Comparaison des caractéristiques de production de la pintade locale (Meleagris numida) en station et dans le milieu villageois en zone soudano-guinéenne du Bénin
croissance; ponte; mortalité; éclosion; gain quotidien moyen; indice de consommation; incubation
Abstract :
[en] A survey on the production characteristics of guinea fowl (Meleagris numida) was carried out in the Borgou department located in the soudano-guinean zone North-Est of Benin. Chicks and reproductive groups were kept either on station under improved management conditions or in rural environment. In rural environment, the birds were divided in two groups. The birds pertaining to the first group were treated against parasitic diseases, whereas those in the second one (control group) received no treatment.
Under station conditions, the feed conversion ratio and the daily weight gain were 8.8 and 5.7 g/day respectively. Mean body weight at six months of age were 1151g and 1085g for males and females, respectively. Sexual maturity was reached at 36 weeks of age. For mature hens kept on station, laying rate and the mean egg weight were 37.2% (65% at the peak) and 41.1g respectively. Smothering, stress and pricking were the major constraints to the cloistering of guinea fowl.
In rural environment, the mean hatchability rate was 70%. Mortality rate and adult body weight were not significantly different between groups. Mortality rate observed in the rural environment was 50% for both treated or untreated birds. Apart from the parasitic affections, the main causes of mortality were the rain, the predators, the cold and the fragility of chicks. The mean body weight at six months of age is higher for the birds raised under village conditions in comparison to the birds kept on station.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
Dahouda, Mahamadou; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > Nutrition des animaux domestiques
Comparaison des caractéristiques de production de la pintade locale (Meleagris numida) en station et dans le milieu villageois en zone soudano-guinéenne du Bénin
Alternative titles :
[fr] Comparison of local Guinea fowl (Meleagris numida) production characteristics in experimental station and rural area in soudano-guinean zone of Bénin
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