[en] The threshold photoelectron spectrum of Vinylchloride has been recorded using synchrotron radiation. The attention is focussed on the abundant fine structure between 10-12 eV and has been assigned to vibrational autoinization.
Research Center/Unit :
Laboratoire de Dynamique Moléculaire, BESSY
Disciplines :
Language :
Title :
Resonant Autoionization in Vinylchloride between 10-12 eV.
Alternative titles :
[fr] Autoionisation résonante dans le Chlorure de Vinyle entre 10-12 eV.
Publication date :
Publisher :
Berliner Elektronen Speischerring für Synchrotron Strahlung m.b.H, Berlin, Germany
Number of pages :
Collection name :
BESSY Jahresbericht/Annual Report 1995.
Funders :
FRFC - Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique EU - European Union
Funding text :
EU Contract n° CHGE-CT93-0027
Commentary :
- PDF-version of Editor's Postprint available on request
- Version-pdf du tiré-à-part disponible sur demande