
Antoine Mélanie

Main Referenced Co-authors
Pichault, François  (3)
Degré, Julie  (2)
Delvenne, Pierre  (2)
Renier, Nathalie  (2)
Rosskamp, Benedikt  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Innovation (3); ambidexterity (2); Living Lab (2); Living Labs (2); Pôles de Compétitivité (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratoire d'Etudes sur les Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, la Communication, l'Innovation et le Changement - LENTIC (8)
Centre de recherches Spiral, CRIDS (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Human resources management (6)
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory (4)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Political science, public administration & international relations (2)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 14)

The most downloaded
Antoine, M., Deflandre, D., & Pichault, F. (September 2005). Gestion des compétences, impératifs économiques et préoccupations sociales: un mariage forcé [Paper presentation]. XVIe Congrès de l'AGRH, Paris, France.

Vanmeerbeek, P., Antoine, M., Rosskamp, B., & Hallemans, S. (2017). Quelles sont les conditions d’implémentations d’un Living Lab dans le domaine de la santé en Région wallonne ? Rapport final de recommandations du projet INSOLL.

Rosskamp, B., Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Macq, H., & Antoine, M. (29 June 2016). Fast and not furious: an inquiry into the current low-risk/high-gain configuration of public participation [Paper presentation]. The Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation Producing and experimenting with publics in new political economies. 4th annual conference, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Antoine, M., Piron, M., Vanmeerbeek, P., & Vigneron, L. (2015). Etat des lieux des Living Labs en Europe et Outre-Atlantique. Spiral, ULg.

Vanmeerbeek, P., Vigneron, L., Delvenne, P., Rosskamp, B., & Antoine, M. (2015). Involvement of end-users in innovation processes: toward a user-driven approach of innovation. A qualitative analysis of 20 Livings Labs [Paper presentation]. OpenLivingLab Days.

Elsen, C., Cornet, A., & Antoine, M. (2013). Workshops as tools for creative collaboration: finding a balance between facilitation and auto-organization. In Proceedings of Co-Create 2013.
Peer reviewed

Antoine, M. (2011). Innovativité et Modes de Coopération des Projets Inter-organisationnels Développés dans le Cadre d'une Politique Publique. In D. Bo, D. Huron, ... J. Spindler, Les pôles de compétitivité se décrètent-ils? Une comparaison européenne.

Antoine, M., & Degré, J. (July 2009). Understanding the controversies of inter-organizational ambidexterity with actor-network theory [Paper presentation]. 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelone, Spain.

Degré, J., & Antoine, M. (June 2009). controversies of inter-organizational ambidexterity [Paper presentation]. 16th International Product Development Management Conference, Enschede, Netherlands.

Antoine, M. (May 2008). Inter-organizational innovation projects developed within the framework of a public policy - Discussion and observations about the nature of innovations, cooperation practices and their interrelationships [Paper presentation]. EURAM, Ljubljana, Bled, Slovenia.

Antoine, M. (January 2008). Observations and comments on the Walloon Competitive Clusters [Paper presentation]. Can clusters be issued by governments?, Nice, France.

Antoine, M., & Dalon, G. (May 2007). Restructuring and territorial governance: the contribution of actor-network theory [Paper presentation]. EURAM Annual Conference, Paris, France.

Pichault, F., Antoine, M., Deflandre, D., Naedenoen, F., & Renier, N. (Eds.). (2006). Faut-il brûler la gestion des compétences? Une exploration des pratiques en entreprise. Bruxelles, Belgium: De Boeck.

Antoine, M., Pichault, F., & Renier, N. (2006). Les paradoxes de la multicompétence. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 61 (juillet/août/septembre), 22-33.
Peer reviewed

Antoine, M., Deflandre, D., & Pichault, F. (September 2005). Gestion des compétences, impératifs économiques et préoccupations sociales: un mariage forcé [Paper presentation]. XVIe Congrès de l'AGRH, Paris, France.

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