Abstract :
[en] Volume tables have been constructed for European larch (Larix decidua Mill.), Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.) and hybrid larch (Larix X eurolepis Henry) trees in the Ardenne (southern part of Belgium), which is a natural region located at elevations ranging from 340 to 550 m on mainly siliceous rocks. The application of the proposed tables is only for trees whose diameters (d.b.h.) are less than 22 cm over bark at 1.3 m above ground level. They are particularly useful for estimating total tree volume of trees (excluding branches) of early thinnings and volume increment of small-sized trees in genetic improvement experiments. The volume equations are based on data collected over a wide range of site conditions. In these regional volume tables, the volumes (total volume of the stem and volume to an upper diameter limit of 7 cm) are correlated with both d.b.h. and total height.
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