Wijnberg, L., & Strivay, D. (2011). The Influence of aromatic solvents on CuPc blue pigments [Poster presentation]. 6th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Parma, Italy.

Salomon, H., Vignaud, C., d'Errico, F., Coquinot, Y., Beck, L., Stringer, C., & Strivay, D. (2011). Sélection et traitement thermique de matériaux colorants rouges sur le site moustérien es-Skhul (ca. 100 000 B.P., Israël) [Poster presentation]. Colloque Archéométrie 2011, Liège, 11-15 avril 2011.

Dubreuil, O., Dewalque, J., Chene, G., Mathis, F., Spronck, G., Strivay, D., Cloots, R., & Henrist, C. (2011). TiO2 mesoporous thin films studied by Atmospheric Ellipsometric Porosimetry: A case of contamination. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 147, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2011.04.013
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Hocquet, F.-P., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Bourgeois, C., Oger, C., MARCHAL, A., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., Micha, E., & Strivay, D. (2011). Elemental 2D imaging of paintings with a mobile EDXRF system. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399 (9), 3109-3116. doi:10.1007/s00216-010-4281-8
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Samain, L., Silversmit, G., Sanyova, J., Vekemans, B., Salomon, H., Gilbert, B., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Hermann, R., Vincze, L., & Strivay, D. (2011). Fading of modern Prussian blue pigments in linseed oil medium. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26 (5), 930. doi:10.1039/c0ja00234h
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Defeyt, C., Wijnberg, L., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2011). The influence of aromatic solvents on CuPC blue pigments in oil paintings [Poster presentation]. The influence of aromatic solvents on CuPC blue pigments in oil paintings, Berlin, Germany.

Deneckere, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Born, A., Klein, P., Rakkaa, S., Lycke, S., De Langhe, K., Martens, M. P. J., Strivay, D., Vandenabeele, P., & Moens, L. (November 2010). Direct analysis of the central panel of the so-called Wyts triptych after Jan van Eyck. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 41 (11), 1210-1219. doi:10.1002/jrs.2679
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Delhalle, R., Marchal, A., Lucas, S., Breuer, E., Delvigne, T., Van Dievoot, F., & Strivay, D. (August 2010). Wear study on polymers and bio-materials by ultra thin layer activation [Poster presentation]. 17th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Montreal, Canada.

Hocquet, F.-P., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., & Strivay, D. (July 2010). Elemental 2D imaging of paintings with a XRF mobile system [Paper presentation]. 1st International Congress ChemCH, Ravenna, Italy.

Van Wersch, L., Mathis, F., Othmane, G., Vrielynck, O., & Strivay, D. (May 2010). Glass production in Merovingian time [Poster presentation]. 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Tampa, United States.

Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (2010). Optical modifications of the copper blue phthalocyanine in presence of aromatic hydrocarbons : problem in conservation of works of art [Poster presentation]. SEM and microanalysis in the study of historical technology, materials and conservation, London, United Kingdom.

Colaux, J. L., Dumont, D., Delwigne, T., Breur, E., Van Dievoet, F., Strivay, D., Dille, J., & Lucas, S. (2010). Study of mechanical, physical and chemical properties of a-C:H films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering in DC pulsed mode [Poster presentation]. 12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Chene, G., Mathis, F., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). Overview of recent Cultural Heritage applications on beam lines of the IPNAS cyclotron of Liège [Paper presentation]. 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Forth Worth, United States.

Chene, G., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). Towards a TOF-based solution for beam energy measurements at Liege cyclotron facility – Conception and preliminary results [Poster presentation]. 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Athènes, Greece.

Chene, G., Bols, S., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). First applications of external beam mode RBS detection set up at the IPNAS cyclotron of Liege – Study of Roman gilding craftwork techniques [Paper presentation]. 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Athènes, Greece.

Samain, L., Silversmit, G., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Salomon, H., & Strivay, D. (2010). Study of the degradation mechanisms of Prussian Blue in paint layers by X-ray absorption spectroscopy [Paper presentation]. Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Hocquet, F.-P., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., Oger, C., Mathis, F., & Strivay, D. (2010). 2D Elemental imaging tool with a mobile EDXRF system [Paper presentation]. European conference on X-ray Spectrocopy, Coimbra, Portugal.

Dupuis, T., Chene, G., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Philippe, M., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). Preliminary experiments: High-energy alpha PIXE in archaeometry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268 (11-12), 1911-1915. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2010.02.096
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Mathis, F., Hoffsummer, P., & Strivay, D. (2010). Rapport Annuel du Centre Européen d'Archéométrie 2009.

Dupuis, T., Chene, G., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). X-ray production cross-sections with 6-12 MeV alpha particles [Paper presentation]. 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Athènes, Greece.

Strivay, D., Verbeeck, M., & Hoffsummer, P. (2010). Teaching of cultural heritage object analysis to art historians and archaeologists: creation of a Master at the University of Liège [Paper presentation]. 1st International Congress ChemCH, Ravenna, Italy.

Mathis, F., Oger, C., Van Ruymbeke, M., Strivay, D., & Chariot, C. (Other coll.). (2010). Colloque: "Quand l'Art invite la science au musée", Musée du Grand Curtius. Liège, Belgium: CEA.

Hocquet, F.-P., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Bourgeois, C., Oger, C., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., Micha, E., & Strivay, D. (2010). Rapport Annuel 2010: Elemental 2D imaging of paintings with a mobile EDXRF system: detailed results. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Dupuis, T., Fievet, S., Oger, C., Gilbert, B., & Strivay, D. (2010). Rapport Annuel 2010: Summary on the study of the Tractatus Primus, Secundus, Tertius Instrumentorum Mechanicorum Levini Hulsii, a 17th Century book. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Salomon, H., Strivay, D., Bodu, P., Bon, F., Jaubert, J., & Julien, M. (2010). L'économie des matières colorantes au début du Paléolithique supérieur : mise en place d'une étude technique pluridisciplinaire. Rapport annuel 2009, Centre Européen d'Archéométrie, Université de Liège. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie, ULg.

Mathis, F., Dewalque, J., Dubreuil, O., Henrist, C., Delhalle, R., Spronck, G., Colson, P., Cloots, R., & Strivay, D. (2010). Analysis of thin layers for photovoltaic application: Comparison between RBS and ellipsometry on the determination of roughness and porosity [Poster presentation]. 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Athènes, Greece.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Fiévet, S., Mathis, F., Oger, C., Gilbert, B., & Strivay, D. (2010). Non-destructive analysis of a Belgian Tratatum of the 17th Century [Poster presentation]. 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Athènes, Greece.

Mathis, F., Othmane, G., Vrielynck, O., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., & Strivay, D. (2010). Combined PIXE/PIGE and IBIL with external beam applied to the analysis of Merovingian glass beads. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268 (11-12), 2078-2082. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2010.02.058
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Chene, G., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Philippe, M., Clar, M., Strivay, D., & Garnir, H.-P. (2010). Towards calibration and characterization of high-energy beams using charged particle retrodiffusion on a double thin carbon foil system. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268 (11-12), 2015-2018. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2010.02.121
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Samain, L., Hocquet, F.-P., Hatert, F., Silversmit, G., Vincze, L., & Strivay, D. (2010). Study of Prussian Blue pigments by X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy [Poster presentation]. European conference on X-ray Spectrocopy, Coimbra, Portugal.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Machowski, M., Gilbert, B., & Strivay, D. (2010). Rapport Annuel 2010: Ongoing research on the interaction of green pigments and binding media - a micro-Raman approach. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Defeyt, C., Sanyova, J., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2010). Optical modifications of the copper blue phtalocyanine in presence of aromatic hydrocarbons: problem in conservation of works of art [Poster presentation]. Non-invasive analysis of painting materials, International School Hubert Curien, Structural and molecular archeology 3rd Course, Erice, Italy.

Dupuis, T., Chene, G., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Philippe, M., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). Towards X-ray production and Non-Rutherford cross-sections measurements for 6-20 MeV alpha particles : latest developments on the dedicated «STANDARD» vacuum chamber and first results [Poster presentation]. 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Forth Worth, United States.

Chene, G., Bols, S., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). First applications of external beam mode RBS detection set up at the IPNAS cyclotron of Liege – Study of Roman gilding craftwork techniques [Poster presentation]. 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Forth Worth, United States.

Chene, G., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). Towards a TOF-based solution for beam energy measurements at Liege cyclotron facility – Conception and preliminary results [Poster presentation]. 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Forth Worth, United States.

Dupuis, T., Chene, G., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Philippe, M., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2010). X-ray Production cross section measurements with alpha particle beams from 6 to 12 MeV [Poster presentation]. 12th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission and its Analytical Applications, Guilford, United Kingdom.

Samain, L., Silversmit, G., Sougrati, M. T., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Hatert, F., Sanyova, J., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., & Strivay, D. (27 November 2009). Characterization of modern Prussian blue pigments by Mössbauer spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the F.R.S.-FNRS contact group for synchrotron radiation, Namur, Belgium.

Strivay, D., Mathis, F., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Hocquet, F.-P., Samain, L., Defeyt, C., & Garnir, H.-P. (25 October 2009). High-Energy Ion Beam Analysis of Cultural Heritage Objects [Paper presentation]. Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, United States.
Peer reviewed

Samain, L., Sougrati, M. T., Hatert, F., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Sanyova, J., & Strivay, D. (June 2009). Fading of Modern Prussian Blue Pigments : Preliminary Study [Poster presentation]. E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France.

Van Wersch, L., Mathis, F., Dupuis, T., & Strivay, D. (2009). Glass production in late antiquity [Poster presentation]. Congress of AIHV on the History of glass, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Strivay, D., Calderón, T., & Hatert, F. (2009). Rapport 2009: Towards the detection of Beryllium in treated Corundum gemstones. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Deprez, N., Strivay, D., Munoz-Noval, A., Millán Chagoyen, M., Beneitez, P., & Calderon, T. (2009). Differentiation of polymorphs by Ionoluminescence. Physics Procedia, 2, 373-377. doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2009.07.022
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Defeyt, C., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Deneckere, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Dupuis, T., Deprez, N., Vandenabeele, P., & Strivay, D. (2009). Analysis of early 20th century pigments in R. Heintz painting using portable analysis systems [Poster presentation]. Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage, Athens, Greece.

Fievet, S., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Mathis, F., Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., Oger, C., Strivay, D., & Calvo Del Castillo, H. (2009). Rapport Annuel 2009: Analyses non destructives d'un livre du 17ème siècle. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Deneckere, A., Vandenabeele, P., Calderón, T., Strivay, D., & Deprez, N. (2009). Towards the differentiation of non-treated and treated corundum minerals by ion-beam-induced luminescence and other complementary techniques. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 394, 1043-1058. doi:10.1007/s00216-009-2679-y
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Mathis, F., Hoffsummer, P., & Strivay, D. (2009). Rapport Annuel du Centre Européen d'Archéométrie 2008.

Hocquet, F.-P., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., Strivay, D., Miranda Pretil, G., & Calderón, T. (2009). Rapport Annuel 2009: In-situ XRF and visible spectroscopy measurements of the Mediaeval book "Cartulario de los Jurados de Toledo" at the Archivo Municipal de Toledo, Spain. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Strivay, D., & Gómez Bach, A. (2009). Rapport Annuel 2009: First results on the analysis of Halaf Syrian Prehistoric ceramics. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Vandenabeele, P., Garcia-Moreno, R., Mathis, F., Leterme, K., Van Elslande, E., Hocquet, F.-P., Rakkaa, S., Laboury, D., Moens, L., Strivay, D., & Hartwig, M. (2009). Multi-disciplinary investigation of the tomb of Menna (TT69), Theban Necropolis, Egypt. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 73 (3), 546-552. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2008.07.028
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Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., Hocquet, F.-P., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Strivay, D., Gilbert, B., Sanyova, J., & Vázquez, J. (2009). Rapport Annuel 2009: L'Utilisation des colorants mésoaméricains sur supports de chaux, gypse et papier européen (coton): résultats préliminaires. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Strivay, D., & Calvo Del Castillo, H. (2009). Rapport Annuel 2009: Overview of the research carried out in 2009 by the IAP NACHO. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Hocquet, F.-P., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Strivay, D., Van der Snickt, G., Calderón, T., Teira Mayolini, L., & Arias Cabal, P. (2009). Rapport Annuel 2009: Use of XRF and colorimetry techniques for the characterisation of several prehistoric post-paleolithic rock paintings: El Cubular, Sejos and Peña Tu (Cantabria, Spain). Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Deneckere, A., Moens, L., Vandenabeele, P., Calderon, T., & Strivay, D. (2009). On going study of treated and non-treated corundum samples [Paper presentation]. Technart 2009, Athènes, Greece.

Chene, G., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., Mathis, F., & Strivay, D. (May 2008). Improved energy resolution of a cyclotron beam for RBS measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 266 (10), 2110-2112. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2008.02.077
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Hocquet, F.-P., Mathis, F., Garcia-Moreno, R., Rakkaa, S., Hartwig, M., Laboury, D., Leterme, K., Vandenabeele, P., Van Elslande, E., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., Clar, M., & Strivay, D. (2008). Portable EDXRF/UV-vis spectrometer, two complementary techniques on a mobile system used for Archaeometry research on the Noble tomb of Menna TT-69, Gourna, Egypt [Paper presentation]. European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry, Cavtat, Croatia.

Strivay, D., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., & Garnir, H.-P. (2008). Faisceaux d’ions et patrimoine culturel - Nouvelle ligne IBA de l’IPNAS [Paper presentation]. Ion Beam Analysis France, Carcans-Maubuisson, France.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Rakkaa, S., Clar, M., Marchal, A., Strivay, D., & Calderón, T. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: In-situ XRF analysis of the Libro Cartulario de Jurados de Toledo at the Archivo Municipal of Toledo (Spain). Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Deneckere, A., Deprez, N., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Strivay, D., Vandenabeele, P., & Moens, L. (2008). Towards the differentiation of non-treated and treated corundum minerals by means of Raman microscopy: First results [Poster presentation]. 8th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Earth Sciences - Sensu Latu, Gent, Belgium.

Mathis, F., Vrielynck, O., Laclavetine, K., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (2008). Study of the provenance of Belgian Merovingian garnets by PIXE at IPNAS cyclotron. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 266 (10), 2348-2352. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2008.03.055
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Moreno, R. G., Strivay, D., & Gilbert, B. (2008). Maya blue-green pigments found in Calakmul, Mexico: a study by Raman and UV-visible spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39 (8), 1050-1056. doi:10.1002/jrs.1972
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Oger, C., Denoël, S., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (2008). La peinture murale à Liège au XVIe siècle : analyse technologique d'une peinture de la cathédrale Saint-Paul de LIège. In S. Denoël (Ed.), Les peintures murales. Les techniques (pp. 137-143). Namur, Belgium: Institut du Patrimoine wallon.

Hocquet, F.-P., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Oger, C., & Strivay, D. (2008). A remote controlled XRF system for field analysis of cultural heritage objects. X-Ray Spectrometry, 37 (4), 304-308. doi:10.1002/xrs.1076
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Calvo Del Castillo, H., Mathis, F., Garcia Moreno, R., Chene, G., Hocquet, F.-P., Dupuis, T., Deprez, N., Weber, G., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2008). Archaeometry at the Centre Européen d’Archéométrie-Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. 6th International Symposium BioPIXE.

Chene, G., Garnir, H.-P., Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Philippe, M., & Strivay, D. (2008). Recent developements at the IPNAS Cyclotron of Liege - Use of High-Energy Alpha and proton beams for RBS measurements [Paper presentation]. 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, ForthWorth, United States.

Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2008). Exploring adavantages of middle-energy PIXE for archaeometry [Paper presentation]. XVIIth International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico.

Fievet, S., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Mathis, F., Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., Oger, C., & Strivay, D. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: Non-destructive analysis of a Belgian Tractatus of the 16th Century. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Strivay, D., Ramboz, C., Gallien, J.-P., Grambole, D., Sauvage, T., & Kouzmanov, K. (2008). Micro-crystalline inclusions analysis by PIXE and RBS. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 266 (10), 2375-2378. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2008.03.068
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Chene, G., Garnir, H.-P., Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Philippe, M., & Strivay, D. (2008). Recent developements at the IPNAS Cyclotron of Liege - Use of High-Energy Alpha and proton beams for RBS measurements on cultural heritage artefacts [Poster presentation]. XVIIth International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico.

Garcia Moreno, R., Mathis, F., Van Elslande, E., Vandenabeele, P., Leterme, K., Hocquet, F.-P., Rakkaa, S., Laboury, D., Moens, L., Strivay, D., & Hartwig, M. (2008). Archaeometry At The Tomb Of Menna, Theban Necropolis, Egypt: A Multi-Method Analytical Approach [Paper presentation]. 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Siena, Italy.

Strivay, D., Calvo Del Castillo, H., & Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: Overview of the research in 2008 for the IAP NACHO (Non-destructive Analysis of Cultural Heritage Objects). Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Deprez, N., Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Strivay, D., Deneckere, A., & Vandenabeele, P. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: Applications of IBIL and other complementary techniques for discrimination of treated corundum minerals. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Mathis, F., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., & Strivay, D. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: Développement du système de spectroscopie portable: acquisition d'un spectromètre proche infra-rouge. (92-93). Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Rakkaa, S., Clar, M., Marchal, A., & Strivay, D. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: Towards the new IBIL set up.

Moreno, R. G., Mathis, F., Mazel, V., Dubus, M., Calligaro, T., & Strivay, D. (2008). Discovery and characterization of an unknown blue-green Maya pigment: Veszelyite. Archaeometry, 50 (4), 658-667. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.2007.00370.x
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Mathis, F., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Deprez, N., & Strivay, D. (2008). Analyses en faisceau extrait pour le Patrimoine : Nouveau dispositif IBIL et PIXE combiné sur le cyclotron de l'IPNAS, application à l'analyse des gemmes [Poster presentation]. Ion Beam Analysis France, France.

Dupuis, T., Mathis, F., Marchal, A., Garnir, H.-P., & Strivay, D. (2008). Middle energy PIXE preliminary experiments [Paper presentation]. 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, ForthWorth, United States.

Mathis, F., Vrielynck, O., & Strivay, D. (2008). Study of the provenance of Belgian merovingian Garnets of cloisonné style artefacts [Poster presentation]. 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Siena, Italy.

Hocquet, F.-P., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Rakkaa, S., Clar, M., Marchal, C., Strivay, D., Calderón, T., & Arias Cabal, P. (2008). Rapport Annuel 2008: Use of non-invasive non-destructive mobile techniques for the characterisation of prehistoric rock paintings in Peña Tu (Asturias, Spain). Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Mathis, F., Vrielynck, O., Laclavetine, K., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (2007). Provenance of Belgian Merovingian garnets by PIXE on IPNAS Cyclotron [Poster presentation]. 9th european conference on accelerators in applied research and technology, Florence, Italy.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Deprez, N., Marchal, A., Clar, M., Rakkaa, S., Garnir, H.-P., Garcia Moreno Rodriguez, R., Strivay, D., Sanyova, J., & Calderón, T. (2007). Rapport Annuel 2007: Development of an IBIL system and characterisation of ancient pigments and other archaeological materials. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Strivay, D., Mathis, F., Chene, G., Hocquet, F.-P., & Garnir, H.-P. (2007). Non destructive analysis of paintings by ion beam techniques and XRF mobile system [Paper presentation]. EMRS 2007, Strasbourg, France.

Garcia Moreno, R., Mathis, F., & Strivay, D. (2007). Veszelyite: A New Blue-Green Maya Pigment [Poster presentation]. XI International Conference on PIXE and its analytical applications, Puebla, Mexico.

Chene, G., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., Mathis, F., & Strivay, D. (2007). Improved energy resolution of a cyclotron beam for RBS measurements [Poster presentation]. 9th european conference on accelerators in applied research and technology, Florence, Italy.

Strivay, D., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Deprez, N., Dupuis, T., Rakkaa, S., Oger, C., Defeyt, C., Vanherck, M., Bechoux, V., Drouguet, N., Vetro, C., Verheyden, O., Degard, C., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2007). Rapport Annuel 2007: La Science fait parler l'Art. Centre Eurpopéen d'Archéométrie.

Mathis, F., Hoffsummer, P., & Strivay, D. (Eds.). (2007). Rapport annuel du Centre Européen d'Archéométrie. Liège, Belgium: Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

Veselov, O., Lekki, J., Polak, W., Strivay, D., Stachura, Z., Lebed, K., & Styczen, J. (2005). The recognition of biological cells utilizing quantitative phase microscopy system. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 231, 212-217. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2005.01.059
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Weber, G., Martinot, L., Strivay, D., Garnir, H.-P., & George, P. (2005). Application of PIXE and PIGE under variable ion beam incident angle to several fields of archaeometry. X-Ray Spectrometry, 34 (4, JUL-AUG), 297-300. doi:10.1002/xrs.818
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Ignatova, M., Labaye, D., Lenoir, S., Strivay, D., Jérôme, R., & Jérôme, C. (14 October 2003). Immobilization of silver in polypyrrole/polyanion composite coatings: Preparation, characterization, and antibacterial activity. Langmuir, 19 (21), 8971-8979. doi:10.1021/la034968v
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Leroy, D., Martinot, L., Mignonsin, P., Strivay, D., Weber, G., Jérôme, C., & Jérôme, R. (11 April 2003). Complexation of uranyl ions by polypyrrole doped by sulfonated and phosphonated polyethyleneimine. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 88 (2), 352-359. doi:10.1002/app.12028
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Absil, J., Garnir, H.-P., Strivay, D., Oger, C., & Weber, G. (December 2002). Study of color centers induced by PIXE irradiation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 198 (1-2), 90-97. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(02)01522-7
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Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (May 2002). An empirical formula for L line X-ray production cross-section of elements from Ag to U for protons below 3.5 MeV. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190, 112-116. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(01)01297-6
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Weber, G., Strivay, D., Martinot, L., & Garnir, H.-P. (April 2002). Use of PIXE-PIGE under variable incident angle for ancient glass corrosion measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 189, 350-357. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(01)01085-0
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Garnir, H.-P., Strivay, D., & Bastin, T. (2002). Le GPS et la Physique. Science and Culture, 380, 99-115.

Strivay, D., Fleury-Frenette, K., Weber, G., & Collette, J.-P. (July 2001). RBS Thickness Analysis of Multilayer Mo/Si Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering [Poster presentation]. 15th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Cairns, Australia.

Jérôme, C., Martinot, L., Strivay, D., Weber, G., & Jérôme, R. (March 2001). Controlled exchange of metallic cations by polypyrrole-based resins. Synthetic Metals, 118 (1-3), 45-55. doi:10.1016/S0379-6779(00)00275-7
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Fleury-Frenette, K., Delwiche, J., Grandjean, F., Vandormael, D., Strivay, D., Weber, G., & Long, G. (2001). A magnetic and conversion electron Mossbauer spectral study of amorphous Dy20Fe80-yCoy thin films. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37 (4), 2311-2314. doi:10.1109/20.951157
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Leroy, D., Martinot, L., De Becker, M., Strivay, D., Weber, G., Jérôme, C., & Jérôme, R. (08 August 2000). New system for complexation of uranyl ions from liquid wastes of low-level activity: Polypyrrole doped with complexing polyanions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 77 (6), 1230-1239. doi:10.1002/1097-4628(20000808)77:6<1230::AID-APP7>3.0.CO;2-Z
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Fleury-Frenette, K., Delwiche, J., Strivay, D., Dhesi, S., Dudzik, E., & van der Laan, G. (2000). Dy-Fe and Dy-FeCo Magneto-optical Alloys Studied by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism. (1998-1999). CENTRAL LABORATORY OF THE RESEARCH COUNCILS.

Fleury-Frenette, K., Dhesi, S. S., van der Laan, G., Strivay, D., Weber, G., & Delwiche, J. (2000). Characteristics of the iron moment in Dy-Fe and Dy-FeCo amorphous alloys studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 220 (1), 45-51. doi:10.1016/S0304-8853(00)00460-1
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Weber, G., Guillaume, J., Strivay, D., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., & Martinot, L. (2000). Is the external beam PIXE method suitable for determining ancient silver artifact fineness? Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 161, 724-729. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(99)00948-9
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Benazouz, M., Hakim, B., Debrun, J. L., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1999). Study of the mechanism of direct laser desorption/ionisation for some small organic molecules (M < 400 daltons). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 13 (23), 2302-2304. doi:10.1002/(sici)1097-0231(19991215)13:23<2302::aid-rcm789>;2-%23
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Strivay, D., Weber, G., Fleury-Frenette, K., & Delwiche, J. (1999). Stoichiometry of DyFeCo magneto-optical alloys by combined PIXE/RBS. AIP Conference Proceedings, 475, 476.
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Hubert, B., François, L., Warnant, P., & Strivay, D. (1998). Stochastic generation of meteorological variables and effects on global models of water and carbon cycles in vegetation and soils. Journal of Hydrology, 213 (1-4), 318-334. doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(98)00214-5
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Jérôme, C., Martinot, L., Jérôme, R., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1998). Controlled exchange of metallic cations by a polypyrrole-based resin. Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 95 (6), 1475-1478. doi:10.1051/jcp:1998308
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Jérôme, C., Mertens, M., Martinot, L., Jérôme, R., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1998). Potentiometric-controlled exchange of actinide and lanthanide cations by electrically conducting polymers based resin. Radiochimica Acta, 80, 193-199. doi:10.1524/ract.1998.80.4.193
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Weber, G., Delbrouck, J. M., Strivay, D., Kerff, F., & Martinot, L. (1998). Use of a variable incidence angle PIXE arrangement for studying pigment multilayers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 139 (1-4), 196-201. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(97)00971-3
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Strivay, D., Schoefs, B., & Weber, G. (1998). Quantification by PIXE of metallic sites in proteins separated by electrophoresis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 137, 932-935. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(97)00786-6
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Leroy, D., Martinot, L., Licour, C., Jérôme, C., Zhan, H., & Strivay, D. (1998). Electrodeposition of metals and magnetic alloys onto conducting polymeric substrates. Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 95 (6), 1491-1493. doi:10.1051/jcp:1998312
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Bastin, T., Dehove, C., Dumont, P.-D., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1997). Automatic external filling for the ion source gas bottle of a Van de Graaff accelerator. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 129, 548-550. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(97)00352-2
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Delbrouck Habaru, J., Roelandts, I., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1997). Use of the alpha parameter method to calculate matrix corrections for infinitely thick targets (TTPIXE) with two different incident beam energies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 129 (1), 92-100. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(97)00123-7
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Bastin, T., Dehove, C., Dumont, P.-D., Garnir, H.-P., Marchal, A., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1996). External gas filling for the ion source gas bottle of an accelerator Van de Graaff based on a micro-progammable [Poster presentation]. 14th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, United States - Texas.
Editorial reviewed

Strivay, D., Garnir, H.-P., & Weber, G. (1996). A computer controlled PIGE setup for the analysis of thin samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 113 (1-4), 407-410. doi:10.1016/0168-583X(95)01419-5
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Weber, G., Strivay, D., Menendez, M., Schoefs, B., & Bertrand, M. (1996). Quantitative measurement of metal ions concentration of proteins separated by electrophoresis. International Journal of PIXE, 1-2, 215-225.
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Hubert, B., François, L., Strivay, D., & Warnant, P. (04 April 1995). Random simulation of precipitation and effects on a global model of soil hydrology and vegetation productivity [Paper presentation]. European Geophysical Society XX General Assembly, Hamburg, Germany.
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Warnant, P., François, L., Strivay, D., & Robinet, F. (1994). Forcing of a global model of plant productivity with climatic and remote sensing data. In F. Veroustraete & R. Ceulemans (Eds.), Vegetation, modelling and climatic change effects (pp. 179-186). The Hague, Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing bv.

Warnant, P., François, L., Strivay, D., & Gérard, J.-C. (1994). CARAIB - A global model of terrestrial biological productivity. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8 (3), 255-270. doi:10.1029/94GB00850
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Debergh, N., Ndimubandi, J., & Strivay, D. (1992). On Relativistic Scalar and Vector-Mesons with Harmonic Oscillator-Like Interactions. Zeitschrift für Physik. C, Particles and Fields, 56 (3), 421-425. doi:10.1007/BF01565950
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