
Tarayre Cédric

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Thonart, Philippe  (31)
Destain, Jacqueline  (30)
Francis, Frédéric  (29)
Bauwens, Julien  (28)
Vandenbol, Micheline  (28)
Main Referenced Keywords
Nutrients (7); Termite (5); Biorefine (4); Reticulitermes santonensis (4); Waste (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Unité de Bio-Industries (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Biotechnology (18)
Microbiology (13)
Chemistry (10)
Agriculture & agronomy (5)
Entomology & pest control (5)

Publications (total 52)

The most downloaded
Tarayre, C. (2014). ÉTUDE DU COMPLEXE ENZYMATIQUE DES SYMBIONTES DU TERMITE RETICULITERMES FLAVIPES (EX. SANTONENSIS) [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

122 citations (Scopus®)

Tarayre, C., De Clercq, L., Charlier, R., Michels, E., Meers, E., Camargo-Valero, M., & Delvigne, F. (February 2016). New perspectives for the design of sustainable bioprocesses for phosphorus recovery from waste. Bioresource Technology, 206, 264-274. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.01.091

Ly, S., Mith, H., Tarayre, C., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Delvigne, F. (2018). Impact of microbial composition of Cambodian traditional dried starters (Dombea) on flavor compounds of rice wine: combining amplicon sequencing with HP-SPME-GCMS. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00894
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Vassaux, A., & Tarayre, C. (June 2017). ASTINPROD project – Production of an anticancer molecule by the symbiotic fungus Villosirosea asteris [Paper presentation]. Séminaires du TERRA Teaching and Research Centre.

Vassaux, A., Tarayre, C., Delvigne, F., Fickers, P., Jacques, P., Vandenbol, M., & Leclere, V. (24 May 2017). An anticancer molecule stemming from a plant root produced in a bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Terra Innovation Game.

Tarayre, C., Charlier, R., Delepierre, A., Brognaux, A., Bauwens, J., Francis, F., DERMIENCE, M., Lognay, G., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., Compère, P., Meers, E., Michels, E., & Delvigne, F. (2017). Looking for phosphate-accumulating bacteria in activated sludge processes : a multidisciplinary approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-8490-y
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Semboung Lang, F., Tarayre, C., Destain, J., Delvigne, F., Druart, P., Ongena, M., & Thonart, P. (01 October 2016). The Effect of Nutrients on the Degradation of Hydrocarbons in Mangrove Ecosystems by Microorganisms. International Journal of Environmental Research, 10 (4), 583-592.
Peer reviewed

Tarayre, C., Nguyen, H.-T., Brognaux, A., Delepierre, A., De Clercq, L., Charlier, R., Michels, E., Meers, E., & Delvigne, F. (31 May 2016). Characterisation of Phosphate Accumulating Organisms and Techniques for Polyphosphate Detection: A Review. Sensors, 16 (797), 1-14. doi:10.3390/s16060797
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Delepierre, A., Brognaux, A., Baert, J., Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Francis, F., & Delvigne, F. (20 May 2016). Study of microbial phenotypic heterogeneity under bioprocess conditions using « single-cell » techniques [Poster presentation]. Journée TERRA.

Tarayre, C., Charlier, R., Michels, E., Meers, E., & Delvigne, F. (May 2016). BIOREFINE Project – Screening of phosphate accumulating organisms in samples of activated sludge taken from wastewater treatment plants [Poster presentation]. Chimie verte et Biotechnologie blanche, Gembloux, Belgium.

Tarayre, C., De Clercq, L., Charlier, R., Michels, E., Meers, E., Camargo-Valero, M., & Delvigne, F. (February 2016). New perspectives for the design of sustainable bioprocesses for phosphorus recovery from waste. Bioresource Technology, 206, 264-274. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.01.091
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Delvigne, F., Destain, J., Maesen, P., Meers, E., Michels, E., Tarayre, C., & Tarayre, N. (2016). Inventory of wastes produced in Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Millet, C., Matteotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (2016). GCˆGC-TOFMS for the Analysis of Metabolites Produced by Termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) Bred on Different Carbon Sources. Separations, 3 (2), 1-14.
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Camargo-Valero, M., Bamelis, L., De Clercq, L., Delvigne, F., Meers, E., Michels, E., Ramirez-Sosa, D., Ross, A., Smeets, H., Tarayre, C., Tarayre, N., & Williams, P. T. (2015). Techniques for nutrient recovery from household and industrial wastes. Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Camargo-Valero, M., De Clercq, L., Delvigne, F., Haumont, A., Lebuf, V., Meers, E., Michels, E., Raesfeld, U., Ramirez-Sosa, D., Ross, A., Schoumans, O., Snauwaert, E., Tarayre, C., Vandaele, E., Velthof, G., Williams, P., & Tarayre, N. (2015). Techniques for nutrient recovery from manure and slurry. Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Bamelis, L., Blancke, S., Camargo-Valero, M., De Clercq, L., Haumont, A., De Keulenaere, B., Delvigne, F., Meers, E., Michels, E., Ramirez-Sosa, D., Ross, A., Smeets, H., Tarayre, C., Tarayre, N., & Williams, P. (2015). Techniques for nutrient recovery from digestate derivatives. Gembloux, Belgium: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Delvigne, F., Pêcheux, H., & Tarayre, C. (28 September 2015). Fluorescent reporter libraries as useful tools for optimizing microbial cell factories: a review of the current methods and applications. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 3. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2015.00147
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Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Mattéotti, C., Brasseur, C., Millet, C., Massart, S., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., Thonart, P., Portetelle, D., & Delvigne, F. (2015). Multiple analyses of microbial communities applied to the gut of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes flavipes fed on artificial diets. Symbiosis. doi:10.1007/s13199-015-0328-0
Peer reviewed

Tarayre, C., De Clercq, L., Michels, E., Buysse, J., Meers, E., & Delvigne, F. (01 June 2015). BIOREFINE Project – Recovery of useful nutrients from organic wastes produced in five European countries (3AV.3.55) [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Vienne, Austria.

Hurdebise, Q.* , Tarayre, C.* , Fischer, C.* , Colinet, G., Hiligsmann, S., & Delvigne, F. (2015). Determination of Zinc, Cadmium and Lead Bioavailability in Contaminated Soils at the Single-Cell Level by a Combination of Whole-Cell Biosensors and Flow Cytometry. Sensors. doi:10.3390/s150408981
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Kinet, R., Dzaomuho-Lenieregue, P., Hiligsmann, S., Taminiau, B., Tarayre, C., Daube, G., & Delvigne, F. (2015). Flow cytometry fingerprinting for the design of a cellulolytic synthetic microbial community [Poster presentation]. 3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB 2015).

Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Tarayre, C., Millet, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Thonart, P., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (December 2014). Wood digestion in lower termites: multidisciplinary approaches based on differential feeding [Poster presentation]. 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology (ZOOLOGY 2014).

Tarayre, C. (2014). ÉTUDE DU COMPLEXE ENZYMATIQUE DES SYMBIONTES DU TERMITE RETICULITERMES FLAVIPES (EX. SANTONENSIS) [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Mattéotti, C., Millet, C., Guiot, P. A., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Thonart, P. (2014). Isolation and cultivation of xylanolytic and cellulolytic Sarocladium kiliense and Trichoderma virens from the gut of the termite Reticulitermes santonensis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-014-3681-2
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Tarayre, C., Hurdebise, Q., Fischer, C., Colinet, G., Buysse, J., Michels, E., Meers, E., & Delvigne, F. (09 September 2014). BioRefine Project: Detection of bioavailability of Metallic Trace Elements in soils by the use of microbial biosensors [Poster presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France.

Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Tarayre, C., Millet, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Thonart, P., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (August 2014). Multidisciplinary approaches and fractionations to study lower termite symbiotic system and ligno-cellulose digestion [Poster presentation]. 10th European Congress of Entomology.

Tarayre, C., Fischer, C., De Clercq, L., Michels, E., Meers, E., Buysse, J., Delvigne, F., & Thonart, P. (05 June 2014). Biorefine: Recovery of nutrients and metallic trace elements from different wastes by chemical and biochemical processes [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries.

Tarayre, C., Michels, E., Buysse, J., Meers, E., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (June 2014). Research of phosphate accumulating microorganisms from WWTPs for the recovery of phosphorus from organic wastes (3BV.3.47) [Poster presentation]. 22nd European Union Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hambourg, Germany.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., mattéotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (2014). GC×GC-TOFMS Analysis of Metabolites Produced by Termites on Different Diets: A Step Forward towards Better Understanding of Enzymatic Complexes in Termites and their Common Symbionts. In Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography HTC-13 - Book of abstracts.
Peer reviewed

Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Mattéotti, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Thonart, P. (January 2014). Isolation of an amylolytic chrysophyte, Poterioochromonas sp. from the digestive tract of the termite R. santonensis. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (1).
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Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., mattéotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., Focant, J.-F., & De Pauw, E. (2014). MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of Cellodextrins and Xylo-oligosaccharides Produced by Hindgut Homogenates of Reticulitermes santonensis. Molecules, 19, 4578-4594. doi:10.3390/molecules19044578
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Tarayre, C., Delvigne, F., Michels, E., Buysse, J., & Meers, E. (December 2013). BioRefine: Recovery of Nutrients from Sewage Sludge, Manure and Digestate by a Combination of Chemical and Biochemical Unit Operations [Poster presentation]. ManuResource 2013, Brugge, Belgium.

Tarayre, C., Brognaux, A., Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Mattéotti, C., Millet, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Thonart, P. (2013). Short communication - Isolation of amylolytic, xylanolytic, and cellulolytic microorganisms extracted from the gut of the termite Reticulitermes santonensis by means of a micro-aerobic atmosphere. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.
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Tarayre, C., Delvigne, F., Destain, J., Thonart, P., & Chanet, M. (22 October 2013). Présentation des projets Interreg IVB BIOREFINE et RENEW [Paper presentation]. Conférence internationale sur la gestion innovante des boues d'épuration à l'échelle européenne, Charleroi, Belgium.

Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Brasseur, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Thonart, P., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (19 October 2013). Projet Termitofuel: les termites et leurs symbiontes pour mieux valoriser la biomasse ligno-cellulosique [Poster presentation]. 11ème Journée Entomologique de Gembloux.

Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Millet, C., Brasseur, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Thonart, P., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (October 2013). Metaproteomic analysis of termite hindgut consortiums cultivated from artificially-fed termites [Poster presentation]. V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2013.

Tarayre, C., Brognaux, A., Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Millet, C., Mattéotti, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Thonart, P. (2013). Isolation and Cultivation of a Xylanolytic Bacillus subtilis Extracted from the Gut of the Termite Reticulitermes santonensis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s12010-013-0337-5
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Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Mattéotti, C., Brasseur, C., Millet, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Thonart, P. (June 2013). Isolation and cultivation of cellulolytic and xylanolytic bacteria and molds extracted from the gut of the termite Reticulitermes santonensis (3DV.1.14) [Poster presentation]. 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhague, Denmark.

Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Mattéotti, C., Brasseur, C., Millet, C., Guiot, P., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., Thonart, P., & Destain, J. (June 2013). Research of New Enzyme Producing Strains in the Gut of the Termite Reticulitermes santonensis [Poster presentation]. COSM'ING 2013, Saint-Malo, France.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Mattéotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (14 May 2013). Study of Enzymatic Complexes in Termites and their Common Symbionts: GC×GC-TOFMS Analysis of Metabolites Produced by Termites on Different Diets [Paper presentation]. First Belgian-Netherlands Joint Symposium on Metabolomics, Spa, Belgium.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Mattéotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (03 May 2013). Study of Enzymatic Complexes in Termites and their Common Symbionts: GC×GC-TOFMS Analysis of Metabolites Produced by Termites on Different Diets [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Antwerp, Belgium.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Mattéotti, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Thonart, P., Focant, J.-F., & De Pauw, E. (01 May 2013). Termites as a tool to improve lignocellulose biomass valorization: analysis of intermediate oligosaccharides produced by Reticulitermes santonensis [Poster presentation]. 35th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (SBFC), Portland, OR, United States.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Mattéotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Focant, J.-F., & De Pauw, E. (18 April 2013). MALDI-TOFMS analysis of intermediate oligosaccharides produced by the termite Reticulitermes santonensis and its common symbionts [Poster presentation]. Bioforum Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Bauwens, J., Millet, C., Tarayre, C., Brasseur, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Thonart, P., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (2013). Symbiont Diversity in Reticulitermes santonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): Investigation Strategy Through Proteomics. Environmental Entomology, 42 (5), 882-7. doi:10.1603/EN13112
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Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Brasseur, C., Mattéotti, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Thonart, P., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (2013). Influence of lignin in Reticulitermes santonensis: symbiotic interations investigated through proteomics. Symbiosis.
Peer reviewed

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Mattéotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (16 November 2012). Termites as a tool to improve lignocellulose biomass valorization : study of enzymatic complex in termites and its common symbionts by comprehensive metabolite profiling [Paper presentation]. Journée annuelle de l'EDT CHIM, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Mattéotti, C., Millet, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., Delvigne, F., & Thonart, P. (14 November 2012). Utilisation des termites comme source de microorganismes dans la filière de production du bioéthanol de seconde génération [Poster presentation]. 9èmes rencontres de la biomasse, Gembloux, Belgium.

Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Matteotti, C., Brasseur, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Thonart, P., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (August 2012). Termites artificially-fed on unusual diet and resulting enzymatic switches [Poster presentation]. 24th International Congress of Entomology.

Tarayre, C., Bauwens, J., Matteotti, C., Brasseur, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., Francis, F., & Thonart, P. (21 June 2012). Selection and cultivation of hydrolytic microorganisms extracted from the digestive tract of the termite Reticulitermes santonensis (3DV.1.55) [Poster presentation]. 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy.

Brasseur, C., Bauwens, J., Tarayre, C., Matteotti, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (May 2012). Termites as a tool to improve lignocellulose biomass valorization: study of enzymatical complex from termites and its common symbionts by comprehensive metabolite profiling [Paper presentation]. ISCC 2012, Riva Del Garda, Italy.

Matteotti, C., Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Tarayre, C., Thonart, P., Destain, J., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., De Pauw, E., Portetelle, D., & Vandenbol, M. (02 April 2012). Identification and characterization of a new xylanase from Gram-positive bacteria isolated from termite gut (Reticulitermes santonensis)). Protein Expression and Purification, 83 (2), 117-127. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2012.03.009
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Bauwens, J., Brasseur, C., Matteotti, C., Tarayre, C., Destain, J., Vandenbol, M., Portetelle, D., Thonart, P., De Pauw, E., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (02 October 2011). Changes in termites feeding diets for gut micro-organisms selection and further cultivation [Poster presentation]. Sixth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Tarayre, C. (03 September 2010). Bioremediation of hydrocarbon polluted soil - Improvement of in situ bioremediation by bioaugmentation with endogenous and exogenous strains [Poster presentation]. Présentation de Travail de Fin d'Etudes.


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