
Lebrun Jean

Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Andre, Philippe  (31)
Lemort, Vincent  (30)
Bertagnolio, Stéphane  (9)
Teodorese, Ion (8)
Cuevas, Cristian (7)
Main Referenced Keywords
HVAC (3); générateur (2); magnétothermique (2); modeling (2); Scroll expander (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratoire de Thermodynamique (3)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Energy (31)
Mechanical engineering (24)
Materials science & engineering (2)
Environmental sciences & ecology (1)

Publications (total 57)

The most downloaded
Lebrun, J., & Lemort, V. (2007). Machines et Systèmes Thermiques. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

The most cited

507 citations (OpenAlex)

Lemort, V., Quoilin, S., Cuevas, C., & Lebrun, J. (2009). Testing and modeling a scroll expander integrated into an Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 3094-3102. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.04.013

Randaxhe, F., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (24 May 2016). Towards nzeb goal for newly built office buildings in Europe using high temperature cooling [Paper presentation]. 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016, Aalborg, Denmark.

Randaxhe, F., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (November 2015). Global optimization of the production and the distribution system for typical European HVAC systems. Energy Procedia, 78, 2452-2457. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.228
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Masy, G., Rehab, I., Andre, P., Georges, E., RANDAXHE, F., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (2015). Lessons Learned from Heat Balance Analysis for Holzkirchen Twin Houses Experiment. Energy Procedia. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.718
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Le Stradic, S., Seleck, M., Lebrun, J., Boisson, S., Handjila, G., Faucon, M.-P., Enk, T., & Mahy, G. (2015). Comparison of translocation methods to conserve metallophyte communities in the Southeastern D.R. Congo. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-015-5548-6
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Andre, P., & Lebrun, J. (2011). IEA Annex 48: Reversible Air-Conditioning.

Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (April 2010). Experimental study and modeling of an Organic Rankine Cycle using scroll expander. Applied Energy, 87 (4), 1260-1268. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.06.026
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Cuevas, C., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Winandy, E. (2010). Characterization of a scroll compressor under extended operating conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 30, 605-615. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.11.005
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Lemort, V., Lebrun, J., & Felsmann, C. (2009). Testing and validation of simulation tools of HVAC mechanical equipment including their control strategies. Part III: Validation of an air-cooled chiller model [Paper presentation]. Eleventh International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Felsmann, C., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Wijsman, A. (2009). Testing and validation of simulation tools of HVAC mechanical equipment including their control strategies. Part I: Description of the validation test cases [Paper presentation]. Eleventh International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Felsmann, C., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Wijsman, A. (2009). Testing and validation of simulation tools of HVAC mechanical equipment including their control strategies. Part II: Validation of cooling and heating coil models [Paper presentation]. Eleventh International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Bertagnolio, S., Lebrun, J., & Andre, P. (2009). Development and use of equation based simulation tools to support audit of commercial buildings. In Proceedings of the eleventh International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, UK.
Peer reviewed

Cuevas, C., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Ngendakumana, P. (2009). Development and validation of a condenser three zones model. Applied Thermal Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.06.007
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Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (2009). Evaluation, correction et validation de modèles de composants d'une centrale de production d'eau glacée [Paper presentation]. IXème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes, Lille, France.
Peer reviewed

Bertagnolio, S., Lebrun, J., & Andre, P. (2009). Developpement et utilisation de modèles de simulation pour l'audit et la rénovation des bâtiments conditionnés [Paper presentation]. IXème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la thermique des systèmes, Lille, France.
Peer reviewed

Lemort, V., Quoilin, S., Cuevas, C., & Lebrun, J. (2009). Testing and modeling a scroll expander integrated into an Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 3094-3102. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.04.013
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Bertagnolio, S., Lebrun, J., Hannay, C., & Hannay, J. (2008). Simulation-assisted audit of an air conditioned building. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operation, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Lebrun, J., & Bertagnolio, S. (October 2008). New simulation tools usable in the energy audit of HVAC systems [Paper presentation]. Building Physics Symposium, Leuven, Belgium.

Bertagnolio, S., & Lebrun, J. (September 2008). Simulation of a building and its HVAC system with an equation solver: Application to benchmarking. Building Simulation, 1 (3), 234-250. doi:10.1007/s12273-008-8219-4
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Bertagnolio, S., Masy, G., Andre, P., & Lebrun, J. (2008). Building and HVAC system simulation with the help of an engineering equation solver. In Proceedings of the 3rd National conference of the IBPSA-USA, Berkeley, CA.
Peer reviewed

Bertagnolio, S., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (25 June 2008). Development of a simplified Building-HVAC System model with the help of an equation solver [Paper presentation]. ASHRAE Annual Meeting - Seminar 66: Use of Equation Solvers for Simulation, Salt Lake City, United States - Utah.

Bertagnolio, S., Lebrun, J., Andre, P., & Moureau, F. (2008). Heat Pumping and Reversible Air Conditioning: How to make the best use of HVAC equipment ? In Proceedings of the 9th International IEA Heat Pump Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Lemort, V., Quoilin, S., & Lebrun, J. (2008). Numerical Simulation of a Scroll Expander for Use in a Rankine Cycle [Paper presentation]. The 19th International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue, United States.
Peer reviewed

Andre, P., Georges, B., Lebrun, J., & Lemort, V. (2008). From model validation to production of reference simulations: how to increase reliability and applicability of building and HVAC simulation models. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 29 (1), 61-72. doi:10.1177/0143624407087329
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Lemort, V., Cuevas, C., Lebrun, J., & Teodorese, I. V. (2008). Development of simple cooling coil models for simulation of HVAC systems. ASHRAE Transactions, 114 (1), 319-328.
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Bertagnolio, S., Lebrun, J., Andre, P., & Moureau, F. (2008). Heat pumping and reversible air conditioning : how to make the best use of HVAC equipment ? [Paper presentation]. 9th International IEA Heat Pump Conference, Zürich, Switzerland.

Andre, P., Hannay, C., Hannay, J., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, I. (2008). A contribution to the audit of an air-conditinioning system: modelling, simulation and benchmarking. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 29 (1), 85-98. doi:10.1177/0143624407087789
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Lebrun, J., & Lemort, V. (2007). Machines et Systèmes Thermiques. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Andre, P., Hannay, C., Hannay, J., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, V. (June 2007). Energy audit of air conditioning systems [Paper presentation]. Clima 2007, Helsinki, Finland.

Andre, P., Georges, B., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., Masy, G., & Teodorese, V. (June 2007). Friendly simulation of residential heating systems [Paper presentation]. Clima 2007, Helsinki, Finland.

Lemort, V., Cuevas, C., Teodorese, I., & Lebrun, J. (2007). Contribution à l'étude des cycles de Rankine de récupération de chaleur [Paper presentation]. VIIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes.
Peer reviewed

Andre, P., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., Masy, G., & Teodorese, I. (2007). Développement de modèles pour la simulation des systèmes de chauffage, ventilation et conditionnement d'air [Paper presentation]. VIIIème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes.
Peer reviewed

Lemort, V., Cuevas, C., Lebrun, J., Teodore, I. V., & Quoilin, S. (2007). Development and experimental validation of an Organic Rankine cycle model. In Heat SET 2007 : Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies.
Peer reviewed

Adam, C., Andre, P., Georges, B., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, I. (2006). From model validation to production of reference simulations: how to increase reliability and applicability of building and HVAC simulation models [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings.
Peer reviewed

Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, I. (2006). Modeling and simulation of an air conditioning chilled water system [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings.
Peer reviewed

Adam, C., Andre, P., Hannay, C., Hannay, J., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, I. (2006). A contribution to the audit of an air-conditioning system: modeling, simulation and benchmarking [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings.
Peer reviewed

Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, I. (2006). Simulation models applicable to HVAC components; parameter identification and system simulation [Paper presentation]. EPIC 2006 AIVC - Technologies & Sustainable Policies for a Radical Decrease of the Energy Consumption in Buildings.
Peer reviewed

Hanus, V., Lebrun, J., & Lemort, V. (2006). Condenser heat recovery in air conditioning systems [Paper presentation]. EPIC 2006 AIVC - Technologies & Sustainable Policies for a Radical Decrease of the Energy Consumption in Buildings.
Peer reviewed

Andre, P., Georges, B., Lemort, V., Lebrun, J., & Masy, G. (2006). A friendly tool for comparative energy evaluation of different heating systems in residential buildings [Paper presentation]. Passive House Symposium.

Andre, P., Aparecida, S., Hannay, J., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., & Teodorese, I. (2006). Simulation of HVAC systems: development and validation of simulation models and examples of practical applications [Paper presentation]. Mercofrio.

Andre, P., Rogiest, C., Hannay, C., Hannay, J., & Lebrun, J. (September 2006). Example of audit of an air conditioning system [Paper presentation]. Klima forum, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Lecomte-Beckers, J., Brassine, C., Lebrun, J., Ngendakumana, P., Dular, P., Rassili, A., & Wathieu, P. (2006). Etude et faisabilité d'un générateur magnéthothermique, avec dispositif expérimental. Phase 2 : Expérimentation. (Rapport Final, RW, Convention 550086 GEMMAG).

Cuevas, C., Duysinx, P., Hannay, J., Lebrun, J., Ngendakumana, P., & Teodorese, V. (2006). Réalisation et validation d’un banc du système de refroidissement pour pile à combustible de véhicule.

Alexandre, J. L., Knight, I., Andre, P., Hannay, C., & Lebrun, J. (2006). About the audit of air conditioning systems : customer advising with the help of case studies and benchmarks, modelling and simulation. In P. Bertoldi & B. Atanasiu (Eds.), Proceeding of the international conference IEECB'06. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European communities.
Peer reviewed

Afjei, T., Andre, P., Halozan, H., Lebrun, J., Lemort, V., Madjidi, M., Rivière, P., Schmid, J., Sunye, R., & Thonon, B. (2006). Heat pumping and reversible air-conditioning : a new project of the international energy agency. In P. Bertoldi & B. Atanasiu (Eds.), Proceeding of the international conference IEECB'06 (pp. 93-104). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European communities.
Peer reviewed

Lecomte-Beckers, J., Brassine, C., Lebrun, J., Ngendakumana, P., Dular, P., Rassili, A., & Wathieu, P. (2005). Etude et faisabilité d'un générateur magnéthothermique, avec dispositif expérimental. Phase 1 : Etude et faisabilité. (Rapport Final, RW, Convention 550086 GEMMAG).

Adam, C., Andre, P., Aparecida, C., Cuevas, C., Hannay, J., Lacôte, P., & Lebrun, J. (2005). About the use of simulation models and of functional tests in commissioning of HVAC systems. In Proceedings of the International conference Energy efficient technologies in indoor environment. Gliwice, Poland: Silesian University of Technology.
Peer reviewed

Andre, P., Adam, C., Aparecida Silva, C., Cuevas, C., Delvaux, J., Hannay, J., & Lebrun, J. (April 2005). Polygeneration and HVAC [Paper presentation]. Heat Set 2005, Grenoble, France.

Andre, P., Aparecida Silva, C., Fonseca, N., Hannay, J., Lacôte, P., & Lebrun, J. (October 2004). Re-commissioning of a VAV air cistribution system [Paper presentation]. International conference for enhanced building operations (ICEBO'04), Paris, France.

Adam, C., Andre, P., Aparecida Silva, C., Hannay, J., & Lebrun, J. (October 2004). Commissioning-orientated building loads calculations. Application to the CA-MET building in Namur (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. International conference for enhanced building operations (ICEBO'04), Paris, France.

Andre, P., Lacôte, P., Aparecida Silva, C., Hannay, J., & Lebrun, J. (October 2004). A functional test procedure for the improved commissioning of a VAV system [Paper presentation]. International conference for enhanced building operations (ICEBO'04), Paris, France.

Andre, P., Cuevas, C., Lacôte, P., & Lebrun, J. (October 2003). Re-commissioning of the CA-MET HVAC system : a successful case study ? [Paper presentation]. International conference for enhanced building operations (ICEBO'03), Berkeley, United States - California.

Andre, P., Lacôte, P., Adam, C., Collard, L., Cuevas, C., Delarge, O., Georges, B., & Lebrun, J. (2002). Use of simulation in the commissioning of an office building. In Proceedings of SSB'2002 congress.
Peer reviewed

Cuevas, C., Lebrun, J., Lacôte, P., & Andre, P. (2002). Re-commissioning of an air handling unit. In Proceedings ABT'2002 Congress.
Peer reviewed

Andre, P., Lebrun, J., & Ternoveanu, A. (1999). Bringing simulation to application. Some guidelines and practical recommandations issued from IEA-BCS Annex 30. In Proceedings "Building simulation 99" (pp. 1189-1194).
Peer reviewed

Andre, P., Bourdouxhe, J.-P., & Lebrun, J. (1998). IEA Annex 30 : bringing simulation to application. Conclusions of subtask 1 : model qualification. In Proceedings of SSB'98.
Peer reviewed

Lebrun, J., & Andre, P. (1998). IEA Annex 30: Bringing Simulation to Application. Final report.

Andre, P., Bourdouxhe, J.-P., & Lebrun, J. (1997). IEA Annex 30 : "Bringing simulation to application". Presentation of Subtask 1 : "Model qualification". In Proceedings Clima 2000.
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