agri-food system; agroecological transitions; alternative food networks; food policies; just transitions; Sociology and Political Science
Abstract :
[en] Transitions to sustainable consumption and production patterns now appear as a widely acknowledged necessity for contemporary food systems. Sustainable transition processes raise major issues of social justice as they often exclude some actors and social groups, as the literature on alternative food networks has amply shown. Based on three case studies anchored in different national contexts (France, Brazil and Belgium), which all emerged at the interface of civil society and public policy, the aim of this article is to show how their promoters try to tackle together sustainable transitions, food justice and food democracy, and thus make food system transitions not only sustainable but also socially just. They adopt on the one hand, an analytical stance on transitions to more sustainable food practices, on inequalities of access and on participation, and on the other hand, an experimental stance leading them to put to test specific mechanisms to support these transitions, to alleviate food injustice and to favour participation and thus also food democracy. We show that it is by combining these analytical and experimental stances that these social experiments succeed to different degrees in articulating sustainable transitions, food justice and food democracy.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Lamine, Claire ; INRAE Ecodéveloppement, Avignon, France
Tuscano, Martina; INRAE Ecodéveloppement, Avignon, France
Feyereisen, Marlène ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences et gestion de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environnement)
Castro, Terena Peres; University Federal of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
Bui, Sibylle; GREDEG, Valbonne, France
Language :
Title :
Articulating sustainable transitions, food justice and food democracy: Insights from three social experiments in France, Belgium and Brazil
H2020 - 101007755 - ATTER - Agroecological Transitions for Territorial Food Systems
Funders :
EU - European Union
Funding text :
This work was carried out within the Excipient project (Cit'In Programme, 2018–2021) and finalised with the support of the ATTER (Agroecological Transitions for TERritorial food systems) project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101007755.This work was carried out within the Excipient project (Cit'In Programme, 2018–2021) and finalised with the support of the ATTER (Agroecological Transitions for TERritorial food systems) project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska‐Curie grant agreement No 101007755.
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