Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Understanding and supporting collaborative design using an horizontal tabletop display
Safin, Stéphane; Leclercq, Pierre; Decortis, Françoise
2006In Proceedings of the IEA2006. 16th World Congress on Ergonomics
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Architectural design; collaborative tabletop; external representations; sketching
Abstract :
[en] Based on our research on evaluating a Virtual desk environment for architects and designers is it possible to derive requirements for supporting collaborative design activities ? We first examine questions related to internal and external interactions in architectural design, to the role of external representations and their extension as shared objects of design in collaborative horizontal tabletop. Then we describe the Virtual Desktop and the EsQUIsE software. We will synthesize the results of our former investigations on this setting, in order to derive new orientations for the design and research.
Disciplines :
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Social, industrial & organizational psychology
Author, co-author :
Safin, Stéphane ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur TLU+C > Lucid - Lab for User Cognition & Innovative Design
Leclercq, Pierre ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur TLU+C > Lucid - Lab for User Cognition & Innovative Design
Decortis, Françoise ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de personne et société > Psychologie du travail et des entreprises - IKU (Interactions, Knowledge, Usages)
Language :
Title :
Understanding and supporting collaborative design using an horizontal tabletop display
Publication date :
July 2006
Event name :
IEA2006. 16th World Congress on Ergonomics
Event place :
Maastricht, Netherlands
Audience :
Main work title :
Proceedings of the IEA2006. 16th World Congress on Ergonomics
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBi :
since 01 June 2010


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