Ovum pick-up; Assisted reproduction; Medium responders; High responders; FSH; Cow
Abstract :
[en] In human IVF, the concept of 'low responders' is well known and generally defined as women with poor-response to gonadotrophin stimulation in a previous induction cycle. The objective of this retrospective study is to describe and characterise the concepts of 'low-, medium-, and high-response' and 'low, medium, and high responders' in bovine-assisted reproduction by analysing the OPU-IVF results obtained following 665 gonadotrophin-stimulated sessions conducted in 112 animals, nearly all of which were previously unsuccessful in traditional multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) programs. They were submitted to OPU and IVP between 1999 and 2003. In reference to these 665 OPU sessions, categories of response were defined based on the overall mean+/-S.D. follicles aspirated and COC obtained i.e., for follicles 14.7+/-9.8 and for COCs 11.7+/-8.1. So arbitrary cut-off values to define the categories of sessions were for follicles 5 and 25, and for COC 4 and 20. The three categories for follicles punctured in one session were therefore follicle low-response (FLR)<or=5 follicles, follicle medium-response (FMR) 6-24 follicles or follicle high-response (FHR)>or=25 follicles and for COCs recovered in one session COC low-response (CLR)<or=4 COC, COC medium-response (CMR) 5-19 COC or COC high-response (CHR)>or=20 COC. In addition, four categories of animals were also defined: (1) a low responder animal (LRA) had at least one OPU session in which FLR and CLR were observed (genuine low-response, see Section ); these animals did not have any high-response sessions, (2) a medium responder animal (MeRA) had only medium-responses, (3) a high responder animal (HRA) had at least one OPU session in which FHR and CHR were observed; these animals did not have any low-response sessions, and (4) mixed responder animals (MiRA) had both low and high-responses. Finally, we distinguished biological (animals) and technical (recovery rate and ultrasound resolution) causes of response differences. In 'low, high, medium and mixed reponders,' different results were obtained (p<0.05): mean follicle numbers (8.8+/-4.8a, 22.4+/-10.5c, 13.2+/-5.2b,15.1+/-10.2d), COC numbers (6.3+/-3.9a, 18.5+/-8.2c, 10.4+/-4b, 12.0+/-8.3d), embryo numbers (1.8+/-2.1a, 5.6+/-4.9c, 2.5+/-2.7b, 3.5+/-3.8d) and also for recovery rate (72%a, 83%b,79%, 79%) and percentage embryo development (29%, 30%a, 24%b, 29%). In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that variability in OPU results has technical (ultrasound resolution and recovery rate) as well as biological (animal) aspects. Selection of animals with extreme (high or low) follicle and COC production results allows us to distinguish three populations: 'low, medium, and high responders' to FSH stimulation.
Disciplines :
Veterinary medicine & animal health Biotechnology
Author, co-author :
De Roover, Rudolf; Universite de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire > Thériogenologie des animaux de production
Bols, P. E. J.
Genicot, Gaëtan; Université de Liège - ULiège
Hanzen, Christian ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département clinique des animaux de production (DCP) > Obstétr. et path. de la reprod. des équidés, rumin. et porcs
Language :
Title :
Characterisation of low, medium and high responders following FSH stimulation prior to ultrasound-guided transvaginal oocyte retrieval in cows
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