Comparative study of coach-athlete interactions in mixed traditional Japanese martial art, female amateur track and field, and male professional basketball
[en] This study compared the interactions of coaches and athletes in three highly different contexts. Coaches and athletes' strategies were explored through observation and qualitative interviews, then processed regarding what was at stake in their interactions and the resources they respectively possessed. Qualitative data analysis showed that strategies respectively adopted by coaches and athletes in the three contexts were similar to the collective activity labelled "tacit cooperation" in organizational psychology. Financial, political and symbolic stakes were proposed as argument explaining these similarities.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Lenzen, Benoît; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des Activités physiques et sportives > Intervention et Gestion en Activités physiques et sportives
Brouwers, Michael; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des Activités physiques et sportives > Intervention et Gestion en Activités physiques et sportives
Dejardin, Robert; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des Activités physiques et sportives > Intervention et Gestion en Activités physiques et sportives
Lachi, Benoît; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des Activités physiques et sportives > Intervention et Gestion des Activités physiques et sportives
Cloes, Marc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des Activités physiques et sportives > Intervention et gestion en activités physiques et sportives
Language :
Title :
Comparative study of coach-athlete interactions in mixed traditional Japanese martial art, female amateur track and field, and male professional basketball
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