
Fridman Viviana

Département des sciences biomédicales et précliniques

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Foidart, Jean-Michel  (6)
Lifrange, Eric  (5)
Boniver, Jacques  (4)
Frankenne, Francis (3)
Munaut, Carine  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Humans (4); Female (3); 46 XY female (1); [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose (1); Aged (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Giga-Cancer - ULiège [BE] (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition (4)
Oncology (4)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (4)
Reproductive medicine (gynecology, andrology, obstetrics) (4)
Gastroenterology & hepatology (3)

Publications (total 17)

The most downloaded
Nisolle, M., Kridelka, F., Fridman, V., Claudot, A., Lorquet, S., & Foidart, J.-M. (September 2005). Le cas clinique du mois: un dysgerminome bilateral: une presentation rare du syndrome de Swyer. Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (9), 703-6.

The most cited

145 citations (OpenAlex)

Goffin, F., Munaut, C., Frankenne, F., PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Beliard, A., Fridman, V., Nervo, P., Colige, A., & Foidart, J.-M. (September 2003). Expression pattern of metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of matrix-metalloproteinases in cycling human endometrium. Biology of Reproduction, 69 (3), 976-984. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.103.015933

Torres, N., El Moussaoui, M., Basbous, S., Fridman, V., Borbath, I., & Deflandre, J. (2023). Watch-an-wait strategy for multiple rectal neuroendocrine tumors with widespread invasion. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, 86 (4), 563 - 565. doi:10.51821/86.4.10381
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LIFRANGE, E., ANDRE, C., BLERET, V., BRADFER, J., CRISTINELLI, S., COUCKE, P., CUSUMANO, G., FRIDMAN, V., JERUSALEM, G., MARION, F., & COLIN, C. (2011). Prise en charge et suivi d'une série consécutive de 411 patientes opérées pour cancer du sein. Revue Médicale de Liège, 66 (5-6), 329-335.
Peer reviewed

TONGLET, M., Delfosse, V., Detry, O., De Roover, A., Scagnol, I., Delhougne, B., Brixko, C., Dresse, D., Fridman, V., Lismonde, J. L., Meurisse, M., & Honoré, P. (February 2009). Le cas clinique du mois. Transplantation hépatique pour un hémangio-endothéliome épithélioïde du foie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (2), 68-70.
Peer reviewed

Bleret, V., Lifrange, E., Ghuysen, V., Milet, J., Fridman, V., & Colin, C. (January 2008). Validation de la technique de biopsie du ganglion sentinelle dans le cancer du sein. Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (1), 37-42.
Peer reviewed

Allouche, A., Nolens, G., Tancredi, A., Delacroix, L., Mardaga, J., Fridman, V., Winkler, R., Boniver, J., Delvenne, P., & Begon, D. (January 2008). The combined immunodetection of AP-2alpha and YY1 transcription factors is associated with ERBB2 gene overexpression in primary breast tumors. Breast Cancer Research, 10 (1), 9. doi:10.1186/bcr1851
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Ravet, S., Labied, S., Blacher, S., Frankenne, F., Munaut, C., Fridman, V., Beliard, A., Foidart, J.-M., & Nisolle, M. (December 2007). Endometrial vessel maturation in women exposed to levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system for a short or prolonged period of time. Human Reproduction, 22 (12), 3084-3091. doi:10.1093/humrep/dem238
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Nisolle, M., Kridelka, F., Fridman, V., Claudot, A., Lorquet, S., & Foidart, J.-M. (September 2005). Le cas clinique du mois: un dysgerminome bilateral: une presentation rare du syndrome de Swyer. Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (9), 703-6.
Peer reviewed

Goffin, F., Munaut, C., Frankenne, F., PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Beliard, A., Fridman, V., Nervo, P., Colige, A., & Foidart, J.-M. (September 2003). Expression pattern of metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of matrix-metalloproteinases in cycling human endometrium. Biology of Reproduction, 69 (3), 976-984. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.103.015933
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Goffin, F., Munaut, C., Malassine, A., Evain-Brion, D., Frankenne, F., Fridman, V., Dubois, M., Uzan, S., Merviel, P., & Foidart, J.-M. (August 2003). Evidence of a limited contribution of feto-maternal interactions to trophoblast differentiation along the invasive pathway. Tissue Antigens, 62 (2), 104-116. doi:10.1034/j.1399-0039.2003.00085.x
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Belhocine, T., Thille, A., Fridman, V., Albert, A., Seidel, L., Nickers, P., Kridelka, F., & Rigo, P. (October 2002). Contribution of whole-body (18)FDG PET imaging in the management of cervical cancer. Gynecologic Oncology, 87 (1), 90-97. doi:10.1006/gyno.2002.6769
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Lifrange, E., Dondelinger, R. F., Fridman, V., & Colin, C. (2001). En Bloc Excision of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions Using the Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation System: An Alternative to Needle Guided Surgery? European Radiology, 11 (5), 796-801. doi:10.1007/s003300000736
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LIFRANGE, E., BOURDOUX, B., DONDELINGER, R., Foidart, J.-M., FRIDMAN, V., GASPARD, U., HERMAN, P., DESREUX, J., Van Cauwenberge, J.-R., VENNEMAN, I., & COLIN, C. (2000). Prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique d'une opacité suspecte par la méthode ABBI. Gunaïkeia. Société Royale Belge de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique, 5, 14-15.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., Delvenne, C., Fridman, V., Quatresooz, P., Pasleau, F., & Boniver, J. (August 1999). Evaluation pronostique des tumeurs solides humaines par immunohistologie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 54 (8), 677-82.
Peer reviewed

LIFRANGE, E., BOURDOUX, B., DESREUX, J., DONDELINGER, R., Foidart, J.-M., FRIDMAN, V., GASPARD, U., HERMAN, P., Van Cauwenberge, J.-R., VENNEMAN, I., & COLIN, C. (1999). Prise en charge diagnostique d'un amas de calcifications atypiques par la méthode MIBB. Gunaïkeia. Société Royale Belge de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique, 4, 219-220.
Peer reviewed

Verloes, A., Lombet, J., Lambert, Y., Hubert, A., Deprez, M., Fridman, V., Gosseye, S., Rigo, J., & Sokal, E. (1997). Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome: further delineation of a distinct syndrome with neonatal hemochromatosis phenotype, intractable diarrhea, and hair anomalies. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 68 (4), 391-5. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-8628(19970211)68:4<391::AID-AJMG3>3.0.CO;2-P
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FRIDMAN, V., Sadzot, B., Detroz, B., Moonen, G., Pierard, G., & Boniver, J. (01 March 1989). Anatomical-clinical conference. Apropos of a subacute dementia syndrome with cutaneous lesions responding to corticoids in a 71-year-old woman. Revue Médicale de Liège, 44 (5), 192-196.
Peer reviewed

Pierard, G., Soyeur-Broux, M., FRIDMAN, V., Sadzot, B., de LA BRASSINNE, M., Moonen, G., & Boniver, J. (1988). Angiotropic lymphoma of proliferating systematized angioendotheliomatosis type. Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, 115 (3), 333-336.
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