Commercial Geography; Urban studies; Géographie du commerce de détail; Etudes urbaines
Abstract :
[en] This article tries to draw an inventory of the research in commercial geography analyzing in turn four fields of investigation in the discipline : the urban networks, the commercial town-planning, the commercial location and the consumer's spatial behaviour. Though they are complementary, these four domains appear quite specific in particular by their problematics and their logic.
Next comes the study of the future prospects of the commercial geography. Then the narrow links between commerce and geography are emphasized and an organization of the research is proposed in order to ensure a better integration of the specificity of the geographical contribution and the working out of a real theory in commercial geography [fr] L'article tente de dresser un bilan des recherches en géographie du commerce de détail en les organisant selon quatre grands champs d'investigation : les réseaux urbains, l'urbanisme commercial, les localisations commerciales et le comportement spatial du consommateur. On s'y interroge ensuite sur le futur de la géographie commerciale et on propose un développement d'une réelle théorie en géographie commerciale
Research Center/Unit :
SEGEFA : Service d'Etudes en Géographie économique fondamentale et appliquée
Disciplines :
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) Human geography & demography