[en] Based on the clinical presentation of some skin pigmentation disorders it is thought that a bicompartmental functional system exists in the epidermal melanocyte population. It corresponds to the perifollicular and interfollicular compartments, respectively. The present study was undertaken looking for the presence of such a system on scalp unaffected by pigmentary disorders. The scalps of 100 men with incipient to severe androgenic alopecia were examined using a videocamera equipped with an internal ultraviolet light-emitting unit. The face, trunk and limbs were similarly examined in 45 of these adults and in 13 children of both sexes. In 92 men, a subclinical hypermelanosis was found as a speckled pattern centered on every single follicle. With increasing baldness severity, another epidermal hyperpigmentation pattern involving the interfollicular area was superimposed to the perifollicular pattern. These stereotyped patterns of subclinical melanoderma were also disclosed on the face of adults, but not in children. In addition, the spotty perifollicular pattern was discrete or not apparent on the other parts of the body. It is concluded that the perifollicular subclinical melanotic pattern is a regional characteristic of cephalic skin, perhaps related to the local production of melanocortins, particularly alpha-MSH by the pilosebaceous unit.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Petit, Ludivine; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Dermatopathologie
Saint Leger, Didier; L'Oréal Paris, France
Loussouarn, Genevieve; L'Oréal Paris, France
Pierard, Gérald ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Dermatopathologie
Language :
Title :
Subclinical speckled perifollicular melanosis of the scalp.
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