Nutrient digestibility of Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) bean in guinea fowl (Numida meleagris, L): Effects of heat treatment and levels of incorporation in diets.
Dahouda, M.; Toleba, Soumanou Seibou; Youssao, A. K. al.
2009 • In British Poultry Science, 50 (5), p. 564-72
Animal Feed/toxicity; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology; Animals; Body Weight/physiology; Digestion/physiology; Eating/physiology; Feces/chemistry; Hot Temperature; Mucuna/metabolism/toxicity; Poultry/metabolism; Random Allocation
Abstract :
[en] 1. Mucuna pruriens var. utilis is a legume, the seeds of which are scarcely used in animal diets owing to their high content of 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (L-Dopa). 2. Experiments were conducted on guinea fowl to assess the effects of two types of heat processing (cooking and toasting) on chemical composition and nutrient digestibility of Mucuna seeds offered alone or incorporated at three concentrations (40, 120 or 200 g/kg) in complete diets. 3. Diets containing 200 g/kg seeds had more crude fibre and less ether extract. L-Dopa content increased with the amount of Mucuna inclusion. Cooking reduced markedly L-Dopa content while toasting had no effect. When fed alone, Mucuna seeds dramatically decreased feed intake. 4. Feed intake (FI) and body weight gain (BWG) were not influenced by the complete diets. Cooking significantly increased crude fibre digestibility. 5. It is suggested that cracked and cooked Mucuna bean can be incorporated at a safe level of 120 g/kg in complete diets for guinea fowl production.
Disciplines :
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology
Author, co-author :
Dahouda, M.; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > Nutrition des animaux domestiques
Toleba, Soumanou Seibou
Youssao, A. K. I.
Hambuckers, Alain ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences et gestion de l'environnement > Taxonomie végétale et biologie de la conservation
Dangou-Sapoho, R.
Martin, Gérard ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Médecine de l'appareil locomoteur
Fillet, Marianne ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de pharmacie > Analyse des médicaments
Hornick, Jean-Luc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > Nutrition des animaux domestiques
Language :
Title :
Nutrient digestibility of Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) bean in guinea fowl (Numida meleagris, L): Effects of heat treatment and levels of incorporation in diets.
Publication date :
Journal title :
British Poultry Science
Publisher :
Carfax Publishing Company, Abingdon, United Kingdom
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