_Development of a Benchmark Model for Residential Buildings with a Mediterranean Climate_ The Aero-Habitat in Algiers City - sustainability-17-00831.pdf
energy use; thermal comfort; aero-habitat; simulation; Algiers city
Abstract :
[en] The problem of maximizing energy efficiency in Algerian residential structures in
Mediterranean climates is discussed in this article. The primary issue with North Africa’s
residential building stock is the dearth of benchmark models that describe thermal comfort
and energy use, which is made worse by high cooling needs and energy poverty. The
principal aim of this study is to create a benchmark model that will aid in evaluating the
energy performance of the existing system and to suggest a series of actions to improve
efficiency and thermal comfort in the future. The technique builds a calibrated model
based on a database of 284 Algiers apartments by combining modeling and empirical
observations. Based on the observed U-Value wall of 0.43 W/(m2K), the average annual
energy use for Archetype A is 3.70 kWh/m2, and the average annual heating energy
use is 13.20 kWh/m2. The significance of this model in advancing energy efficiency and
sustainability in Mediterranean climates is emphasized in the Conclusion Section. These
results contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of building energy in similar global
environments and evaluate the thermal comfort and the measurement of CO2 emissions in
this type of building.
Research Center/Unit :
sustainable Building Design Lab
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Tellache, Asmaa ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Urban and Environmental Engineering ; University of Algiers 1 Benyoucef Benkhedda, Algeria > Department of Architecture
Lazri, Youcef; Department of Architecture, University of 08 Mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria
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