Robustness; Steel structures; Building frame; Applications
Abstract :
[en] The aim of this exercise is to investigate different ways of ensuring the robustness of a frame building structure considering a vehicle impact on a column of the ground floor. The building is located at a corner of two roadways and thus the perimeter columns adjacent to these roads are likely to be impacted by a car or a lorry. Besides, the ground floor is a parking area (accessible to cars only) so that any internal column could also be damaged.
The different approaches proposed in the Eurocodes will be applied and discussed. These methods consist for example in increasing the column resistance in such a way they can resist the impact or designing the structure so that it remains globally stable despite the loss of the damaged column. However, in such a case, a static removal of the column will be assumed (for sake of simplicity, no dynamic effect due to the failure of the column will be taken into account in this exercise).
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Coméliau, Ludivine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur MS2F > Adéquat. struct. aux exig. de fonct.& perfor. techn.-écon.