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Abstract :
[en] This is the first report of a Si/SiGe resonant interband tunneling diodes (RITDs) on silicon substrates grown by the chemical vapor deposition process. The nominal RITD structure forms two quantum wells created by sharp delta-doping planes which provide for a resonant tunneling condition through the intrinsic spacer. The vapor phase doping technique was used to achieve abrupt degenerate doping profiles at higher substrate temperatures than previous reports using low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy, and postgrowth annealing experiments are suggestive that fewer point defects are incorporated, as a result. The as-grown RITD samples without postgrowth thermal annealing show negative differential resistance with a recorded peak-to-valley current ratio up to 1.85 with a corresponding peak current density of 0.1 kA/cm2 at room temperature
Park, Si-Young; Ohio State University > Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anisha, Ramesh; Ohio State University > Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Berger, Paul; Ohio State University > Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Physics
Loo, Roger; IMEC
Takeuchi, Shotaro; IMEC
Caymax, Matty; IMEC
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