Neyrinck, N. (2021). Manuel de droit belge de la concurrence. Les pratiques restrictives de concurrence. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier. |
Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2019). Le droit européen de la concurrence face aux enjeux de la mondialisation. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2017). Les Joint-Ventures – Aspects de droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Les Joint-Ventures, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2016). Procedural Rights in EU Antitrust Proceedings. In C. Cauffman & Q. Hao (Eds.), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the EU and China (pp. 129-160). Springer. Peer reviewed |
Neyrinck, N. (December 2015). Taxis bruxellois : Uber garde un pied dans la porte. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau, 4. Peer reviewed |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (March 2015). Les fonctions de la procédure en droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. DES FONCTIONS DE LA PROCÉDURE DANS LE DROIT ÉCONOMIQUE EUROPÉEN. |
Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2014). Procedural rights in antitrust proceedings. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Neyrinck, N. (2014). Report for Belgium 2012 LIDC Report for Belgium - SMEs and Competition Law: Should small and middle size undertakings be subject to other or specific competition rules. In N. Neyrinck (Ed.), ntitrust for Small and Middle Size Undertakings and Image Protection from Non-Competitors (pp. 41-64). Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Peer reviewed |
Neyrinck, N. (2012). Multinationales et droit de la propriété intellectuelle – Le cas des savoirs traditionnels. In C. Brüls (Ed.), Les Multinationales (pp. 225 - 258). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier. Peer reviewed |
Neyrinck, N., & Demuyter, L. (2012). Une transaction en droit belge de la concurrence ? Approche critique des proprositions de la Direction Générale de la Concurrence et du Ministère de l'Economie. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2-3), 106-118. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2012). Industrial Policy and Competition Enforcement: Is There, Could There and Should There Be a Nexus? [Paper presentation]. 2012 GCLC Annual Conference, 8-9 November 2012, Residence Palace, Brussels. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (October 2011). Collective dominance: An overview of national case law. e-Competitions, N°39129. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (August 2011). Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law. CPI Antitrust Journal, 8 (Summer). |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (April 2011). Back to Microsoft I and II: Tying and the Art of Secret Magic. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (2), 117-121. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpq080 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Neyrinck, N., & Hermida, L. (April 2011). The Belgian Competition Council dismisses a claim from the Prosecutor concerning a coordinated price increase due to the non-respect of the rights of the defence (Ferrero). e-Competitions, 45895. |
Neyrinck, N., & Metz, Q. (April 2011). The Belgian Competition Council returns the case to the College of Prosecutors for having failed to consider the repeated nature of the abuse in its assessment of termination rules (Omega Pharma). e-Competitions, 45892. |
Neyrinck, N., & Beddeleem, O. (2011). Utilisation stratégique du droit de la concurrence: Le cas de la ‘‘TVA Bouygues Telecom’’. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (3). |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2011). Droit de la concurrence et instrumentalisation parisitaire. In C. Roquilly (Ed.), La contribution des juristes et du droit à la performance de l'entreprise (pp. 74-86). Paris, France: Joly éditions. |
Neyrinck, N. (December 2010). Rambus déclare forfait. La Commission dans un fauteuil. Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information, 41, 90-113. |
Neyrinck, N. (2010). Il faut criminaliser les cartels. L'Echo, p. 16. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Tying Law in Microsoft I and II: The Secret Art of Magic? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Neyrinck, N., & Smessaert, D. (August 2010). The Belgian Competition Council issues an infringement decision for the imposition of minimum prices by the Belgian professional association of real estate agents and orders the publication of its decision (Beroepsinstituut van Vastgoedmakelaars). e-Competitions, 47336. |
Neyrinck, N., & Metz, Q. (July 2010). The Belgium Competition Council dismisses a complaint against the incumbent telecoms operator regarding the access to its broadband network (Mobistar / Belgacom). e-Competitions, 36453. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (15 February 2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance – A Fresh Look at the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law [Paper presentation]. The Vienna Competition 2010. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (February 2010). A Review of the Competition Law Implications of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. CPI Antitrust Journal, 1. |
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance: A Proposed Alternative Reading of the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law. Global Competition Law Centre Working Papers Series, (02/2010). |
Neyrinck, N., & Sabbadini, P. (December 2009). The Belgian competition Council’s College of Prosecutors dismiss multiple complaints against the incumbent telecom operator for abuse of a dominant position on the international transit services for call termination in Belgium (Base / Belgacom. e-Competitions, Art. N° 35146. |
Neyrinck, N., & Coquelet, M. (2009). The Belgian Competition Prosecutor dismisses a claim from the Union of Belgian French-speaking Booksellers against their main distributors concerning alleged illicit agreement and abuse of dominant position (Interforum). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence. |
Neyrinck, N., & Come, A.-S. (2009). The Belgian Competition Prosecutor dismisses a complaint from the Union of Belgian French-speaking Booksellers alleging an abuse of dominance and the existence of a cartel between two book distributors (Dilibel). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence. |
Neyrinck, N., & Caucheteux, L. (2009). The Court of Appeal of Brussels upholds the NCA’s ruling holding that the opening days/hours and advertising provisions for pharmacy outlets, as set by the Belgian Pharmacists Association, were contrary to competition law (Ordre des pharmaciens). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence. |
Neyrinck, N., & De Vos, W. (2009). The Belgian Competition Council assesses the implementation of a merger remedy imposed in the cinemas complexes sector and finds that no prior approval is needed to create a new cinema complex, but refers the case back to the Competition Council’s Prosecutor for further investigation due to changed market conditions (Kinepolis). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence. |