
Peeters Maxime

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Kerschen, Gaëtan  (32)
Golinval, Jean-Claude  (31)
Viguié, Régis  (10)
Georgiades, Fotios (3)
Serandour, Guillaume (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
nonlinear normal modes (4); BLADED DISK ASSEMBLY (2); continuation techniques (2); Identification (2); Modal analysis (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Aerospace & aeronautics engineering (23)
Mechanical engineering (22)
Mathematics (11)
Physics (8)
Computer science (7)

Publications (total 35)

The most downloaded
Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2011). Dynamic testing of nonlinear vibrating structures using nonlinear normal modes. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.08.028

The most cited

660 citations (Scopus®)

Kerschen, G., Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Vakakis, A. F. (2009). Nonlinear normal modes, Part 1: Useful framework for the structural dynamicist. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23, 170-194. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2008.04.002

Kerschen, G., Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Stephan, C. (2013). Nonlinear modal analysis of a full-scale aircraft. Journal of Aircraft, 50, 1409-1419. doi:10.2514/1.C031918
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2011). Dynamic testing of nonlinear vibrating structures using nonlinear normal modes. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.08.028
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Jayaprakash, K. R., Starosvetsky, Y., Vakakis, A. F., Peeters, M., & Kerschen, G. (2011). Nonlinear normal modes and band zones in granular chains with no precompression. Nonlinear Dynamics, 63, 359-385. doi:10.1007/s11071-010-9809-0
Peer reviewed

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., Stephan, C., & Lubrina, P. (2011). Nonlinear modal analysis of aerospace structures. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.

Peeters, M. (2011). Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Vibrating Structures using Nonlinear Normal Modes [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2011). Modal testing of nonlinear vibrating structures based on nonlinear normal modes: Experimental demonstration. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25, 1227-1247. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2010.11.006
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Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., Stéphan, C., & Lubrina, P. (2011). Nonlinear Normal Modes of a Full-Scale Aircraft. In 29th International Modal Analysis Conference, Jacksonville, 2011.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2011). Phase resonance testing of nonlinear vibrating structures. In 28th International Modal Analysis Conference, Jacksonville, 2010.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., & Stephan, C. (2011). Nonlinear normal modes of real-world structures: application to a full-scale aircraft. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. doi:10.1115/DETC2011-47141
Peer reviewed

Peeters, M., Renson, L., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., Stéphan, C., & Lubrina, P. (2011). Computation of nonlinear normal modes of large structures: application to a full-scale aircraft. In Proceedings of the 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2011).

Nguyen, V. H., Peeters, M., & Golinval, J.-C. (July 2010). Detection of nonlinearity in a dynamic system using deformation modes obtained from the wavelet transform of measured responses. Shock and Vibration, 17 (4-5), 491-506. doi:10.3233/SAV-2010-0543
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Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Kerschen, G. (2010). Nonlinear Normal Modes: Theoretical Curiosity or Practical Concept ?, KEYNOTE LECTURE. In IMPACT 2010, Djerba, 2010.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2010). Modal testing using nonlinear normal modes: experimental demonstration. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2010). Experimental modal analysis of nonlinear vibrating structures using nonlinear normal modes. In IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, 2010.

Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Kerschen, G. (2010). Theoretical and experimental modal analysis of nonlinear aerospace structures. In Proceedings of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Sérandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2009). Nonlinear normal modes, Part 2: Toward a pratical computation using numerical continuation techniques. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23, 195-216. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2008.04.003
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Nguyen, V. H., Peeters, M., & Golinval, J.-C. (2009). Detection of nonlinearity in a dynamic system using deformation modes obtained from the Wavelet Transfrom of measured responses [Paper presentation]. Internaional Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics (ICEDyn 2009), Ericeira, Portugal.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2009). Modal testing of nonlinear vibrating structures based on a nonlinear extension of force appropriation. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, San Diego, 2009. doi:10.1115/DETC2009-87321
Peer reviewed

Georgiades, F., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., & Ruzzene, M. (2009). Modal Analysis of a Nonlinear Periodic Structure with Cyclic Symmetry. AIAA Journal, 47, 1014-1025. doi:10.2514/1.40461
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Peeters, M., & Kerschen, G. (2009). Modal testing of non-linear vibrating structures. In 11th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, Toulouse, 2009.

Viguié, R., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2009). Energy Transfer and Dissipation in a Duffing Oscillator Coupled to a Nonlinear Attachment. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 4 (4). doi:10.1115/1.3192130
Peer reviewed

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2009). Modal analysis of a nonlinear structure with cyclic symmetry. In 27th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2009.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2009). On modal interactions in strongly nonlinear systems. In Euromech 503, Nonlinear Normal Modes, Dimension Reduction and Localization in Vibrating Systems, Frascati, 2009.

Kerschen, G., Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Vakakis, A. F. (2009). Nonlinear normal modes, Part 1: Useful framework for the structural dynamicist. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23, 170-194. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2008.04.002
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Georgiades, F., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., & Ruzzenne, M. (2008). Nonlinear modal analysis and energy localization in a bladed disk assembly. In ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Berlin, 2008. doi:10.1115/GT2008-51388
Peer reviewed

Viguié, R., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Ruzenne, M. (2008). Exploration of nonlinear shunting strategies as effective vibration absorbers. In 45th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Urbana Champaign, 2008.

Viguié, R., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Vibration Mitigation of Nonlinear Vibrating Structures using Nonlinear Energy Sinks. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Sérandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Nonlinear Normal Modes, Part II: Practical Computation using Numerical Continuation Techniques. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Serandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes using Numerical Continuation Techniques. In International Confernce on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liège, 2008.

Kerschen, G., Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Vakakis, A. F. (2008). Nonlinear Normal Modes, Part I: An Attempt To Demystify Them. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Serandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). COMPUTATION OF NONLINEAR NORMAL MODES, PART I: NUMERICAL CONTINUATION IN MATLAB. In Sixth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Saint Petersbourg, 2008.
Peer reviewed

Serandour, G., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Computation of nonlinear normal modes, part II: numerical continuation in Auto. In Sixth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Saint Petersbourg, 2008.
Peer reviewed

Georgiades, F., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., & Ruzzenne, M. (2007). LOCALIZATION OF ENERGY IN A PERFECTLY SYMMETRIC BLADED DISK ASSEMBLY DUE TO NONLINEARITIES. In ASME Internaional Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, 2007. doi:10.1115/IMECE200741649
Peer reviewed

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2007). Practical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes Using Numerical Continuation Techniques. In International Workshop: Advancements in Design Optimization of Materials, Structures and Mechanical Systems, Xi'An, 2007.

Peeters, M., Georgiades, F., Viguié, R., Sérandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2006). Development of Numerical Algorithms for Practical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes. In International Conference on Noise and vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2006.

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