Abstract :
[en] The management of blood volume during major surgical procedures as cardiac surgery during extracorporeal circulation (ECC) is crucial
in maintaining the homeostasis of the patient [1].
Currently, the perfusionnist has few medical or perfusion data based on the evidence (EBM and EBP) in this area.
It’s only the relationship between the level of hemodilution and the restriction or absence of homologous blood transfusion and mortality
or postoperative morbidity that is supported by EBM and EBP [2-7].
The adequate control is not only limited to the miniaturization of the cardio pulmonary circuits ; it implies, on a practical standpoint, a
circuit design and a choice of components combining safety, biocompatibility and reduced priming volume and dilution.
The clinical and therapeutic constraints are dependent on the patient [8].
These ones require an analysis of the useful blood volume upstream and downstream the E.C.C. sequence [8].
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