[en] The paper analyses the description of women in Symmachus’
Letters to shed light on the author’s view on the role of women in society. The
scarce presence of reference to women in Symmachus’ over 900 letters is significative
evidence of his strict traditionalism: the only profile of a woman properly
outlined in the whole epistolary corpus, in letter 6, 67, potraits Symmachus’
daughter as a prisca femina, praiseworthy for accepting her role of matrona
lanifica and for rejecting the leisures that her wealth and position would offer.
Disciplines :
Classical & oriental studies
Author, co-author :
Fascione, Sara ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Mondes anciens
Language :
Title :
Le donne di Simmaco
Publication date :
Main work title :
La rete di Aracne. Pensieri e azione contro la violenza sulle donne
Author, co-author :
Fascione, Sara ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Mondes anciens