
Caterina David

Département ArGEnCo > Hydrogéophysique


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Nguyen, Frédéric  (54)
Isunza Manrique, Itzel  (21)
Robert, Tanguy  (10)
Hermans, Thomas (9)
Debouny, Tom  (8)
Main Referenced Keywords
geophysics (18); landfill (15); Electrical resistivity tomography (9); Geophysics (9); Inversion (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Université de Liège - Département ArGEnCo - GEO³ - Geophysique Appliquée (10)
Aquapôle - ULiège (3)
ArGEnCo (2)
UEE - Urban and Environmental Engineering - ULiège (2)
Centre Wallon de Biologie Industrielle (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (38)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (28)
Environmental sciences & ecology (4)
Microbiology (3)
Biotechnology (2)

Publications (total 66)

The most downloaded
Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., & Flores-Orozco, A. (December 2011). Inversion of multi-temporal geoelectrical data sets: insights from several case studies [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2011, Vienna, Austria.

The most cited

100 citations (Scopus®)

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (2012). A salt tracer test monitored with surface ERT to detect preferential flow and transport paths in fractured/karstified limestones. Geophysics, 77 (2), 55-B67. doi:10.1190/geo2011-0313.1

Varisano, L., Simon, N., Balzani, L., Jamin, P., Caterina, D., & Brouyère, S. (12 September 2024). Estimating variations in groundwater fluxes and direction using a combined Active-DTS - FVPDM (tracer experiment): experimental validation and modelling [Poster presentation]. World Groundwater Congress 2024 - 51th IAH Congress, Davos, Switzerland.

Omar, H., Bultreys, T., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., Rembert, F., Manoorkar, S., Vanhooren, L., & Hermans, T. (28 May 2024). A new experimental setup for combination of SIP measurements with X-ray µCT scanning: an application to the Gunnuhver geothermal system in Iceland [Poster presentation]. 7th International IP Workshop, Lund, Sweden.
Editorial reviewed

Omar, H., Bultreys, T., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., Vanhooren, L., Manoorkar, S., & Hermans, T. (16 April 2024). Combining Spectral Induced Polarization and X-ray micro-Computed Tomography imaging to reveal pore-scale dynamic processes occurring in volcanic hydrothermal systems [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18323

Forth, Y., Michel, H., Caterina, D., Hase, J., Kemna, A., Chudalla, N., Wellmann, F., Vink, B., & Nguyen, F. (09 March 2024). Imaging large-scale geological structures using Deep ERT: a case study on the Booze Val-Dieu block in Belgium [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16128
Editorial reviewed

Cong-Thi, D., Dieu, L. P., Caterina, D., De Pauw, X., Thi, H. D., Ho, H. H., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (March 2024). Quantifying salinity in heterogeneous coastal aquifers through ERT and IP: Insights from laboratory and field investigations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 262, 104322. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2024.104322
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Innocenti, A., Dorival, V., Hussain, Y., Caterina, D., Mreyen, A.-S., Cauchie, L., Pazzi, V., Havenith, H.-B., & Fanti, R. (17 November 2023). Multiparameter geophysical surveys for the site characterization of landslides along the Hockai Fault Zone, East Belgium [Poster presentation]. 6th World Landslide Forum.
Editorial reviewed

Isunza Manrique, I., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., Jougnot, D., Mignon, B., Masse, A., & Nguyen, F. (25 October 2023). Integrated methodology to link geochemical and geophysical-lab data in a geophysical investigation of a slag heap for resource quantification. Journal of Environmental Management, 349, 119366. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119366
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Delye, E., Boudin, M., Caterina, D., Debouny, T., Jonlet, B., Matagne, J.-L., Michel, H., Nascatti, A., Nguyen, F., Witvrouw, J., & Van Wersch, L. (05 October 2023). Nouvelles recherches autour des fouilles menées par le Cercle archéologique Hesbaye-Condroz sous la collégiale Saint-Georges-et-Sainte-Ode d’Amay (Liège, B.) [Poster presentation]. 43e JOURNÉES INTERNATIONALES D’ARCHÉOLOGIE MÉROVINGIENNE L’objet mérovingien De sa fabrication à sa (re-)découverte, Liège, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Dumont, M., Isunza Manrique, I., Michel, H., Debouny, T., Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (15 May 2023). Applied geophysics for regeneration of past metallurgical sites [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14429
Editorial reviewed

Simon, N., Jamin, P., Dassargues, A., Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., & Brouyère, S. (15 May 2023). Observations of the effect of earth tides on groundwater fluxes variations at the scale of a borehole [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6410

Debouny, T., Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (15 May 2023). Benchmark of multiple non-invasive electrodes for a relevant use in urban environments [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12013
Editorial reviewed

Michel, H., Dumont, M., Caterina, D., Jonard, F., Isunza Manrique, I., Debouny, T., & Nguyen, F. (15 May 2023). How UAV improve past metallurgical deposits characterization for landfill regeneration [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11869
Editorial reviewed

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (2023). Quantitative interpretation of geoelectric inverted data with a robust probabilistic approach. Geophysics. doi:10.1190/GEO2022-0133.1
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Garré, S., Blanchy, G., Caterina, D., De Smedt, P., Romero-Ruiz, A., & Simon, N. (2023). Geophysical methods for soil applications. In Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822974-3.00152-X
Peer reviewed


Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Dumont, M., & Nguyen, F. (28 March 2022). Integrated Approach to Identify Variables for the Prediction of Metallic Content in a Slag Heap using Time-Domain ERT and SIP Laboratory Measurements [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10857

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Dumont, M., & Nguyen, F. (18 February 2022). In search for buried resources from past industrial and societal activities: contribution of geophysical methods [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Earth Resources and Geo-environment Technology (EraGET2022).

van de Vijver, E., Manrique, I. I., Bobe, C., Caterina, D., Hermans, T., Wille, E., & Nguyen, F. (01 September 2021). Geophysics in support of dynamic landfill management: Moving beyond the challenges. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2021-September, 3140 - 3144. doi:10.1190/segam2021-3594435.1
Editorial reviewed

Haber-Pohlmeier, S., Caterina, D., Blümich, B., & Pohlmeier, A. (24 August 2021). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Water Content and Flow Processes in Natural Soils by Pulse Sequences with Ultrashort Detection. Molecules, 26 (17), 5130. doi:10.3390/molecules26175130
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Bevandić, S., Blannin, R., Vander Auwera, J., Delmelle, N., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., & Muchez, P. (2021). Geochemical and Mineralogical Characterisation of Historic Zn–Pb Mine Waste, Plombières, East Belgium. Minerals, 11 (1), 28. doi:10.3390/min11010028
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Van de Vijver, E., Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Bobe, C., & Nguyen, F. (16 December 2020). Geophysical surveys for unlocking landfill resources: from past applications to future developments [Poster presentation]. AGU fall meeting.

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Inauen, C., Watlet, A., Dashwood, B., Debouny, T., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (06 May 2020). Assessment of magnetic data for landfill characterization by means of a probabilistic approach [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly.

Inauen, C., Brooks, A., Caterina, D., Chambers, J., Dashwood, B., Dimech, A., Gunn, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Neal, O., Piquet, X., Scott, D., Watlet, A., Whiteley, J., & Wilkinson, P. (06 May 2020). Combining an integrated geophysical survey into a landfill model: A case study from Emersons Green, UK [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Michel, H., Bobe, C., Lucas, H., Nguyen, F., & Van De Vijver, E. (06 May 2020). Evaluating the resource recovery potential of fly ash deposits using electrical and electromagnetic methods [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-17610

Watlet, A., Inauen, C., Dashwood, B., Whiteley, J., Creusel, T., Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Scott, D., & Chambers, J. (06 May 2020). Integrated geophysical imaging of a solid waste landfill (Greater London, UK) [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly.

Debouny, T., Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Beese-Vasbender, P., & Nguyen, F. (May 2020). Landfill characterization by multi-method geophysical investigation: the case study of Leppe (Germany) [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (20 February 2020). Probabilistic Joint Interpretation of Multiple Geophysical Methods for Landfill Characterization [Poster presentation]. MINEA final conference, Bologna, Italy.

Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., & Debouny, T. (06 February 2020). Cost-effective exploration methods for landfills: results from the RAWFILL project [Paper presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Leuven, Belgium.

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (10 December 2019). Probabilistic Joint Interpretation of Geoelectrical and Passive Source Seismic Data for Landfill Characterization [Poster presentation]. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, United States.

Neculau, C., Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., & Isunza Manrique, I. (03 October 2019). Innovative landfill characterization: the case study of Onoz landfill [Paper presentation]. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Inauen, C., Watlet, A., Dashwood, B., Chambers, J., & Nguyen, F. (01 October 2019). A multi-geophysical approach to help characterizing landfills [Paper presentation]. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Inauen, C., Watlet, A., Dashwood, B., De Rijdt, R., Dumont, G., Chambers, J., & Nguyen, F. (01 October 2019). Contribution of geophysical methods to the study of old landfills: A case study in Onoz (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Van De Vijver, E., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (30 September 2019). ASSESSMENT OF GEOPHYSICS AS A CHARACTERIZATION AND MONITORING TOOL IN THE DYNAMIC LANDFILL MANAGEMENT (DLM) CONTEXT: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES [Paper presentation]. 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, CA, Italy.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Debouny, T., & Nguyen, F. (11 September 2019). Contribution of geophysical methods to the study of old landfills: A case study in Onoz (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. Groundwater Quality Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., & Nguyen, F. (19 June 2019). Apport des méthodes géophysiques dans le cadre de la caractérisation des décharges: applications sur les sites pilotes du projet RAWFILL [Paper presentation]. Conference "Quelles perspectives pour les déchets ?", Lyon, France.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., & Nguyen, F. (27 August 2018). Utilisation des méthodes géophysiques pour aider à caractériser les décharges [Paper presentation]. Workshop: “ Exchange of best practices and experiences on landfill mining ”, Lindlar, Germany.

Jonard, F., Bogena, H., Caterina, D., Garré, S., Kloztsche, A., Monerris, A., Schwank, M., & von Hebel, C. (2018). Ground-based soil moisture determination. In: Ecohydrology. Observation and Measurement of Ecohydrological Processes. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-47871-4_2-2
Peer reviewed

Nguyen, F., Dumont, G., & Caterina, D. (2017). ERT monitoring : a tool to understand processes in bioremediation and to highlight solid waste hydrodynamics ? [Paper presentation]. 23rd EAGE Near Surface Geoscience Meeting Worskshop.

Caterina, D., Flores Orozco, A., & Nguyen, F. (2017). Long-term ERT monitoring of biogeochemical changes of an aged hydrocarbon contamination. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 201, 19-29. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2017.04.003
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Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Hakoun, V., Caterina, D., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (01 January 2017). Tracer Experiment in a Brownfield Using Geophysics and a Vadose Zone Monitoring System. Vadose Zone Journal, 16 (1), 1-15. doi:10.2136/vzj2016.06.0051
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Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Caterina, D., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Dahan, O., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Combining cross - hole geophysical and vadose zone monitoring systems for vadose zone characterization at industrial contaminated sites. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.5194/hess-2016-79

Masy, T.* , Caterina, D.* , Tromme, O., Lavigne, B., Thonart, P., Hiligsmann, S., & Nguyen, F. (January 2016). Electrical resistivity tomography to monitor enhanced biodegradation of hydrocarbons with Rhodococcus erythropolis T902.1 at a pilot scale. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 184, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.11.001
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Masy, T., Caterina, D., Tromme, O., Lavigne, B., Thonart, P., Hiligsmann, S., & Nguyen, F. (30 June 2015). ERT to monitor the bioremediation of hydrocarbons with Rhodococcus erythropolis T902.1 at a pilot scale [Paper presentation]. 6th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VI), Chania, Greece.

Caterina, D.* , Hermans, T.* , & Nguyen, F. (August 2014). Case studies of incorporation of prior information in electrical resistivity tomography: comparison of different approaches. Near Surface Geophysics, 12 (4), 451-465. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2013070
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Caterina, D. (2014). Towards a better understanding of time-lapse electrical resistivity properties associated to organic contaminants and bioremediation processes in the subsurface [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Masy, T., Caterina, D., Tromme, O., Hiligsmann, S., Nguyen, F., & Thonart, P. (05 March 2014). Rhodococcus erythropolis, a good candidate for an in-situ bioaugmentation starter [Paper presentation]. ENVITAM PhD Student Day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2013). A comparison study of image appraisal tools for electrical resistivity tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 639-657. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2013022
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (September 2012). A salt tracer test monitored with surface ERT to detect preferential flow and transport paths in fractured/karstified limestones. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 93, 233.

Hermans, T., Daoudi, M., Vandenbohede, A., Robert, T., Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (September 2012). Comparison of temperature estimates from heat transport model and electrical resistivity tomography during a shallow heat injection and storage experiment. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 93, 43-48.

Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., & Flores Orozco, A. (11 July 2012). Inversion of multi-temporal geoelectrical field data sets: insights on noise characterization and regularization [Poster presentation]. SEG-AGU 2012 Hydrogeophysics Workshop, Boise, United States - Idaho.

Hermans, T., Caterina, D., Martin, R., Kemna, A., & Nguyen, F. (03 February 2012). Incorporation of prior information in the regularized inversion of ERT data with CRTomo [Paper presentation]. Workshop CRTomo Day 2.0, Bonn, Germany.

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (12 January 2012). Geoelectrical investigations (DC) on a contaminated site during biostimulation: monitoring results and resolution analysis.

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (2012). A salt tracer test monitored with surface ERT to detect preferential flow and transport paths in fractured/karstified limestones. Geophysics, 77 (2), 55-B67. doi:10.1190/geo2011-0313.1
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Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (01 December 2011). Geoelectrical monitoring on a contaminated site during biostimulation [Poster presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2011, Wien, Austria.

Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., & Flores-Orozco, A. (December 2011). Inversion of multi-temporal geoelectrical data sets: insights from several case studies [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Hermans, T., Caterina, D., Martin, R., Kemna, A., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2011). How to incorporate prior information in geophysical inverse problems: deterministic and geostatistical approaches. In EarthDoc - Near Surface 2011 - 17th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2011). Image appraisal tools for electrical resistivity tomography. Proceedings of SAGEEP, 24, 7. doi:10.4133/1.3614283
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (2010). A Saline Tracer Test Monitored with ERT to Detect Preferential Flow/Transport Paths in Limestones. In EarthDoc - Near Surface 2010 – 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., & Nguyen, F. (July 2010). Use of image appraisal tools and covariance matrix [Paper presentation]. CRTOMO day, Liège, Belgium.

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (12 January 2010). Image Appraisal Tools for Electrical Resistivity Tomography [Poster presentation]. Ph.D. Student Day ENVITAM and UNITER Graduate Schools, Namur, Belgium.

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Signaux géophysiques associés aux contaminants et à la bioremédiation en milieu hétérogène [Paper presentation]. 1ère journée des doctorants, Liège, Belgium.

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Report of geophysical investigations on the contaminated site of Maldegem.

Brouyère, S., Jamin, P., Caterina, D., Dassargues, A., Hérivaux, C., Crévecoeur, S., Thomé, J.-P., & Popescu, I. C. (27 October 2009). A regional flux-based risk assessment approach of contaminated sites on surface water and groundwater bodies [Paper presentation]. Conférence internationale "Contaminated Site Management in Europe", Gand, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Caterina, D., Batlle Aguilar, J., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2008). Comparison and validation of risk assessment tools (FRAC-WECO Deliverable D4.1). (D4.1). BELSPO.

Caterina, D., Haberman, M., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2008). Deliverable D2.5: Decision grid for best approach in terms of modelling concepts/contaminants. BELSPO.

Caterina, D. (2007). Caractérisation hydrogéologique du bassin de la Haze [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

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