[en] I. The velocities of expansion of Nova Herculis show a range of from 338 km/sec for [O II] to 256 km/sec for [O III]. This suggests stratification. The lines show curved outer components, with a faint indication of a central line in the case of Hγ. Considerable change has taken place in the relative intensities of the emission lines since 1940. The continuous spectrum of the central star has decreased in brightness.
II. The forbidden spectra of [Fe V] and [Fe VI] are well developed in the present spectrum of Nova Serpentis. Although thirty-three years have elapsed since the outburst, the electron density in the nebulosity is still high, compared with most planetary nebulae.
III. Several unidentified lines measured by H. Spencer Jones in Nova Pictoris (1925) can now be attributed to [Fe V] and [Fe III].