
Ectors Francis

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Beckers, Jean-François  (64)
Ectors, Fabien  (31)
Touati, Kamal  (23)
Derivaux, Jules (9)
Fontes, R.S. (8)
Main Referenced Keywords
Bovine (6); Cow (4); Cycle oestral (4); Oestrous cycle (3); PAG (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratoire d'Endocrinologie et de Physiologie de la Reproduction animale (10)
Laboratoire d'Endocrinologie et de Reproduction Animale (2)
Ceara State University (1)
Laboratory of Animal Endocrinology and Reproduction (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Veterinary medicine & animal health (63)
Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition (1)

Publications (total 64)

The most downloaded
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman, P., Ectors, F., & Derivaux, J. (1975). Aperçu sur les méthodes de dosage des stéroïdes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 119, 37-50.

The most cited

205 citations (OpenAlex)

Zoli, A. P., Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Closset, J., Falmagne, P., & Ectors, F. (July 1991). Purification and characterization of a bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. Biology of Reproduction, 45 (1), 1-10. doi:10.1095/biolreprod45.1.1

Geldhof, A., Goossens, L., Moyaert, I., Cuelenaere, M., Roschlau, D., Nivot, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (2000). Sex determination in bovine embryos by micro-aspiration: technical aspects and results under farm conditions. Theriogenology, 53 (1), 479.
Editorial reviewed

Delval, A., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., Ectors, F., & Loos, F. (1998). Vitrification of day 6 in vitro produced bovine embryos as donors for cloning by nuclear transfer. Theriogenology, 49 (1), 165.
Editorial reviewed

Delval, A., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1996). Vitrification of bovine embryos produced in vitro: survival, hatching and pregnancy rates. Theriogenology, 45 (1), 178.
Editorial reviewed

Delahaut, P., Sulon, J., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1996). Le diagnostic au service de la reproduction: fertilité-gestation-anoestrus [Paper presentation]. Actualité Scientifique: Reproduction et Production Laitière.

Remy, B., Rabahi, F., Duwez, L., Thonon, F., Ectors, F., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (July 1995). Fractionation and partial characterization of proteins extracted from the bovine fallopian tube: preparation of tools for further purifications. Theriogenology, 44 (1), 95-107. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(95)00151-W
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Zoli, A. P., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (May 1995). Isolement et caractérisation partielle d'une glycoprotéine associée à la gestation chez la brebis. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 139, 177-184.
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Delval, A., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Survival and pregnancy rates, after vitrification, of bovine embryos produced in vitro. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 162). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Goffin, L., Thonon, F., Hanzen, C., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Preliminary results of an ovum-pick-up (OPU) study in cattle. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 180). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Thonon, F., Lens, H., Touati, K., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). A step-wise procedure for cryoprotectant equilibration emproves the survival rate after thawing of in vitro produced embryos. Theriogenology, 40 (1), 338.
Editorial reviewed

Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L. C., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). First and second cycle nuclear transfer in cattle: comparison of efficiency in embryo development and ongoing pregnancies. Theriogenology, 40 (1), 204.
Editorial reviewed

Zoli, A. P., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Identification and charactérization of a new pregnancy-associated antigen of cattle and its application for pregnancy diagnosis [Paper presentation]. I Simposium Nacional de Biotechnologie de la Reproduction de Mamiferos.

Beckers, J.-F., Roberts, R. M., Zoli, A. P., Ectors, F., & Derivaux, J. (October 1994). Molécules de la famille des protéases aspartiques dans le placenta des ruminants: hormones ou protéines ? Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 149 (8-11), 355-367.
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Thonon, F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Lenz, H., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (January 1994). Le point sur la production d’embryons in vitro: limitations et perspectives de la recherche. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138 (1), 33-40.
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Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Thonon, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (December 1993). Clonage par greffe de blastomère: naissance d'un premier veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137 (8), 573-574.
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Ectors, F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Thonon, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (July 1993). Le clonage par transfert de noyau dans l'espèce bovine: premiers résultats. Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 148, 262-270.

Touati, K., Ectors, F., Thonon, F., Figueiredo, J. R., Fontes, R. S., Delval, A., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Ruminant embryo exchanges using cryopreservation: current and future possibilities [Paper presentation]. 20th BCLAS Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Thonon, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1993). Clonage par transfert de noyau dans l'espèce bovine: premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137 (6), 427-431.
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Zoli, A. P., Beckers, J.-F., Benitez Ortiz, W., & Ectors, F. (1993). Isolement, purification et caractérisation d'une glycoprotéine placentaire bovine: mise au point d'un dosage radioimmunologique sensible et spécifique. In Actualité Scientifique: Maîtrise de la reproduction et amélioration génétique des ruminants (pp. 235-247). Edition Aupelf.
Editorial reviewed

Figueiredo, J. R., Hulshof, S. C. J., Nusgens, B., Van Der Hurk, R., Ectors, F., Ectors, F., Fontes, R. S., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Preservation of oocyte and granulosa cell morphology in bovine preantral follicles cultured in vitro: 2 - Effects of pyruvate, glutamine and hypoxantine. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 198). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Fgueiredo, J. R., Hulshof, S. C. J., Nusgens, B., Van Der Hurk, R., Ectors, F., Ectors, F., Fontes, R. S., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Preservation of oocyte and granulosa cell morphology in bovine preantral follicles cultured in vitro: 1 - Morphological aspects. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 196). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Fontes, R. S., Noel, A., Figueiredo, J. R., Beckers, J.-F., Foidart, J.-M., & Ectors, F. (1993). Use of frozen-thawed bovine oviduct cells for in vitro culture of bovine embryos: effect of matrigel. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 202). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Fontes, R. S., Figueiredo, J. R., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1992). Effect of fetuin on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes in defined media [Paper presentation]. 8th Annual Meeting of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe, Lyon, France.
Editorial reviewed

Fontes, R. S., Ectors, F., Thonon, F., Figueiredo, J. R., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1992). Development of bovine oocytes to blastocyst and hatching in co-culture supplemented with estrous cow serum of polyvinyl alcohol. Theriogenology, 37 (1), 214.
Editorial reviewed

Zoli, A. P., Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Closset, J., Falmagne, P., & Ectors, F. (July 1991). Purification and characterization of a bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. Biology of Reproduction, 45 (1), 1-10. doi:10.1095/biolreprod45.1.1
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Fontes, R. S., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1991). Rabbit and bovine oviductal epithelial cell culture media are able to support early development from zygote to the blastocyst stage. Theriogenology, 35 (1), 201.
Editorial reviewed

Ectors, F., Fontes, R. S., Thonon, F., Delval, A., Figueiredo, J. R., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1991). Effect of non-protein medium during in vitro maturation on in vitro development of bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 37 (1), 206.
Editorial reviewed

Zoli, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1990). Isolation in an ovine pregnancy specific protein. Theriogenology, 33 (1), 366.
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Bastings, E., Beckers, A., Reznik, M., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1990). Immunocytochemical evidence that LH and FSH are produced by distinct cells in bovine pituitary. Theriogenology.
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Zoli, A. P., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1990). Ruminants gonads as accessory sources of pregnancy specific protein ? In Proceedings of the 72nd Animal Meeting of the Endocrine Society. Endocrine Society.
Editorial reviewed

Zoli, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1990). Evidence of a protein immunologically related to pregnancy specific proteins in ruminant gonads. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium.
Peer reviewed

Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., & Touati, K. (1989). Multiplication des embryons chez les bovins: possibilités actuelles et futures. Biotechnologie en Sélection animale - IRSIA, 188-211.

Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., & Ectors, F. (09 September 1989). Demonstrationof somatogenic receptors in bovine corpus luteum: conjectural effect of trophic hormone on follicular growth and development [Poster presentation]. 4th Annual Meeting AETE, Lyon, France.

Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., Lambert, E., Doem, G., Lhoest B., Laurent Y., Ectors, F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH stimulate follicular growth and maturation in anestrous heifers. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 128). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Touati, K., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Mise au point sur la folliculogenèse. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 583-588.
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Touati, K., Bormans, M., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Effet d'une préstimulation ovarienne en début de cycle sur la réponse au traitement de superovulation chez la vache. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 435-436.
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Touati, K., Bormans, M., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH in early estrous cycle stimulate follicular growth and maturation as confirmed by subsequent superovulatory response. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting AETE.
Peer reviewed

Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Delval, A., Borman, M., & Ectors, F. (1989). Relation inverse entre la concentration des sérums foetaux bovins en hormone chorionique somatomammotrope et leur âge. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 29 (1), 29.
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Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Bormans, M., Delval, A., & Ectors, F. (1989). Variable composition of bovine fetal calf serum: a prospective study for in vitro oocytes and embryos culture. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting AETE.
Peer reviewed

Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). In vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 188.
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Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). In vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 148). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., Doem, G., Lhoes, B., Lambert, E., Laurent, Y., Ectors, F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH stimulate follicular growth and maturation in anestrous heifers. Theriogenology, 172. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(89)90580-3
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Touati, K., Vanderzwalmen, P., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low dose of FSH early in estrous cycle enhances superovulatory response in heifers. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 269. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(89)90677-8
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Vanderzwalmen, P., Touati, K., Ectors, F., Massip, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Vitrification of bovine blastocysts. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 270.
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Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (13 December 1988). Research work for an optimization of an in vitro maturation and fertilization method of the bovine oocytes [Paper presentation]. 3rd Franco-Czechoslovak Meeting, Jouy-En-Josas, France.

Demoustier, M., Beckers, J.-F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Closset, J., Gillard, J. L., & Ectors, F. (August 1988). Determination of porcine plasma follitropin levels during superovulation treatment in cows. Theriogenology, 30 (2), 379-386. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(88)90185-9
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Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., & Ectors, F. (1988). Demonstration of somatogenic receptors in bovine corpus luteum: conjectural effect of trophic hormone on follicular growth and development. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 113). France: Association of Embryo Technology in Europe.
Editorial reviewed

Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1988). Obtention de blastocystes après maturation et fécondation in vitro d'ovocytes de bovin: premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 517-519.
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Beckers, J.-F., Dewulf, M., Verstegen, J., Wouters-Ballman, P., & Ectors, F. (January 1988). Isolation of a bovine chorionic gonadotrophin (bCG). Theriogenology, 29 (1), 218. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(88)90046-5
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Derivaux, J., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1984). L'anoestrus du post-Partum. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 53, 215-229.
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Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1981). Dosage de l'hormone placentaire somatotrope et mammotrope bovine par liaison radio-compétitive aux récepteurs membranaires. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 125, 311-319.
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Beckers, J.-F., Fromont-Liénard, C., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Wouters-Ballman, P., & Ectors, F. (1980). Isolement d'une hormone placentaire bovine présentant une activité analogue à la prolactine et à l'hormone de croissance. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 124, 585-601.
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De Coster, R., Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., & Ectors, F. (1979). Variations de la LH, de la FSH, du 17 ß oestradiol et de la progestérone au cours du cycle oestral de la chienne. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 123, 177-184.
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De Coster, R., Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., & Ectors, F. (1979). Variations nycthémérales de la testostérone et de la lutropine plasmatiques chez le chien. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 123, 423-428.
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Delahaut, P., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1979). Effet de l'azide de sodium sur la dégradation de la progestérone dans les échantillons de sang total chez les bovins. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 123, 567-572.
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Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (March 1978). Dosages radioimmunologiques [Poster presentation]. Séminaire de Perfectionnement pour les ingénieurs agronomes issus des facultés de Gembloux et de Louvain, Gembloux, Belgium.

Delahaut, P., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1978). Diagnostic précoce de gestation chez les différentes espèces animales. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire.
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Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Ectors, F., & Derivaux, J. (1978). Induction de l'oestrus chez les génisses en anoestrus fonctionnel. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 122, 597-605.
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Massip, A., Wouters-Ballman, P., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (19 September 1977). Evolution du taux de cortisol plasmatique chez le veau de la naissance à l'âge de 14 jours. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, 285, 563-565.
Peer reviewed

Derivaux, J., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1976). Données récentes en gynécologie animale. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 120, 81-102.
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Derivaux, J., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1976). Hormonelle Befunde bei Störungen der Ovarialfunktion des Rindes. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 83, 561-563.
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Derivaux, J., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1976). Prostaglandines et cycle sexuel chez les animaux domestiques. Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 131, 359-380.

Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., Ballman, P., & Derivaux, J. (27 October 1975). Variation du 17 ß oestradiol au cours du cycle oestral chez la vache. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série D, Sciences Naturelles, 281, 1257-1260.
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Beckers, J.-F., Ballman, P., Ectors, F., & Derivaux, J. (1975). Aperçu sur les méthodes de dosage des stéroïdes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 119, 37-50.
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Beckers, J.-F., Ballman, P., Ectors, F., & Derivaux, J. (1975). Le dosage radioimmunologique de la progestérone plasmatique chez la vache. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série D, Sciences Naturelles, 280, 335-338.
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