[en] Ossification of collateral cartilages is a common radiographic finding in draught horses and indication of a high frequency of interphalangeal osteo-arthropathy have been found in Ardenner horses. This study first aimed at following the evolution of the digits of the forelimbs on radiographic images in a group of 32 Ardenner horses from weaning to 852 +/- 19 days and, secondly, at evaluating the clinical significance of the observed radiographic changes. At 250 +/- 21 days, only 23% of the horses presented a small separate ossification centre of collateral cartilages above the level of the distal sesamoid bone or at the level of the proximal half of the middle phalanx. At 852 +/- 19 days, 100% of the horses presented an ossification of collateral cartilages but at different stages and grades. The presence and the extent of the ossification of the lateral cartilages were not significantly associated with lameness. Phalanges changes appeared at the average age of 1 year and they were represented by entheseophytes on the dorsal surface of the middle and distal phalanges. The frequency of affected horses increased with age as well as the size of the entheseophytes. This may reflect mechanical stresses applied to the interphalangeal joints. A significant association with the presence of lameness was pointed out. The presence and the severity of phalanges changes could be of importance, in combination with a clinical examination, in improving the selection of horses able to assume work and/or leisure activities.
Research Center/Unit :
Centre européen du cheval de Mont-le-Soie
Disciplines :
Veterinary medicine & animal health
Author, co-author :
Lejeune, Jean-Philippe ; Université de Liège - ULiège et Centre européen du cheval de Mont-le-Soie > Département clinique des animaux de compagnie et des équidés > Anesthésiologie gén. et pathologie chirurg. des grds animaux
Schneider, Nicole ; Université de Liège - ULiège et Centre européen du cheval de Mont-le-Soie > Département clinique des animaux de compagnie et des équidés > Anesthésiologie gén. et pathologie chirurg. des grds animaux
Caudron, Isabelle
Duvivier, Dominique Hannia
Serteyn, Didier ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département clinique des animaux de compagnie et des équidés > Anesthésiologie gén. et pathologie chirurg. des grds animaux
Language :
Title :
Radiographic evolution of the forelimb digit in Ardenner horses from weaning to 28 months of age and its clinical significance
Publication date :
September 2006
Journal title :
Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A, Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Medicine
Publisher :
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funders :
Région wallonne. Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Nature, de la Forêt, de la Ruralité, du Tourisme, du Patrimoine
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