Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ecological and pedological combined studies to improve the management of an endangered commercial timber species : the case of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen in the south-eastern part of Cameroon
Bourland, Nils ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Forêts, Nature et Paysage > Gestion des ressources forestières et des milieux naturels
Doucet, Jean-Louis ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Forêts, Nature et Paysage > Laboratoire de Foresterie des régions trop. et subtropicales
Language :
Title :
Ecological and pedological combined studies to improve the management of an endangered commercial timber species : the case of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen in the south-eastern part of Cameroon
Publication date :
July 2011
Event name :
Workshop of the Belgian Group for Primatology and FNRS contact Group ‘Primatology’ : “SEED DISPERSION AND THE ROLE OF FAUNA IN THE CONSERVATION OF FOREST HABITAT”
Event organizer :
Belgian Group for Primatology and FNRS contact Group ‘Primatology’