
Dewandre Pierre-Yves

Département des sciences cliniques

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Brichant, Jean-François  (104)
Hans, Pol  (91)
Bonhomme, Vincent  (68)
Lamy, Maurice  (29)
Foidart, Jean-Michel  (9)
Main Referenced Keywords
Pregnancy (9); Female (6); Humans (6); Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (3); Clonidine (3);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Anesthesia & intensive care (188)
Reproductive medicine (gynecology, andrology, obstetrics) (16)
Neurology (2)
Surgery (2)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 192)

The most downloaded
LENELLE, L., LAHAYE-GOFFART, B., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Brichant, J.-F. (November 2011). Les céphalées post-ponction durale: traitement et prévention. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (11), 575-580.

The most cited

248 citations (OpenAlex)

Hans, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Bonhomme, V. (March 2005). Comparative effects of ketamine on Bispectral Index and spectral entropy of the electroencephalogram under sevoflurane anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 94 (3), 336-340. doi:10.1093/bja/aei047

Brogly, N., Valbuena Gómez, I., Afshari, A., Ekelund, K., Kranke, P., Weiniger, C. F., Lucas, N., Dewandre, P.-Y., Guasch Arevalo, E., Ioscovich, A., Kollmann, A., Lindelof, K., Orbach-Zinger, S., Reis, S., van den Bosch, O., Van de Velde, M., & Romero, C. S. (01 February 2025). ESAIC focused guidelines for the management of the failing epidural during labour epidural analgesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 42 (2), 96 - 112. doi:10.1097/EJA.0000000000002108
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Enste, R., Cricchio, P., Dewandre, P.-Y., Braun, T., Leonards, C. O., Niggemann, P., Spies, C., Henrich, W., & Kaufner, L. (25 May 2023). Placenta Accreta Spectrum Part I: anesthesia considerations based on an extended review of the literature. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 51 (4), 439 - 454. doi:10.1515/jpm-2022-0232
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Enste, R., Cricchio, P., Dewandre, P.-Y., Braun, T., Leonards, C. O., Niggemann, P., Spies, C., Henrich, W., & Kaufner, L. (25 May 2023). Placenta Accreta Spectrum Part II: hemostatic considerations based on an extended review of the literature. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 51 (4), 455 - 467. doi:10.1515/jpm-2022-0233
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Bovy, M.-A., & Dewandre, P.-Y. (April 2023). Syndrome de Claude Bernard Horner en salle de travail : une complication rare de l’analgésie péridurale obstétricale. Revue Médicale de Liège, 78 (4), 193-195.
Peer reviewed

Bagou, G., Sentilhes, L., Mercier, F., Berveiller, P., Blanc, J., Cesareo, E., Dewandre, P.-Y., Douai, B., Gloaguen, A., Gonzalez, M., Le Conte, P., Le Gouez, A., Madar, H., Maisonneuve, E., Morau, E., Rackelboom, T., Rossignol, M., Sibiude, J., Vaux, J., ... Chauvin, A. (October 2022). Guidelines for the management of urgent obstetric situations in emergency medicine, 2022. Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, 41 (5), 101127. doi:10.1016/j.accpm.2022.101127
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Morau, E., Bouvet, L., Dewandre, P.-Y., Vial, F., Bonnin, M., Chassard, D., Julliac, B., Bouthors, A. S., Bonnet, M. P., Fisher, C., Gonzalez, M., Keita, H., Le Gouez, A., Rackelboom, T., Benhamou, D., & Mercier, F. (April 2022). Covid-19, grossesse et anesthésie réanimation obstétricale : bilan et perspectives. Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 26 (2), 63 - 66. doi:10.1016/j.pratan.2022.01.007
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Surinder, T., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & LAMBERT, G. (2022). A misleading cause of bleeding and collapse during and after a C-section [Paper presentation]. Graduation Day, Woluwe, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Grandfils, S., Dewandre, P.-Y., Bonnet, P., Radermecker, M., Nisolle, M., Kridelka, F., & Emonts, P. (November 2021). Pregnancy and delivery in a patient with a Fontan circulation and primary ciliary dyskinesia: A case report. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, 50 (9), 102184. doi:10.1016/j.jogoh.2021.102184
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (02 October 2021). Neuraxial Anesthesia for Cesarean Section [Paper presentation]. BARA annual meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (September 2021). Controverse:"Hémodynamique de la Césarienne: noradrénaline en routine?" Contre: P.Y. Dewandre [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de la SFAR, Paris, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (12 June 2021). Pathologies maternelles et grossesse: le point de vue de l'anesthésiste [Paper presentation]. Symposium du Collège Royal des Gynécologues obstétriciens de langue française de Belgique (CRGOLFB), Liège, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (30 March 2021). Anesthesia for C-Section: a quick guide to the essentials [Paper presentation]. BARA webinar: Obstetric Anesthesia, Webinar, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2021). Evolution de l'anesthésie obstétricale: morbi-mortalité. In Actualizacion de los protocolos asistenciales de la seccion de anestesia obstetrica de la SEDAR ( Sociedad Espanola de Anestesiologia Reanimacion y Terapeutica de Dolor) 3° Edicion 2021(In press). Spain: SEDAR.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2021). Céphalées post brèche dure-mérienne. In Protocoles en Anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 4e édition. Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Bouthors, A. S. (2021). Maladie thrombo-embolique veineuse. In Protocoles en Anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 4e édition. Elsevier Masson.

VIEUJEAN, S., Dauby, M., REMACLE, G., KRIDELKA, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & CAPELLE, X. (2021). Rupture spontanée d’un anévrysme de l’artère splénique au cours du troisième trimestre de la grossesse. Revue Médicale de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Gupta, A., von Heymann, C., Magnuson, A., Alahuhta, S., Fernando, R., Van de Velde, M., Mercier, F. J., schyns-van den Berg, A., the EPimAP Collaborators, Casier, I., Bryon, B., Soetens, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., LAMBERT, G., & the EPiMAP collaborators. (08 December 2020). Management practices for postdural puncture headache in obstetrics: a prospective, international, cohort study. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125 (6), 1045-1055. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2020.07.061
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (May 2020). Comment initier l’analgésie péridurale ? [Paper presentation]. 52nd SOAP (Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology) annual meeting, Halifax, Canada.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (May 2020). Controversies on uterotonics: The Belgian approach [Paper presentation]. 52nd SOAP (Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology) annual meeting, Halifax, Canada.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (25 January 2020). Postdural puncture headache : conventional management and new alternatives [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Day of Regional Anesthesia, Leuven, Belgium.

Benhamou, D., Keita, H., Ducloy-Bouthors, A.-S., The CARO working group, Bonnet, M.-P., Bonin, M., Bouvet, L., castel, A., Chassard, D., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Fisher, C., Julliac, B., Mercier, F., Morau, E., Rackelboom, T., Vial, F., & Wernet, A. (2020). Coagulation changes and thromboembolic risk in COVID-19 obstetric patients. Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, 39 (3), 351-353. doi:10.1016/j.accpm.2020.05.003
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Morau, E., Bouvet, L., Keita, H., Vial, F., Bonnet, M.-P., Bonin, M., Le Gouez, A., Chassard, D., Mercier, F., Benhamou, D., The CARO working group, DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Castel, A., Bouthors, A.-S., Fisher, C., Julliac, B., Rackelboom, T., & Wernet, A. (2020). Anaesthesia and intensive care in obstetrics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, 39 (3), 345-349. doi:10.1016/j.accpm.2020.05.006
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2019). Confort, sécurité, gestion des situations critiques: l'anesthésiste-réanimateur veille sur vous lors de la grossesse et de l'accouchement [Paper presentation]. Forum des savoirs: Vous saurez tout sur l'Anesthésie-Réanimation, Liege, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (May 2019). Ultrasonographie de la colonne lombaire (Workshop) [Paper presentation]. 52e Congrès national du CARO (Club d’Anesthésie-Réanimation en Obstétrique), Lyon, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (April 2019). Abnormally Invasive Placenta (AIP), a challenge for the anesthesiologist [Paper presentation]. COPA 2019 (Paulista Congress of Anesthesiology), Sao Paulo, Brazil.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (April 2019). How to optimize your epidural? [Paper presentation]. COPA 2019 (Paulista Congress of Anesthesiology), Sao Paulo, Brazil.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (April 2019). Hot topics in obstetric anesthesia [Paper presentation]. COPA 2019 (Paulista Congress of Anesthesiology), Sao Paulo, Brazil.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2019). Les dernières contrindications à l'analgésie péridurale. In Texte des conférences JEPU 2019. 72600 Mamers, France: Imprimerie Auffret-Plessix.
Peer reviewed

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (29 March 2019). Les complications maternelles liées à l'anesthésie obstétricale [Paper presentation]. 51e journées d'enseignement post-universitaire en anesthésie et réanimation, Paris, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (25 March 2019). Neuraxial labour analgesia: harmful for the baby? [Paper presentation]. 10e BARA Obstetric anesthesia Refersher Course, Leuven, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (26 January 2019). What’s new in obstetric anesthesia? [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Day of Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy), Leuven, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (10 December 2018). La césarienne sous anesthésie générale en 2018 [Paper presentation]. 31eme séminaire d’anesthésie obstétricale organisé par le BECAR, Paris, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (08 October 2018). Reste-t-il des contre-indications à l’anesthésie neuraxiale en obstétrique ? [Paper presentation]. Committee for European Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA) Belgique-Nord de la France . Module mère-enfant, Lille, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (October 2018). Les complications de l’anesthésie obstétricales [Paper presentation]. Committee for European Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA) Belgique-Nord de la France, Lille, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (October 2018). Reste-t-il des contre-indications à l’anesthésie neuraxiale en obstétrique ? [Paper presentation]. Committee for European Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA) Belgique-Nord de la France, Lille, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (02 June 2018). Last year’s top publications in obstetric anesthesia and analgesia [Paper presentation]. Euroanesthesia 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (25 May 2018). Les drogues vasoactives (Symposium « Hémodynamique » [Paper presentation]. 51e Congrès national du CARO (Club d’Anesthésie-Réanimation en Obstétrique), Reims, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Ducloy-Bouthors, A. S. (2018). Maladie trombo-embolique veineuse en post-partum. In Protocoles en Anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 3e édition (pp. 175-179). France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Chassard, D. (2018). Recommandations pour les patientes porteuses d’un pacemaker ou d’un défibrillateur implantable. In Protocoles en Anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 3e édition (pp. 201-204). France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2018). Gestion d’une brèche de dure-mère accidentelle au cours de la réalisation d’une analgésie péridurale. In Protocoles en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 3e édition (pp. 131-133). France: Elsevier Masson.

LAMBERT, G., & DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2018). Reste-t-il des contre-indications à l’anesthésie neuraxiale en obstétrique? Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 22 (6), 365-371. doi:10.1016/j.pratan.2018.10.003
Peer reviewed

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (12 October 2017). Obstetric Hemorrhage and coagulation [Paper presentation]. BeNeLux Patient Blood Management symposium, Antwerpen, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (13 September 2017). Remifentanil for labour analgesia should be offered as a routine option to pregnant women in labour: pro (pro-con debate). Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 42 (5 , suppl 1), 16-e17. doi:10.1097/AAP.0000000000000656
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (September 2017). Epidural lipophilic opioids are not needed when an epidural top-up is given to achieve anaesthesia for cesarean section: pro (pro-con debate). Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 42 (5, Suppl 1), 16-e17.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (September 2017). Postoperative analgesia after cesarean section (lecture) [Paper presentation]. 36th annual ESRA congress (European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy), Lugano, Switzerland.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (September 2016). The baby is in distress and I can’t get the tube in (PBLD) [Paper presentation]. 35th annual ESRA congress (European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy), Maastricht, Netherlands.

Vial, F., Guerci, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Benhamou, D. (June 2016). Réveil peropératoire et mémorisation au décours d'une césarienne sous anesthésie générale. Douleur et Analgésie, 29, 78-83. doi:10.1007/s11724-016-0458-z
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Vial, F., Guerci, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Benhamou, D. (June 2016). Syndrome de stress post-traumatique et césarienne. Douleur et Analgésie, 29 (2), 84-87. doi:10.1007/s11724-016-0455-2
Peer reviewed

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (10 October 2015). Regional Anesthesia in the pregnant women (not C-section/delivery) [Paper presentation]. 15th annual meeting of the Begian Association for Regional Anesthesia (BARA), Bruxelles, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (11 March 2015). L’analgésie obstétricale en 2015, y compris les nouveaux modes d’administration : Où en est-on ? qu’il y a-t-il de neuf ? [Paper presentation]. Committee for European Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA) Belgique-Nord de la France: Module Mère-Enfant, Lille, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (11 March 2015). Prise en charge chirurgicale des placenta percreta [Paper presentation]. Committee for European Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA) Belgique-Nord de la France . Module mère-enfant, Lille, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Chassard, D. (2015). Transplantation cardiaque/ coeur-poumon. In V. Fuzier, D. Chassard, ... F. Mercier, Prise en charges des Maladies rares en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales (pp. 723-726). Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Fuzier, V. (2015). Cryoglobulinémies. In V. Fuzier, D. Chassard, ... F. Mercier, Prise en charges des Maladies rares en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales (pp. 148-150). 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: Elsevier Masson.

Ducloy-Bouthors, A. S., & DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2015). Hémophilie B. In V. Fuzier, D. Chassard, ... F. Mercier, Prise en charges des Maladies rares en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales (pp. 304-306). 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Ducloy-Bouthors, A. S., Wibaut, B., & Goudemand, J. (2015). Maladie de Willebrand. In V. Fuzier, D. Chassard, ... F. Mercier, Prise en charges des Maladies rares en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales (pp. 759-763). 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Chassard, D. (2015). Coarctation de l'aorte. In V. Fuzier, D. Chassard, ... F. Mercier, Prise en charges des Maladies rares en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales (pp. 134-137). 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Ducloy-Bouthors, A. S. (2015). Hémophilie A. In V. Fuzier, D. Chassard, ... F. Mercier, Prise en charges des Maladies rares en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales (pp. 300-303). 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (20 October 2014). Anticoagulants oraux directs: gestion périopératoire et traitement des hémorragies [Paper presentation]. Entretiens Liégeois de Cardiologie, Liège, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Devroe, S. (30 April 2014). A parturient has a seizure on the labor floor - the fetal heart rate is 50 BPM (PBLD) [Paper presentation]. 5th World Anesthesia Convention Networking (NWAC), Vienne, Austria.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (30 April 2014). Should we provide spinal anesthesia in preeclamptic patients? [Paper presentation]. 5th World Anesthesia Convention Networking (NWAC), Vienne, Austria.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Van de Velde, M. (30 April 2014). Obstetric Anesthesia Clinical Forum [Paper presentation]. 5th World Anesthesia Convention Networking (NWAC), Vienne, Austria.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2014). Recommandations pour les patientes porteuses d’un pacemaker ou d’un défibrillateur implantable. In CARO (Club d'Anesthésie-Réanimation Obstétricale), Protocoles en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 2e édition (pp. 193-196). Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Ducloy-Bouthors, A.-S. (2014). Maladie trombo-embolique veineuse en post-partum. In CARO(Club d'Anesthésie-Réanimation Obstétricale), Protocoles en Anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales, 2e édition (pp. 167-171). Elsevier Masson.

LAMBERT, G., BRICHANT, J.-F., Hartstein, G., BONHOMME, V., & DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2014). Preeclampsia: an update. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 65 (4), 137-49.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (05 October 2013). Meningitis and epidural abcess following central blocks [Paper presentation]. 13th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Regional Anesthesia (BARA), Bruxelles, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (September 2013). Sécurité et organisation des soins : périnatalité et anesthésie obstétricale, données Belges [Paper presentation]. Journée du Club d’Anesthésie-Réanimation obstétricale (CARO), Société française d’Anesthésie Réanimation (SFAR), Paris, France.

Van de Velde, M., Vercauteren, M., Stockman, W., Roelants, F., Coppens, M., Bauters, M., Ickx, B., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Soetens, F., Cant, P., Van Keer, L., & Gautier, P. (2013). Recommendation and guidelines for obstetric anesthesia in Belgium. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 64, 97-104.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (November 2012). Preeclampsia: from pathophysiology to treatment [Paper presentation]. European Society of Anesthesiology ( ESA ). Autumn Meeting, Prague, Czechia.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2012). Reste-t-il des contre-indications à l’anesthésie locorégionale en obstétrique ? Revue de Médecine Périnatale, 4, 99-104. doi:10.1007/s12611-012-0194-4
Peer reviewed

CHARLIER, V., Brichant, G., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., FOIDART, J.-M., & Brichant, J.-F. (January 2012). Analgésie péridurale obstétricale et lombalgie du post-partum: un lien de cause à effet? Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (1), 16-20.
Peer reviewed

LENELLE, L., LAHAYE-GOFFART, B., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Brichant, J.-F. (November 2011). Les céphalées post-ponction durale: traitement et prévention. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (11), 575-580.
Peer reviewed

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (30 September 2011). Thrombocytopenia and Epidural Anesthesia [Paper presentation]. 11th Annual Meeting Of the Belgian association for Regional Anesthesia (BARA), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Clanet, M., CHANTRAINE, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., PETERS, P., Foidart, J.-M., & Brichant, J.-F. (2011). Analgésie épidurale obstétricale et pseudoxanthome élastique : à propos d’un cas. Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, 30 (9), 685-7. doi:10.1016/j.annfar.2011.05.008
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Vandermeulen, E., Decoster, J., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Ickx, B., Vercauteren, M., & Verhamme, P. (2011). Central neural blockade in patients with a drug-induced alteration of coagulation. Third edition of the belgian Association for Regional Anaesthesia (BARA) Guidelines. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 62 (4), 175-191.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (September 2010). Quoi de Neuf en Anesthésie Obstétricale ? [Paper presentation]. ournée du Club d’anesthésie Réanimation en Obstétrique (CARO) Société Française d’Anesthésie réanimation (SFAR), Paris, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (21 June 2010). Modalités d’administration de l’analgésie péridurale pour le travail obstétrical [Paper presentation]. Local Meeting de la Belgian Association for Regional Anesthesia (BARA). Anesthésie Obstétricale, Namur, Belgium.

Brichant, J.-F., Brichant, G., Dewandre, P.-Y., & Foidart, J.-M. (2010). Manifestations hemodynamiques et respiratoires de la preeclampsie. Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, 29, 91-e95. doi:10.1016/j.annfar.2010.02.023
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Dewandre, P.-Y., Decurninge, V., Bonhomme, V., Hans, P., & Brichant, J.-F. (2010). Side effects of the addition of clonidine 75 microg or sufentanil 5 microg to 0.2% ropivacaine for labour epidural analgesia. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 19 (2), 149-54. doi:10.1016/j.ijoa.2009.08.003
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Prégaldien, A., Dewandre, P.-Y., & Brichant, J.-F. (2010). Faut-il prescrire systématiquement un bilan d'hémostase avant la réalisation d'une péridurale analgésique pour le travail en obstétrique? Revue Médicale de Liège, 65 (1), 35-39.
Peer reviewed

Brichant, G., Dewandre, P.-Y., Foidart, J.-M., & Brichant, J.-F. (2010). Management of severe preeclampsia. Acta Clinica Belgica, 65 (3), 163-169. doi:10.1179/acb.2010.035
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Sougné, C., BONHOMME, V., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (October 2009). Dystocia but Not Prostaglandin-Induced Labor Itself Increases Local Anesthetic Requirements [Paper presentation]. ASA annual meeting, New Orleans, United States.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Sougné, C., BONHOMME, V., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (22 May 2009). Les besoins en anesthésiques locaux sont accrus par le travail dystocique mais pas par le travail induit en lui-même [Paper presentation]. Obstetric Anaesthesia 2009. Joint Meeting OAA-CARO, Jersey, United Kingdom.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., SOUGNE, C., BONHOMME, V., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2009). Local anaesthetic requirements are increased by dystocia but not by prostaglandin-induced labour [Paper presentation]. Int J Obstet Anesth.

PETIT, P., Top, M., CHANTRAINE, F., Brichant, J.-F., Dewandre, P.-Y., & Foidart, J.-M. (2009). Traitement de la prééclampsie sévère: jusqu'où, et pour quels risques/bénéfices? Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (12), 620-625.
Peer reviewed

Brichant, J.-F., & Dewandre, P.-Y. (2009). Analgésie péridurale pour le travail et l'accouchement. In P. Gauthier-Lafaye, A. Muller, ... E. Gaertner, Anesthésie locorégionale et traitement de la douleur (pp. 373-392). Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: Elsevier Masson.

Brichant, J.-F., & Dewandre, P.-Y. (2009). Analgésie péridurale pour le travail et l'accouchement. In P. Diemunsch & E. Samain, Anesthésie-réanimation obstétricale (pp. 37-54). Paris, France: Masson.

Brichant, J.-F., Brichant, G., Dewandre, P.-Y., & Foidart, J.-M. (2009). Manifestations hémodynamiques et respiratoires de la prééclampsie. In T. Pottecher & D. Luton, Prise en charge multidisciplinaire de la prééclampsie (pp. 172-180). Strasbourg, France: Elsevier Masson.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2008). Contribution à l'étude des adjuvants pour l'analgésie péridurale obstétricale [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2008). Contribution à l’étude des adjuvants pour l’analgésie péridurale obstétricale : opiacés ou alpha2-agonistes ? [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Dewandre, P.-Y., Kirsch, M., Bonhomme, V., Columb, M., Hans, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2008). Impact of the addition of sufentanil 5ug or clonidine 75ug on the minimum local analgesic concentration of ropivacaine for epidural analgesia in labour: a randomized comparison. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 17, 315-321. doi:10.1016/j.ijoa.2008.05.005
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ISMAEL-AGUIRRE, A., PREGALDIEN, A., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2008). Usefulness of coagulation screening before labor epidural analgesia [Paper presentation]. Research Meeting de la Belgian Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2008). Modalités d'administration de l'analgésie péridurale : comment choisir ? In MAPAR, Communications Scientifiques MAPAR 2008 (pp. 401-408). France: Edition MAPAR.
Peer reviewed

Sougné, C., Dewandre, P.-Y., Hans, P., Bonhomme, V., Foidart, J.-M., & Brichant, J.-F. (2008). Increased analgesic requirements associated with induced labour are related to dystocia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 59 (3), 229.
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Cerfont, D., Van Brussel, D., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (08 September 2007). Coagulation tests sparing effect of a standardized oriented questionnaire [Paper presentation]. SARB research meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

BRICHANT, J.-F., Giwer, J., Tebache, M., Schaaps, J.-P., & DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (12 May 2007). Effets de la bascule de l’utérus sur la compression de la veine cave inférieure de la femme enceinte : une etude par RMN (poster) [Paper presentation]. 40eme congrès annuel du CARO, Poitiers, France.

Bonhomme, V., Desiron, Q., Lemineur, T., Brichant, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Hans, P. (January 2007). Bispectral Index profile during carotid cross clamping. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 19 (1), 49-55. doi:10.1097/01.ana.0000211031.49420.c8
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Hans, P., Giwer, J., Brichant, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Bonhomme, V. (December 2006). Effect of an intubation dose of rocuronium on Spectral Entropy and Bispectral Index (TM) responses to laryngoscopy during propofol anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 97 (6), 842-847. doi:10.1093/bja/ael253
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Decurninge, V., BONHOMME, V., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (16 October 2006). Side effects of the admixture of clonidine or sufentanil to ropivacaine for labor epidural analgesia [Paper presentation]. ASA annual meeting, Chicago, United States.

Giwer, J., Tebache, M., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Schaaps, J.-P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (16 October 2006). Effects of lateral tilt on caval compression during pregnancy : an MRI study [Paper presentation]. ASA annual meeting, Chicago, United States.

BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (October 2006). Agreement between Bispectral Index and State Entropy in paralyzed and non paralyzed patients [Paper presentation]. ASA annual meeting, Chicago, United States.

Hans, P., Vanthuyne, A., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Bonhomme, V. (August 2006). Blood glucose concentration profile after 10 mg dexamethasone in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients undergoing abdominal surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 97 (2), 164-170. doi:10.1093/bja/ael111
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Bonhomme, V., Llabres, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Hans, P. (March 2006). Combined use of Bispectral Index (TM) and A-Line (TM) Autoregressive Index (TM) to assess anti-nociceptive component of balanced anaesthesia during lumbar arthrodesis. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 96 (3), 353-360. doi:10.1093/bja/ael004
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2006). The right drug and dose for neuraxial labor analgesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 57, 395-399.
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BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (2006). Effect of an intubation dose of rocuronium on EEG spectra entropy response to laryngoscopy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 23 (Suppl 37), 34 (A134.
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BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (2006). Correlation and concordance between BIS and State Entropy during target-controlled infusion of propofol. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 23 (Suppl 37), 34 (A133.
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Giwer, J., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (2006). Effect of an intubation dose of rocuronium on state and response entropy during target-controlled propofol anaesthesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 23 (suppl 37), 35 (A135.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2006). The right drug and dose for neuraxial labour analgesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 57, 395-399.
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Gonzales-Alonso, D., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (November 2005). Effect of intravenous lidocaine on EEG spectral entropy and haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation : preliminary results [Paper presentation]. SARB residents meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Beauve, B., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (September 2005). Effet du protoxyde d'azote sur l'entropie spectrale de l'électroencéphalogramme en chirurgie réglée sous anesthésie générale entretenue au sévoflurane [Paper presentation]. 47e congrès annule de la SFAR, Paris, France.

Hans, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Bonhomme, V. (March 2005). Comparative effects of ketamine on Bispectral Index and spectral entropy of the electroencephalogram under sevoflurane anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 94 (3), 336-340. doi:10.1093/bja/aei047
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BONHOMME, V., Gonzales-Alonso, D., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2005). Effect of intravenous lidocaine on EEG spectral entropy and haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation : preliminary results. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 22 (suppl 34), 24 (A90.
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Hans, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Bonhomme, V. (2005). Effects of Nitrous Oxide on Spectral Entropy of the Eeg During Surgery under Balanced Anaesthesia with Sufentanil and Sevoflurane. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 56 (1), 37-43.
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Talibi, H., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (30 October 2004). Hemodynamic Bispectral IndexTM (BIS) and A-LineTM autoregressive indexTM (AAI) responses to laryngoscopy : effect of analgesic regimen [Paper presentation]. SARB annual meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Detheux, G., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., BONHOMME, V., & HANS, P. (30 October 2004). Comparative effects of a bolus of ketamine on Bispectral Index and Spectral Entropy of the EEG during sevoflurane anaesthesia [Paper presentation]. SARB Residents' meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

BONHOMME, V., Beauve, B., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (2004). Spectral entropy of the electroencephalogram to evaluate pharmacodynamic interaction between sevoflurane and nitrous oxide [Paper presentation]. SNACC annual meeting, Las Vegas, United States.

HANS, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Beauve, B., Llabres, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & BONHOMME, V. (2004). Effect of nitrous oxide on spectral entropy on the EEG during sevoflurane anaesthesia : preliminary results. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 21 (Suppl 32), 29-30 (A118.
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Choi, P., Valli, S., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., & HANS, P. (2004). Effect of intravenous magnesium sulphate administration on bispectral index during propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia : preliminary results. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 21 (suppl 32), 33 (A131.
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Galeazzi, J.-P., Janssens, N., Thiry, J.-C., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2004). Sufentanil 5 µg and clonidine 75 µg have a similar effect on the MLAC of ropivacaine in labour [Paper presentation]. OAA & CARO joint meeting: Obstetric Anaesthesia, Versailles, France.

Welter, P., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2004). Residual neuromuscular block after intubation dose of cisatracurium and rocuronium in lumbar disc surgery. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 21 (suppl 32), 139 (A568.
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BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Llabres, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2004). Hemodynamic, Bispectral Index™ (BIS) and A-Line™ Autoregressive index™ (AAI) responses to laryngoscopy: effect of analgesic regimen. Anesthesiology, 101, 345.
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BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Llabres, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2004). Effect of level of analgesia on Bispectral Index™ (BIS) and A-Line™ Autoregressive Index™ (AAI) profiles during induction of anesthesia [Paper presentation]. SNACC annual meeting, Las Vegas, United States.

BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Llabres, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2004). Hemodynamic, Bispectral Index™ (BIS) and A-Line™ Autoregressive index™ (AAI) responses to laryngoscopy: effect of analgesic regimen [Paper presentation]. SNACC annual meeting, Las Vegas, United States.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2004). Peroperative management for ambulatory anaesthesia: does the choice of drug matter? [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (BSAR-SBAR-BVAR), Bruxelles, Belgium.

KIRSCH, M., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2004). Similar reduction of the minimum local analgesic concentration (MLAC) of ropivacaine by clonidine 75 µg and sufentanil 5 µg in the first stage of labor. Anesthesiology, 101, 1205.
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Rafati, M. J., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2004). The minimum local analgesic concentration of ropivacaine in the first stage of labor is similar in primiparas and multiparas. Anesthesiology, 101, 1215.
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Hans, P., Welter, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Bonhomme, V. (2004). Recovery from Neuromuscular Block after an Intubation Dose of Cisatracurium and Rocuronium in Lumbar Disc Surgery. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 55 (2), 129-33.
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HANS, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Detheux, G., Llabres, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & BONHOMME, V. (2004). Comparative effects of a bolus of ketamines on Bispectral Index and Spectral Entropy of the EEG during sevoflurane anaesthesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 21 (suppl 32), 32 (A128.
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Llabres, V., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., Weber-Jensen, E., & HANS, P. (2004). Combined use of Bispectral Index and A-Line Autoregressive Index for assessing adequacy of analgesia in patients. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 21 (suppl 32), 33 (A130.
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BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Llabres, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2004). Effect of level of analgesia on Bispectral Index™ (BIS) and A-Line™ Autoregressive Index™ (AAI) profiles during induction of anesthesia. Anesthesiology, 101, 344.
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Levaux, C., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (February 2003). Effect of intra-operative magnesium sulphate on pain relief and patient comfort after major lumbar orthopaedic surgery. Anaesthesia, 58 (2), 131-135. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2044.2003.02999.x
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Valli, S., Choi, P., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., & HANS, P. (2003). Effect of intravenous magnesium sulfate administration on BIS during propofol - remifentanil anesthesia: preliminary results [Paper presentation]. SARB annual meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Thiry, J.-C., Janssens, N., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2003). Admixture of 5 µg sufentanil or 75 µg clonidine are equally effective in reducing the minimum local analgesic concentration of ropivacaine for epidural labor analgesia. Anesthesiology, 99, 1225.
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Lemineur, T., BONHOMME, V., DESIRON, Q., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2003). Transient increase of the bispectral index (BIS) during carotid clamping : preliminary results. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement, 20 (suppl 30), 46 (A175.
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Ciarafoni, D., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2003). Effect of ketamine on the bispectral index under sevoflurane anaesthesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 20 (suppl 30), 41 (A154.
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Lovat, R., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (April 2002). Effects of epidural lidocaine or ropivacaine on BIS-guided sevoflurane requirements, time to extubation and explicit memory in lumbar disc surgery under constant remifentanil infusion [Paper presentation]. Euroanaesthesia 2002, Nice, France.

Knott, J.-M., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., & HANS, P. (2002). Admixture of clonidine reduces the minimum local analgesia concentration (MLAC) of ropivacaine for labor epidural analgesia. Anesthesiology, 96, 1031.
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BONHOMME, V., Lemineur, T., DESIRON, Q., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2002). Bispectral index during carotid cross clamping [Paper presentation]. 30th SNACC Annual meeting, Orlando, United States.

Levaux, C., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2002). Effect of intraoperative MgSO4 on postoperative analgesia [Paper presentation]. Euroanaesthesia 2002, Nice, France.

BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., Wuilmart, M., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., & LAMY, M. (2002). Droperidol reduces nausea after ceacarean section but alters the neurological status of the breastfed infants. Anesthesiology, 96, 1044.
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Brichant, J.-F., Dewandre, P.-Y., Bonhomme, V., & Hans, P. (2002). Réanimation cardiopulmonaire chez la femme enceinte. Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 6, 7-9.
Peer reviewed

DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2002). Les hémorragies de l'accouchement et de la délivrance [Paper presentation]. Enseignement Post-Universitaire d'Anesthésie-Réanimation Belgique-Nord de la France. Cours de perfectionnement 4 : Obstétrique-Pédiatrie, Lille, France.

Levaux, C., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2002). Effects of epidural lidocaine or ropivacaine on BIS-guided sevoflurane requirements, time to extubation and explicit memory in lumbar disc surgery under constant remifentanil infusion [Paper presentation]. Euroanaesthesia 2002, Nice, France.

Bonhomme, V., Doll, A., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., Ghassempour, K., & Hans, P. (January 2002). Epidural administration of low-dose morphine combined with clonidine for postoperative analgesia after lumbar disc surgery. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 14 (1), 1-6. doi:10.1097/00008506-200201000-00001
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Hans, P., Bonhomme, V., Benmansour, H., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., & Lamy, M. (October 2001). Effect of Nitrous Oxide on the Bispectral Index and the 95% Spectral Edge Frequency of the Electroencephalogram During Surgery. Anaesthesia, 56 (10), 999-1002. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2044.2001.01974-4.x
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Fransolet, F., Benmansour, H., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., Hans, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2001). Ropivacaine or bupivacaine for labor epidural analgesia ? Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 52, 219.
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Bonnemère, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Hans, P., & LAMY, M. (2001). Improving ropivacaine 0.1% epidural labor analgesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 52, 214.
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Gusu, D., BRICHANT, J.-F., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., GOFFIN, F., Damas, F., Foidart, J.-M., & HANS, P. (2001). Transcranial Doppler evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics in pre-eclamptic, non-eclamptic, hypertensive and healthy pregnant women. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 18 (Suppl 21), 111 (A393.
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Gaspar, A., MINGUET, G., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Hans, P. (2001). Evaluation of intubation conditions and safety following rapacuronium, succinylcholine or placebo during anesthesia with alfentanil and propofol. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 52, 215.
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Finianos, A., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., & Hans, P. (2001). A comparison of the Braun Soft Tip epidural catheter with the Standard Braun for obstetric patients. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 18 (suppl 21), 84 (A297.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2001). Altérations de la coagulation et problèmes d’anesthésie-analgésie obstétricale [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel du CARO (Club d'Anesthésie Réanimation Obstétricale), Charleroi, Belgium.

Doll, A., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (2001). Single low dose epidural morphine postoperative analgesia after lumbar disc surgery. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 18 (suppl 21), 133-134 (A476.
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Fransolet, F., Benmansour, H., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., Hans, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2001). Ropivacaine or bupivacaine for labour epidural analgesia ? European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 18 (suppl 21), 392.
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Bonnemère, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (24 November 2000). Improving ropivacaine 0.1% epidural labor in analgesia [Paper presentation]. SARB Residents Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

GAspar, A., MINGUET, G., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (24 November 2000). Evaluation of intubating conditions and safety following rapacuronium, succinylcholine or placebo during anesthesia with alfentanil and propofol [Paper presentation]. SARB Residents Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Fransolet, F., Benmansour, H., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., HANS, P., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (24 November 2000). Ropivacaine or bupivacaine in epidural analgesia? [Paper presentation]. SARB Residents Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Jacquemin, J.-L., HANS, P., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & LAMY, M. (September 2000). Répercussions hémodynamiques et électroencéphalographiques de l'intubation trachéale : comparaison avec la mise en place d'un masque laryngé [Paper presentation]. 42ème Congrès National de la Société Française d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, Paris, France.

Gaspar, A., Minguet, G., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (September 2000). Evaluation of intubation conditions and safety following rapacuronium, succinylcholine or placebo during anesthesia with alfentanil and propofol. Anesthesiology, 93, 1011. doi:10.1097/00000542-200009001-01011
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Bonnemère, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., & LAMY, M. (September 2000). Improving ropivacaine 0.1% epidural labor analgesia. Anesthesiology, 93 (3A), 1042. doi:10.1097/00000542-200009001-01042
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Benmansour, H., BONHOMME, V., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (September 2000). Effects of nitrous oxide on bispectral index and 95% spectral edge. Anesthesiology, 93 (3A), 86. doi:10.1097/00000542-200009001-00086
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Jacquemin, J.-L., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., & HANS, P. (June 2000). Hemodynamic and electroencephalographic changes induced by tracheal intubation : comparison with the laryngeal mask airway [Paper presentation]. Resident's Meeting de la Société Belge d'Anesthésie Réanimation, Liège, Belgium.

KABA, A., HANS, P., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & LAMY, M. (April 2000). Perioperative administration of propofol and sevoflurane guided by the Bispectral index under epidural analgesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 17, 21 (A67.
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Hans, P., Bonhomme, V., Born, J. D., Maertens De Noordhout, A., Brichant, J.-F., & DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (March 2000). Target-Controlled Infusion of Propofol and Remifentanil Combined with Bispectral Index Monitoring for Awake Craniotomy. Anaesthesia, 55 (3), 255-9. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2044.2000.01277.x
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (12 February 2000). "Halogénés vs intraveineux : Pour qui et comment ?" [Paper presentation]. L' Anesthésie de la femme Enceinte, Nivelles, Belgium.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Hans, P., Bonhomme, V., Brichant, J.-F., & Lamy, M. (2000). Effects of Mild Hypothermic Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Eeg Bispectral Index. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 51 (3), 187-90.
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Bonnemère, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Hans, P., & LAMY, M. (2000). Améliorer l'analgésie péridurale à la ropicavaïne 0,1 % en obstétrique [Paper presentation]. 42e congrès national de la SFAR, Paris, France.

Albert, F., Hans, P., Bitar, Y., Brichant, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Lamy, M. (2000). Effects of Ephedrine on the Onset Time of Neuromuscular Block and Intubating Conditions after Cisatracurium: Preliminary Results. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 51 (3), 167-71.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y. (2000). Agents intraveineux ou halogénés pour l'anesthésie de la femme enceinte. Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 4, 350-353.
Peer reviewed

Hans, P., Benmansour, H., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2000). Effects of nitrous oxide on bispectral index and 95% spectral edge. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 12, 410 (A38.
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MINGUET, G., Gaspar, A., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & HANS, P. (2000). Evaluation des conditions d’intubation et des effets secondaires après rapacuronium, succinylcholine ou placebo lors de l’induction de l’anesthésie avec l’alfentanil et le propofol [Paper presentation]. 42e congrès national de la SFAR, Paris, France.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BONHOMME, V., BRICHANT, J.-F., Lamy, M., & HANS, P. (October 1999). Prediction of recovery from isoflurane anesthesia using the Bispectral index (BIS). Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 11 (4), 313.
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Hans, P., LECOQ, J.-P., Brichant, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & Lamy, M. (September 1999). Effect of Epidural Bupivacaine on the Relationship between the Bispectral Index and End-Expiratory Concentrations of Desflurane. Anaesthesia, 54 (9), 899-902. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2044.1999.00952.x
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Pomfrett, C., HANS, P., Pollard, B., & LAMY, M. (June 1999). Correlation between isoflurane, BIS, RSA and recovery [Paper presentation]. 19th International Symposium on Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Hans, P., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Born, J. D., & Lamy, M. (April 1999). Effects of Two Calculated Plasma Sufentanil Concentrations on the Hemodynamic and Bispectral Index Responses to Mayfield Head Holder Application. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 11 (2), 81-5. doi:10.1097/00008506-199904000-00002
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Hans, P., BRICHANT, J.-F., HUBERT, M.-B., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & LAMY, M. (March 1999). Influence of Induction of Anaesthesia on Intubating Conditions One Minute after Rocuronium Administration: Comparison of Ketamine and Thiopentone. Anaesthesia, 54 (3), 276-9. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2044.1999.00703.x
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Moineau, J.-F., HANS, P., HUBERT, M.-B., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Damas, F., & LAMY, M. (20 February 1999). Influence of induction of anesthesia on intubation conditions after rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block : comparison of thiopentone and ketamine [Paper presentation]. SARB resident's meeting, Gent, Belgium.

Finianos, A., HANS, P., Coussaert, E., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Cantraine, F., & LAMY, M. (1999). Remifentanil does not affect the bispectral index nor the relationship between propofol and the bispectral index at induction of anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 82 (S1), 144 (A476.
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Bitar, Y., HANS, P., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & LAMY, M. (1999). Ephedrine shortens the onset time of neuromuscular bloc and improves intubating conditions after cisatracurium administration. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 82 (S1), 140 ( A464.
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LECOQ, J.-P., HANS, P., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & LAMY, M. (1999). Epidural bupivacaine does not modify the effects of desflurane on the Bispectral index. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 82 (S1), 19 (A64.
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Bonhomme, V., Brichant, J.-F., Dewandre, P.-Y., Damas, F., Hans, P., & Lamy, M. (1999). Mécanismes de l'action hypnotique des agents anesthésiques. Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 3, 372-375.
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Finianos, A., HANS, P., Coussaert, E., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., Cantraine, F., & LAMY, M. (1999). Target-controlled anaesthesia with propofol and remifentanil : loss of the eyelash reflex and evolution of the Bispectral index at induction. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 82 (S1), 143 (A 475.
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Collin, V., HANS, P., Born, J. D., Damas, F., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., & LAMY, M. (October 1998). Evaluation of a normovolemic hemodilution procedure performed immediately before surgical repair of craniosynostosis [Paper presentation]. ASA annual meeting, United States.

Brichant, J.-F., & Dewandre, P.-Y. (1998). Un traitement à base d'aspirine doit être interrompu avant la réalisation d'un bloc périmédullaire. Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation, 2, 44-45.
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Hans, P., Coussaert, E., Cantraine, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Brichant, J.-F., Grevesse, M., & Lamy, M. (1998). Effects of Target-Controlled Anesthesia with Propofol and Sufentanil on the Hemodynamic Response to Mayfield Head Holder Application. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 49 (1), 7-11.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y., HANS, P., BRICHANT, J.-F., & LAMY, M. (1998). Mild hypothermia does not affect Bispectral index during cardiopulmonary bypass. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 10 (4), 288 (A1204.
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Collin, V., HANS, P., Born, J., Damas, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & LAMY, M. (1998). Evaluation of a normovolemic hemodilution procedure performed immediately before surgical repair of craniosynostosis. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 10 (4), 278(A805.
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HANS, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., Damas, F., Byttebier, G., & LAMY, M. (November 1997). Caractéristiques du réveil après anesthésie intraveineuse à objectif de concentration en neurochirurgie [Paper presentation]. 19ème Congrès de l’Association de Neuro-Anesthésie Réanimation de Langue Française, Strasbourg, France.

Hans, P., Cousseart, E., Cantraine, F., Pieron, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., D'Hollander, A., & LAMY, M. (April 1997). Predictive accuracy of continuous propofol infusions in neurosurgical patients : comparison of pharmacokinetic models. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 9 (2), 112-117. doi:10.1097/00008506-199704000-00002
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Biquet, G., BRICHANT, J.-F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., De Sart, F., Dubois, M., Foidart, J.-M., Garnir, D., Gaspard, U., Gillot, M., Hardy, A.-F., Herman, P., Jacobs, J. L., Laloux, F., Lifrange, E., Retz, C., Rigo, J., Sérilas, M., Schaaps, J.-P., Theunissen, I., ... Van den Brule, F. (March 1997). Attitudes obstétricales: Consensus de Département ULg. Document des cours de troisième cycle, octobre 96. Revue Médicale de Liège, 52 (3), 142-8.
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Grevesse, M., HANS, P., Coussaert, E., Cantraine, F., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., & LAMY, M. (1997). Effect of target controlled anesthesia with propofol and sufentanil on the hemodynamic response to Mayfield head holder application. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 48, 120-121.
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Regnier, C., Hans, P., DEWANDRE, P.-Y., BRICHANT, J.-F., Dewé, W., & LAMY, M. (1997). Oral clonidine premedication and/or epidural bupivacaine effect on Bispectral index during general anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 48, 261.
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DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Pomfrett, C. J. D., HANS, P., Pollard, B., & LAMY, M. (May 1996). Relationship between respiratory sinus arrythmia and depth of isoflurane in anesthesia [Paper presentation]. 16th International Symposium on Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

DEWANDRE, P.-Y., Fallais, P. E., BRICHANT, J.-F., HANS, P., & Luckers, O. (1994). Epidural administration of liposomal bupivacaine for the management of postsurgical pain after lumbar disc surgery: comparison with bupivacaine 0.25 % with epinephrine. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica.
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