Same sex relationships; private international law; same sex marriages; lex loci registrationis; public policy; characterization; recognition; partnerships
Abstract :
[en] This presentation attempts to give an overview of the private international law rules pertaining to same sex relationships (marriages and partnerships) in Europe, in order to examine whether there exists a consensus among the countries concerned, what are the difficulties arising out of the lack of consensus and how these difficulties can best be tackled. The proceedings of the conference will appear in a book published by Intersentia (Boele Woelki/Fuchs, Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships in Europe, Antwerp, 2nd ed. 2011).
Disciplines :
European & international law Civil law
Author, co-author :
Wautelet, Patrick ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit international privé
Language :
Title :
Cross-Border Same Sex Relationships - Private international law aspects
Publication date :
April 2011
Event name :
Legal Recognition of Same Sex Relationships in Europe - National, Cross-Border and European Perspectives