THONON, F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Fontes, R. S., Touati, K., & Beckers, J.-F. (2023). In vitro maturation, fertilization and development rates of bovine oocytes connected with the reproductive status of the donor. Theriogenology, 39 (1), 330. Editorial reviewed |
Szenci, O., Touati, K., De Sousa, N. M., Hornick, J.-L., Van der Weyden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., & Beckers, J.-F. (28 August 2020). Development of a surgical technique for long-term catheterisation of bovine fetuses. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 68 (2), 212 - 220. doi:10.1556/004.2020.00033 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Coria, E., Moula, N., Touati, K., Casalta, H., Bayrou, C., Gille, L., Bossaert, P., Sartelet, A., & Djebala, S. (08 November 2019). Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs utilization during bovine elective caesarean section in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. 6 th FARAH-day (Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health), Liège, Belgium. |
Casalta, H., Djebala, S., Lagamme, C., Malcata, F., Vandeloise, M., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (August 2018). Use of blood L-lactate as a prognosis factor for the management of surgical digestive disorders in cattle [Paper presentation]. 30th World Buiatrics Congress 2018 SAPPORO, Sapporo, Japan. |
Saegerman, C., Leinartz, L., Amory, H., Bolen, G., Busoni, V., Cassart, D., Claeys, S., Dufrasne, I., Duprez, J.-N., Gabriel, A., Gommeren, K., Grulke, S., Guyot, H., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Laitat, M., Losson, B., Mainil, J., Marlier, D., Rollin, F., ... Humblet, M.-F. (01 June 2018). Teaching biosecurity standard operating procedures in the Veterinary Faculty, University of Liege, using eCampus learning platform [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly, Hannover, Germany. Peer reviewed |
M'Boumba, J., Ectors, F., Van Laere, A.-S., Connan, D., Deleuze, S., Touati, K., delahaut, P., & Desmecht, D. (13 October 2017). Surgical co-transfers of genetically engineered pig embryos produced in vitro by ICSI-SMGT [Paper presentation]. FARAH day 2017, Sart-Tilman (Liège), Belgium. |
Lagamme, C., Casalta, H., Djebala, S., Malcata, F., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (13 October 2017). Evolution of pre and post-operative lactatemia as prognostic indicator of digestive surgeries in cattle [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Casalta, H., Bayrou, C., Denis, M., Djebala, S., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (05 October 2017). Abdominal steatonecrosis in a twelve-year old Highland bull [Poster presentation]. 5th European Buiatrics Forum, Bilbao, Spain. |
Casalta, H., Greban de Saint Germain, C., Djebala, S., Sartelet, A., Theron, L., & Touati, K. (04 October 2017). Developing a prognosis tool for urolithiasis with obstruction in Belgian blue cattle breed [Paper presentation]. European Buiatrics Forum, Bilbao, Spain. |
Casalta, H., Couffin, C., Bayrou, C., Djebala, S., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (October 2017). Diagnostic et traitement de la péricardite chez les bovins. Point Vétérinaire, 379, 60-67. Peer reviewed |
Maquet, C., Casalta, H., Sartelet, A., Touati, K., & Djebala, S. (July 2017). Réalisation d'une attelle de Thomas modifiée chez le bovin. Point Vétérinaire, 377, 52-57. Peer reviewed |
Maquet, C., Casalta, H., Touati, K., Sartelet, A., & Djebala, S. (July 2017). Réalisation d'une attelle de Thomas modifiée pour un membre antérieur. Point Vétérinaire, 377, 59. Peer reviewed |
Maquet, C., Casalta, H., Touati, K., Sartelet, A., & Djebala, S. (July 2017). Réalisation d'une attelle de Thomas modifiée pour un membre postérieur. Point Vétérinaire, 377, 61. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., Casalta, H., Djebala, S., Frisee, V., Knapp, E., Rao, A.-S., Theron, L., & Touati, K. (2016). La gestion des urgences en médecine bovine: la fiabilité du pronostic avant l'action ! Quels examens mettre en oeuvre au chevet de l'animal? [Paper presentation]. Vétérinexpo, Libramont, Belgium. |
Casalta, H., Knapp, E., Evrard, L., Marolf, V., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (21 October 2016). Surgical treatment of mucometra in an Alpine Goat [Poster presentation]. 3rd FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Djebala, S., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (May 2016). Arthrodèse du carpe chez le veau. Point Vétérinaire, 365, 50-54. Peer reviewed |
Djebala, S., Sartelet, A., Moula, N., & Touati, K. (April 2016). Classification de la rigidité articulaire congénitale chez les veaux de race Blanc-bleu Belge. Point Vétérinaire, 364, 68-72. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (2015). Les déplacements de caillette : des facteurs de risques aux techniques chirurgicales [Paper presentation]. Formation continuée, Belgium. |
Gaillot, C., Claeys, S., Douffet, F., Frisee, V., Theron, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (17 October 2014). Wound management of a pregnant Belgian blue cow with severe toxic cutaneous necrosis affecting the limbs [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Ronzoni, A., Bayrou, C., Evrard, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (17 October 2014). Hepatocholecystitis due to Salmonella Dublin in a crossbred calf [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Genart, M., Evrard, L., Garcia de Fonseca, R., Touati, K., Bayrou, C., & Sartelet, A. (17 October 2014). Plantigrady due to a MRSI localized myopathy in a newborn Belgian blue calf [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Genart, M., Evrard, L., Garcia da Fonseca, Touati, K., Bayrou, C., & Sartelet, A. (26 June 2014). PLANTIGRADY DUE TO A LOCALIZED MYOPATHY IN TWO NEWBORN BELGIAN BLUE CALVES [Poster presentation]. XIX Congreso Internacional Anembe de Medecina Bovina & IX ECBHM Symposium, Oviedo, Spain. |
Ronzoni, A., Bayrou, C., Evrard, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (30 August 2013). Hepatocholecystitis due to Salmonella Dublin in a crossbred calf [Paper presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Gaillot, C., Claeys, S., Douffet, F., Frisee, V., Theron, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (29 August 2013). Wound management of a pregnant Belgian blue cow with severe toxic cutaneous necrosis affecting the limbs [Poster presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Djebala, S., Ronzoni, A., Sartelet, A., Theron, L., & Touati, K. (29 August 2013). Evaluation of the treatment of the congenital articular rigidity in calves depending on the grade of severity [Poster presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Gaillot, C., Detilleux, J., Touati, K., Rollin, F., & Guyot, H. (2013). Accuracy of clinical examination and field tests for diagnosis of traumatic reticulo-peritonitis in cattle : a preliminary study. In Proceedings of the Buiatrissima 8th ECBHM Symposium. Bern, Switzerland: Université de Berne. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., Dahmani, A., & Touati, K. (06 June 2012). Partial penile amputation after traumatic injury in a Holstein friesian sire [Poster presentation]. XXVIIth Wolrd Buiatrics Congress, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Theron, L., Tabaran, F., Cassart, D., Guyot, H., Dahmani, A., Frisee, V., Lamain, G., Touati, K., Desmecht, D., & Rollin, F. (2012). Granulomatous meningo-encephalitis caused by Toxoplasma gondii in three bulls, a possible explanation for unexplained sporadic bovine meningo-encephalitis. Revista Portuguesa de Buiatria, (Special Edition). Peer reviewed |
Lamain, G., Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (September 2011). Tail amputation in a Belgian blue bull [Poster presentation]. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health Management, Liège, Belgium. |
Lamain, G., Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (January 2011). Caudectomie haute pour traiter une fracture vertébrale avec ostéolyse. Point Vétérinaire, 312, 44-45. Peer reviewed |
Evrard, L., Bolen, G., Etienne, A.-L., Touati, K., Frisee, V., & Busoni, V. (2011). The use of external ultrasound for the diagnosis of coxofemoral joint disease in blue belgian cattle [Poster presentation]. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health Management. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (February 2010). Approche de l'arthrite septique chez le veau. Point Vétérinaire, 302, 53-57. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (February 2010). Arthrotomie chez le veau. Point Vétérinaire, 302, 62-63. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (2010). Intussuscepzione: intervento chirurgico nel bovino. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (2), 63-65. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (2010). Approccio all'artrite settica nel vitello. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (7), 7-12. |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (2010). Approccio all'intussuscepzione nella specie bovina. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (1), 19-24. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (2010). Artrotomia nel vitello. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (7), 64-66. |
Alvarez Oxiley, A. V., Melo de Sousa, N., Hornick, J.-L., Touati, K., van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A., Szenci, O., & Beckers, J.-F. (2010). Effect of exogenous circulating anti-bPL antibodies on bovine placental lactogen measurements in foetal samples. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 52, 9. doi:10.1186/1751-0147-52-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (June 2009). Intussusception : Chirurgie chez le bovin. Point Vétérinaire, 296, 44-45. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (June 2009). Approche de l'intussusception dans l'espèce bovine. Point Vétérinaire, 296, 39-42. Peer reviewed |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (14 May 2009). Traitements des arthrites septiques chez le veau [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France. |
Knapp, E., Chapaux, P., Istasse, L., & Touati, K. (2009). Key indicators and decision-making trees to analyse reproduction problems linked to environmental factors : data from a commercial dairy unit. British Society of Animal Sciences, 014. |
Sartelet, A., Guyot, H., Vandeputte, S., & Touati, K. (10 July 2008). Intestinal intussusceptions in cattle: a retrospective study (22 cases) [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (10 July 2008). Evaluation of the treatment of septic arthritis by arthrotomy in calves [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Sartelet, A., Dive, M., Touati, K., Rollin, F., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (10 July 2008). Crooked tail and muscular hypertrophy syndrome, an emerging inherited defect in Belgian blue breed [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (10 July 2008). Chronic septic arthritis of the carpus : Surgical approach [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Rollin, F., Vandeputte, S., Guyot, H., Touati, K., Desmecht, D., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (2008). Congenital muscular dystony in the Belgian Blue breed [Paper presentation]. XXV World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., Melo de Sousa, N., Hornick, J.-L., Touati, K., van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Szenci, O., Sulon, J., Debliquy, P., & Beckers, J.-F. (2007). Radioimmunoassay of bovine placental lactogen using recombinant and native preparations: determination of fetal concentrations across gestation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 19 (7), 877-885. doi:10.1071/RD06173 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandeputte, S., Brihoum, M., Guyot, H., Touati, K., & Rollin, F. (16 October 2006). Atypical localisation of spinal compression caused by a sporadic lymphosarcoma in a calf [Poster presentation]. XXIV World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France. |
Ayad, A., Melo de Sousa, N., Hornick, J.-L., Touati, K., Iguer-Ouada, M., & Beckers, J.-F. (2006). Endocrinology of pregnancy in the cow: embryonic signals, placental hormones and proteins. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 150 (4), 212-226. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Janda, J., Uyttenhoef, A., Vandeputte, S., Brihoum, M., Guyot, H., Rollin, F., & Touati, K. (2006). Combined spastic paresis of both gastrocnemius and femoral quadriceps muscles in Belgian blue calves [Paper presentation]. XXIV World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France. |
Touati, K., Melo de Sousa, N., Van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Szenci, O., & Beckers, J.-F. (2006). Cannulation of bovine fetuses for a long period blood collection: the chirurgical approach. In Proceedings: 24th World Buiatrics Congress. Peer reviewed |
Guyot, H., Vandeputte, S., Sandersen, C., Touati, K., & Rollin, F. (2005). Emergence of bovine Ehrlichiosis in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Buiatrissima (1st Swiss Buiatrics Congress), Berne, Switzerland. |
Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., Melo de Sousa, N., Touati, K., Revy, D., Van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Hornick, J.-L., & Beckers, J.-F. (2004). Radioimmunoassay of bovine placental lactogen (bPL) using an antiserum raised in guinea pigs: measurement in foetal plasma. |
Beckers, J.-F., Touati, K., Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., & Melo de Sousa, N. (2004). Embryonic signals and pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 39 (4), 252. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Touati, K., Melo de Sousa, N., Gangl, M., Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., Revy, D., Van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Serteyn, D., & Beckers, J.-F. (2004). Investigation on prenatal endocrinology: preliminary results on long term catheterisation of bovine foetuses. Reproduction. Abstract Series, 31, 26. Peer reviewed |
Touati, K., Müller, P., Gangl M., Grulke, S., Peters F., & Serteyn, D. (22 November 2003). La parésie spastique du quadriceps fémoral : Une nouvelle entité clinique chez le veau de race Blanc Bleu Belge. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147. |
Gonzalez, F., Cabrera, F., Rodriguez, N., Remy, B., Meurens, F., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (November 2003). Insémination artificielle et transfert embryonnaire pour limiter la dissémination des maladies contagieuses chez les animaux de rente [Paper presentation]. Vétérinexpo, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium. |
Delval, A., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1996). Vitrification of bovine embryos produced in vitro: survival, hatching and pregnancy rates. Theriogenology, 45 (1), 178. Editorial reviewed |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L., Sulon, J., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1996). Trophoblastic disregulations in pregnancies resulting from transfer of cloned embryos in the bovine species. In 12e Colloque Scientifique de l'Association Européenne du Transfert Embryonnaire (pp. 95-102). |
Delval, A., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Survival and pregnancy rates, after vitrification, of bovine embryos produced in vitro. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 162). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe. Editorial reviewed |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Viability of cloned bovine embryos after one or two cycles of nuclear transfer and in vitro culture. Theriogenology, 44, 925-933. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(95)00280-L Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Thonon, F., Lens, H., Touati, K., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). A step-wise procedure for cryoprotectant equilibration emproves the survival rate after thawing of in vitro produced embryos. Theriogenology, 40 (1), 338. Editorial reviewed |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L. C., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). First and second cycle nuclear transfer in cattle: comparison of efficiency in embryo development and ongoing pregnancies. Theriogenology, 40 (1), 204. Editorial reviewed |
Thonon, F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Lenz, H., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (January 1994). Le point sur la production d’embryons in vitro: limitations et perspectives de la recherche. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138 (1), 33-40. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Thonon, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (December 1993). Clonage par greffe de blastomère: naissance d'un premier veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137 (8), 573-574. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Touati, K., Ectors, F., Thonon, F., Figueiredo, J. R., Fontes, R. S., Delval, A., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Ruminant embryo exchanges using cryopreservation: current and future possibilities [Paper presentation]. 20th BCLAS Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Thonon, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1993). Clonage par transfert de noyau dans l'espèce bovine: premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137 (6), 427-431. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Thonon, F., Delval, A., Fontes, R. S., Touati, K., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Comparison between culture of bovine embryos in vitro versus development in rabbit oviducts and in vivo. Livestock Production Science, 36, 29-34. doi:10.1016/0301-6226(93)90134-4 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Grobet, L., Schwers, A., Charlier, C., Marcq, F., Ectors, F., Touati, K., & Hanset. (1992). Le sexage d'embryons bovins par la technique de l'amplification en chaîne par la polymérase (acp) d'une séquence Y-spécifique bovine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 136, 119-124. |
Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., & Touati, K. (1989). Multiplication des embryons chez les bovins: possibilités actuelles et futures. Biotechnologie en Sélection animale - IRSIA, 188-211. |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., & Ectors, F. (09 September 1989). Demonstrationof somatogenic receptors in bovine corpus luteum: conjectural effect of trophic hormone on follicular growth and development [Poster presentation]. 4th Annual Meeting AETE, Lyon, France. |
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., Lambert, E., Doem, G., Lhoest B., Laurent Y., Ectors, F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH stimulate follicular growth and maturation in anestrous heifers. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 128). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe. Editorial reviewed |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Delval, A., Borman, M., & Ectors, F. (1989). Relation inverse entre la concentration des sérums foetaux bovins en hormone chorionique somatomammotrope et leur âge. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 29 (1), 29. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Bormans, M., Delval, A., & Ectors, F. (1989). Variable composition of bovine fetal calf serum: a prospective study for in vitro oocytes and embryos culture. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting AETE. Peer reviewed |
Touati, K., Bormans, M., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH in early estrous cycle stimulate follicular growth and maturation as confirmed by subsequent superovulatory response. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting AETE. Peer reviewed |
Touati, K., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Mise au point sur la folliculogenèse. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 583-588. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). In vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 148). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe. Editorial reviewed |
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., Doem, G., Lhoes, B., Lambert, E., Laurent, Y., Ectors, F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH stimulate follicular growth and maturation in anestrous heifers. Theriogenology, 172. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(89)90580-3 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Touati, K., Bormans, M., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Effet d'une préstimulation ovarienne en début de cycle sur la réponse au traitement de superovulation chez la vache. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 435-436. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). In vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 188. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Touati, K., Vanderzwalmen, P., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low dose of FSH early in estrous cycle enhances superovulatory response in heifers. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 269. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(89)90677-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vanderzwalmen, P., Touati, K., Ectors, F., Massip, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Vitrification of bovine blastocysts. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 270. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Delval, A., & Beckers, J.-F. (1989). Maturation et fécondation in vitro chez les bovins: naissance d'un veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 435-436. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (13 December 1988). Research work for an optimization of an in vitro maturation and fertilization method of the bovine oocytes [Paper presentation]. 3rd Franco-Czechoslovak Meeting, Jouy-En-Josas, France. |
Van Der Zwalmen, P., Gaurois, B., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Massip, A., & Ectors, F. (1988). Some factors affecting successful vitrification of mouse blastocysts. Theriogenology, 30 (6), 1177-83. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(88)90293-2 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1988). Obtention de blastocystes après maturation et fécondation in vitro d'ovocytes de bovin: premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 517-519. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Donnay, I., Touati, K., & Ectors, F. (1988). Demonstration of somatogenic receptors in bovine corpus luteum. In Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination. Peer reviewed |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Demoustier, M., Touati, K., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Massip, A., & Ectors, F. (04 September 1987). Induction of superovulation in cattle [Paper presentation]. 3rd Annual Meeting of Association Européenne de Transfert Embryonnaire (AETE), Lyon, France. |