Utilisation digestive et métabolique et valeur nutritionnelle de la farine de feuilles de Cassia tora (Linn.) incorporée dans la ration alimentaire des poulets indigènes du Sénégal
[en] In the prospect of the Cassia tora leaves meal recovering as a protein ingredient source for diets of Senegal indigenous chickens, a study was carried out to determine their nutrient utilisation and nutritional value. Twenty adult Senegal indigenous chickens were housed in metabolic cages and allotted in four groups of five birds each. The groups were corresponding to four dietary treatments (CT0, CT5, CT10 and CT15) containing respectively 0, 5,
<br />10 and 15% of cassia leaves meal in substitution of groundnut cake meal. The cassia leaves are relatively rich in protein (27.4% DM), crude fibre (16.8% DM), NDF (25.7% DM) and ash (15.2% DM), particularly in calcium (3.1%) and potassium (1.3% DM). It contained 3.8% DM, 36.8% DM and 2050.47kcal/kg DM of ether extract, nitrogen-free extract and metabolizable
<br />energy, respectively. Except for fat, the inclusion of Cassia tora leaves meal in the indigenous poultry diets until 15% has no significant adverse effect on nutrient and energy utilization, feed intake, average daily weight gain and feed conversion of the Senegal indigenous poultry. It significantly improved the crude fibre and ash utilization from 5% dietary treatment (CT5).
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
Ayssiwede, Simplice Bosco
Chrysostome, Christian
Ossebi, W.
Dieng, Abdoulaye
Hornick, Jean-Luc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > Nutrition des animaux domestiques
Missohou, Ayao
Language :
Title :
Utilisation digestive et métabolique et valeur nutritionnelle de la farine de feuilles de Cassia tora (Linn.) incorporée dans la ration alimentaire des poulets indigènes du Sénégal
Alternative titles :
[en] Digestibility and metabolic utilisation and nutritional value of Cassia tora (Linn.) leaves meal incorporated in the diets of indigenous Senegal chickens
Publication date :
Journal title :
Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire
Publisher :
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire Toulouse, Toulouse, France
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