[en] This study builds on earlier work showing that adult emotional competencies (EC) could be improved through a relatively brief training. In a set of 2 controlled experimental studies, the authors investigated whether developing EC could lead to improved emotional functioning; long-term personality changes; and important positive implications for physical, psychological, social, and work adjustment. Results of Study 1 showed that 18 hr of training with e-mail follow-up was sufficient to significantly improve emotion regulation, emotion understanding, and overall EC. These changes led in turn to long-term significant increases in extraversion and agreeableness as well as a decrease in neuroticism. Results of Study 2 showed that the development of EC brought about positive changes in psychological well-being, subjective health, quality of social relationships, and employability. The effect sizes were sufficiently large for the changes to be considered as meaningful in people's lives.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
Nelis, Delphine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cognitives > Psycho. de la personnalité et des différences individuelles
Kotsou, Ilios
Quoidbach, Jordi ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie : cognition et comportement > Psycho. de la personnalité et des différences individuelles
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