[en] The environmental problems caused by plastics of fossil origin are well known. To reduce harmful impact on the environment, bacterial-based plastics, such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), are a promising solution. Microbial PHAs can be produced using abundant and inexpensive agricultural by-products as raw material. In this study, the potential use of Cupriavidus necator 11599 for the bioconversion of cassava starch into biodegradable PHAs was explored. Although Cupriavidus necator 11599 is a well-known PHA producer, it cannot grow directly on starch. Thus, acid hydrolysis was carried out on the starch extracted from cassava peels to obtain fermentable sugars. Optimal concentration of reducing sugars (RSs) was obtained by hydrolysis of cassava peel starch with sulfuric acid concentrations of 0.4 N and 0.6 N, at 95˚C and 4 h. The hydrolyzed starch was used for PHA production in Erlenmeyer flasks using reducing sugars (RSs) concentrations ranging from 10 g/L to 25 g/L. The best RS concentration 20 g/L and 25 g/L gave 85.13% ± 1.17% and 89.01% ± 2.49% of biomass PHA content and biomass concentrations of 8.18 g/L and 8.32 g/L, respectively in 48 hours. This research demonstrates that cassava peel starch as an inexpensive feedstock could be used for PHA production, paving the way for the use of other starchy materials to make bioplastics.
Disciplines :
Chemical engineering Biotechnology
Author, co-author :
Diribissakou, Ida; Treatment and Valorization Laboratory (GTVD), Faculty of Sciences, University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo ; INRS Water, Earth and Environment, Canada
Bassaї Bodjona, Magnoudéwa; Treatment and Valorization Laboratory (GTVD), Faculty of Sciences, University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo
Yan, Song; INRS Water, Earth and Environment, Canada
Mahy, Julien ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Chemical engineering ; INRS Water, Earth and Environment, Canada
Tchangbedji, Gado; Treatment and Valorization Laboratory (GTVD), Faculty of Sciences, University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo
Dayal Tyagi, Rajeshwar; INRS Water, Earth and Environment, Canada
Yao, Benjamin; Houphouët Boigny National Polytechnic Institute (INPHB), Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire
Drogui, Patrick; INRS Water, Earth and Environment, Canada
Language :
Title :
Cassava Peel Starch as a Raw Material for Polyhydroxyalkanoates Synthesis by Cupriavidus necator