stable isotope; Organochlorines; Bioaccumulation; Freshwater; food web
Abstract :
[en] Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon were
measured in a tropical freshwater ecosystem to evaluate the contamination level of biota and examine
the bioaccumulation patterns of pollutants through the food web. Chemical analyses showed a general
and heavy contamination of the entire food web. They revealed the strong accumulation of pollutants by
juveniles of diadromous fishes and shrimps, as they re-enter the river. The role of ecological factors in the
bioaccumulation of pesticides was evaluated. Whereas the most persistent pollutants (chlordecone and
monohydro-chlordecone) were related to the organisms diet and habitat, bioaccumulation of b-HCH was
only influenced by animal lipid content. The biomagnification potential of chlordecone through the food
chain has been demonstrated. It highlighted the importance of trophic transfer in this compound bioaccumulation
process. In contrast, bioconcentration by passive diffusion from water seemed to be the
main exposure route of biota to b-HCH.
Research Center/Unit :
MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège Dynecar - Université Antilles Guyane
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