ORBi gets a brand  new look

This February 21st, ORBi gets a brand  new look! Just like its new logo, ORBi offers a more modern, cleaner interface while providing many new features.

The redesign is not only visual. The new version of the ULiège institutional repository has been developed by the ULiège Library teams taking into account the suggestions of the users, the requests of the institution and the evolution of the technologies.

A new, more ergonomic and cleaner design, an interface that is now mobile-friendly, real-time statistics, the possibility of linking your ORCID profile, new possibilities for depositing your references more quickly (import by DOI, automatic extraction of data from your PDFs), etc. ORBi has evolved considerably to be more intuitive and in tune with the evolution of scientific publishing!

In order to make ORBi a tool always adapted to your needs, developments and corrections will be added at regular periods. The ORBi team will be happy to receive your opinions and suggestions!

What should you do for the transition to the new ORBi?

You are asked to submit your references still in the process of being deposited/validated on the old version of ORBi before April 30th. They will be automatically transferred to the new version. References that are still being edited on the old version on April 30th will not be transferred.

Of course, all your references already archived (those that appear publicly on ORBi) are included in the new ORBi without any intervention required from you.

What to do to switch to the new version?

How will the new version of ORBi be deployed?

  • February 21st: release of the new ORBi. It will be accessible via the same URL as the current version: ORBi.uliege.be. The old version will remain accessible via another URL only to allow you to finalize the references still in the process of being deposited/validated. Any new submission will have to be done on the new version.
  • From March on: improvements and new features will be deployed on a regular basis. You will be informed of new features directly through your MyORBi.
  • End of April: closure of the old version of ORBi.

Do you have any questions? Check out the FAQs, sign up for a training session or contact us!

What’s new?

Adding references is easier and faster

It is now much easier to add a publication

  • You can add a publication simply by entering its identifier (DOI, PubMed ID, Scopus ID, ArXiv ID...), ORBi will search for all the information it can add to complete your deposit. All you have to do is finalize the reference by adding the missing information and your files!
  • Upload your PDF directly to ORBi and it will try to extract the title, the authors, the year, the keywords, the abstract.... If it doesn't work every time yet (the presentation of the document being very different from one editor to another), we plan to continuously improve this feature.
  • The traditional methods are still available: you can still import a list of references in EndNote, BibTex, RIS formats, or manually fill in the form.
Your references are enhanced via external databases

When you import references, ORBi will look for relevant information in various external databases to integrate. More information is collected from external sources, including funding agencies. ORCIDs of co-authors are added to the reference. 

New types of documents have been added as requested by ULiège researchers
  • Research notebook.
  • Communication published on a website.
  • Intervention in the media.
  • Book for the general public.
New metadata are available
  • In line with the institutional policy, you can now associate a reference to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Possibility to link to datasets uploaded either on an institutional repository or on an external repository.
  • Possibility to choose between your current affiliation and all your past affiliations at the University of Liege.
  • Possibility to enter authors' collectives and not only individual authors.
  • Distinction between peer rewiewing and editorial reviewing: i.e. review by researchers independent of the editorial board on the one hand and by members of the editorial board on the other hand.
  • It is now possible to mention a larger number of research centers.
  • Addition of institutional tags: to, for instance, identify all publications that have been made with an institutional supercomputer. A tag is defined at the institutional level and each depositor can use it.
And also…
  • Creative Commons licenses are now available.
  • Author version recreation request (OCR): automatic addition of the digitized version in the reference. Previously, it was received by email and had to be added manually.
  • Limitation of the "life span" of the references being reworked: when a reference was reworked, the temporary copy could be "forgotten" for years. In order to avoid this problem, the modifications will have to be saved within one day, otherwise they will disappear. This of course only concerns the transfer and not the creation of a new deposit.

Faster and more accurate searches

Searching for publications in ORBi has become much easier and faster: the search now includes all the features of a modern discovery tool:

  • Faceting: It is now possible to use facets to refine the results of a search in ORBi.
  • Full-text indexing: the search is no longer based solely on metadata (author, keywords, journal title), but also on all the terms that make up the full text. This is a real plus in some disciplines!
  • Speed: more precision and speed, thanks to the use of more efficient indexes.

Real-time statistics

Des statistiques désormais calculées en temps réel : grand changement par rapport à la précédente version, les statistiques ne sont plus mises à jour une fois par nuit, mais bien en temps réel. Ce sont donc les statistiques les plus actuelles qui apparaissent dès que vous chargez une page.

De nouvelles statistiques :

  • Statistics now calculated in real time: a big change compared to the previous version, statistics are no longer updated once a night, but in real time. So the most current statistics appear as soon as you load a page.
  • New statistics:
    • Geographical origin: the origin of views and downloads is displayed on a world map.
    • Traffic source: to know if your readers come from Google, PubMed, ...
    • Evolution of the percentage of Open Access publications by year of deposit, etc.
  • Export: graphs and data can be exported in image (JPG, PNG, PDF) or spreadsheet (CSV) formats.

Reference pages: revised and enriched

New features
  • Bibliographic data can be exported for use in bibliographic reference management tools.
  • The citation of your reference can be generated to be inserted in a bibliography, notably in Chicago and APA formats.
  • Sharing options are available, especially to social networks.
  • The modification of a reference is possible directly from a search result for identified authors.
A revised and enriched layout
  • Direct links to ORCID.
  • Highlight of the identifiers of your articles (DOI, Pubmed ID...).
  • Clear distinction between full text, part of full text and appendix
  • Clear distinction between submission/modification date and publication date.
  • The first page of your document is automatically extracted and displayed as a thumbnail on the reference page.
Bibliographic links
  • The bibliography of your reference is added automatically, whenever possible, thanks to Scopus data.
  • Links to similar publications are automatically added to your reference.

Your visibility, even more strengthened

A major advantage of ORBi, compared to other repositories, is that it automatically provides you with high visibility on a range of search tools around the world. 

For the new version of ORBi, we have further improved our processes to enhance your visibility on the web!

  • All data on ORBi can now be automatically added to ORCID*, for any researcher who has connected their ORCID to their MyORBi.
  • All references can be easily shared on social networks.
  • The OAI-PMH output now takes into account new types of documents and allows a better international visibility of Open Access documents.
  • The output format of ORBi data to OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) has been updated (version 4).

**ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a recognized identifier in the scientific community, created to solve homonymity problems. It is a unique, persistent, global, open, and free identifier. It is an important tool for your online visibility, do not hesitate to create your ORCID.

MyORBi: redesigned and improved

The display and structure of MyORBi have been thoroughly revised to offer more information and action possibilities. 

  • A more ergonomic navigation.
  • Highlighting of actions to be performed by the depositor on the home screen (signature, validation, finalization, etc.) to avoid forgetting unfinished references.
  • Possibility to designate several mandataries to encode publications, or that a mandatary can work for several authors. 

Your publications lists

From your MyORBi, your publication lists are more modern and easier to use, with new metrics.

  • Search and facetting options to find your references more easily in your MyORBi.
  • Display of reference lists in a web page (lab site, personal site, etc.) not only by using iframe but also by using APIs. This is a great extension of the possibilities of exploitation of ORBi data.
Publications report
  • Modernized report design, adapted to the ULiège graphic charter.
  • Revised templates to meet the changing needs of different disciplines.
  • Faster generation of reports.
  • New citation metrics : in addition to Scopus, we will add Dimensions, OpenCitations and CrossRef.

Your "author" profile page

We have created a profile page for each author linked to different tools and external publication lists.

You will find there :

  • Your basic information (name, first name, affiliation).
  • A series of information coming from the ULiège directory, if you have given your agreement: photo, Google Scholar and social network links, general biography, personal website.
  • Your ORCID identifier, if you have one.
  • Your research topics: the most frequent keywords and research areas in your ORBi publications.
  • Your main co-authors.
  • Your most downloaded reference.
  • Your most cited reference.
  • Your complete list of publications: either a simple alphabetical list or a list following an institutional model of your choice.Vos informations de base (nom, prénom, affiliation).

Authority lists for quality data

Authority lists are used to unambiguously identify people or concepts. In the new version of ORBi, three lists will help you enrich your references.

List of periodicals

When ORBi was launched in 2008, there was no list of journals of sufficient quality to use. So we built it, and it now contains over 69,000 journal titles, including those in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and is now used by several universities and the Flemish government in Belgium.

We have added new information:

  • The Open Access status of the journal.
  • Its DOI.
  • The Creative Commons license status, when available.
  • The type of scientific validation (peer review, editorial review).
List of institutions and funding agencies

We sometimes had duplicate institutions and funding agencies in different forms. The institutions and funding agencies database will solve this problem. 

It currently contains about 1,000 agencies, matched wherever possible with ISNI, DOI, and Ringgold identifiers, so that there is only one record for one agency. It has been updated in collaboration with the Research and Innovation Administration. If the desired organization is not in the list, it is still possible to mention it. 

List of ULiège research units

The list of research centers has also been updated based on the list of research units validated at the institutional level. It now includes nearly 200 units in order to better reflect the reality of publications by ULiège researchers. Of course it will remain possible to mention other research centers that would not be available in the reference list.

Improved support and communications

ORBi's communication has been completely revised: clearer and more focused on the actions to be taken, in order to be lighter for the researchers.

Help from ORBi
  • Simplifiée : fini les longs documents !
  • Aide contextuelle uniquement au « survol ».
  • Réduction du nombre d’e-mails, plus clairs et moins longs. Les actions à réaliser sont directement visibles.
  • Notifications dans votre MyORBi pour tout ce qui est simplement informatif.

More than ten tutorials covering the essentials of ORBi have been created and can be accessed directly from your MyORBi: help with deposit, advice on the advantages of Open Access for your publications, etc.


You can contact the team via a web form linked to our ticketing system (already used for Ask Al, MatheO, etc.).
Local ORBi referents, members of ULiège Library, have a much larger role in ORBi as the first point of contact to help you.

And much more!

We have adopted an agile development methodology: developments and corrections will be made quickly, at regular intervals.
Do not hesitate to send us your suggestions. Our team will be happy to receive your feedback to further improve ORBi!

Contact ORBi