2-Point correlation function of nanostructured materials via the grey-tone correlation function of electron tomograms: A three-dimensional structural analysis of ordered mesoporous silica
Gommes, Cédric; Friedrich, Heiner; De Jongh, Petra Eet al.
mesoporous materials; Electron tomography; Image analysis; Correlation analysis
Abstract :
[en] Electron tomography is a unique technique for imaging the microstructure of materials with a nanometer resolution. The signal to noise ratio of electron tomograms is, however, often too low for a reliable segmentation-based image analysis. We derive a general relation between the grey-tone correlation function of the tomograms and the 2-point correlation function of the morphology, which enables to analyze quantitatively the grey-tone correlation function with a morphological model of the material. The methodology is applied to SBA-15 ordered mesoporous silica. The three-dimensional grey-tone correlation function obtained from electron tomography is analyzed in terms of a hexagonal array of Gaussian independent pores. The model enables to relate the morphology obtained from the 2-point correlation function to macroscopic characterization data of the material, notably small-angle X-ray scattering and nitrogen adsorption.
Research Center/Unit :
Departement de Chimie Appliquée, ULiège
Disciplines :
Materials science & engineering
Author, co-author :
Gommes, Cédric ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie appliquée > Génie chimique - Génie catalytique
Friedrich, Heiner; Universiteit Utrecht > Inorganic Cemistry and Catalysis
De Jongh, Petra E; Universiteit Utrecht > Inorganic Cemistry and Catalysis
De Jong, Krijn P; Universiteit Utrecht > Inorganic Cemistry and Catalysis
Language :
Title :
2-Point correlation function of nanostructured materials via the grey-tone correlation function of electron tomograms: A three-dimensional structural analysis of ordered mesoporous silica
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