General Circulation models; Greenland; Atmospheric circulation; Atmospheric circulation type classification; COST733 action; Modèles de circulation générale; Groenland; Circulation atmosphérique; Classification de types de circulations atmosphériques; Action COST733
Abstract :
[en] The variability of the geopotential height at 500 hPa simulated by General Circulation Models (GCMs) over
Greenland is evaluated using an atmospheric circulation type classification. The GCM outputs for the current
climate (20C3M) are first compared to reanalysis data over 1961-1990. The comparison shows that most of
them simulate well the main circulation types but fail to reproduce their frequencies because of underestimations
of circulation variability and biases in the mean geopotential height. GCM-based future projections do not
individualise new circulation types but show a general increase of the geopotential height. Based on this
approach, the correlation between surface temperature and atmospheric circulation offers a new way for
estimating the Greenland ice sheet melt.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Belleflamme, Alexandre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Topoclimatologie
Fettweis, Xavier ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Topoclimatologie
Erpicum, Michel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Topoclimatologie
Language :
Title :
Analysis of the atmospheric circulation simulated by GCMs over Greenland
Alternative titles :
[fr] Analyse de la circulation atmosphérique simulée par les GCM au Groenland